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"If you can make full use of me, Xiaojian, there will be no one you can't kill, even Qichan will be no problem"...

Nanami is too strong. She is so strong that it makes no sense. In Kenpachi Zaraki's perception, her spiritual pressure is very ordinary, and can only barely reach the level of a god of death.

However, whether it is a contest of strength, a confrontation of slashes, or a struggle of spiritual pressure, Zaraki has completely lost.

"This is satisfying."

Zaraki did not despair because of this, even though the man opposite him, Nanami, was not injured at all, while he was already covered in serious injuries. Even his right arm holding the knife was almost cut off, with only a piece of skin barely connected.

Not only that, because the bones of his legs were broken by the huge force, the bones were exposed, and Zaraki could not even stand facing Nanami.

Especially the bloody hole on his stomach, that was the fatal injury.

"Is that all you can do? Let's stop here."

Nanami was no longer as harmless as before. Her cold face showed no change. She had neither the joy of victory nor the disappointment of Zaraki's failure. It was as if this was nothing unusual.

She turned around, put away the Thunder Spear in her hand, and made a move to leave.

"Where are you going?"

Zeraki raised his relatively intact left hand and stretched it towards Nanami, wanting to grab her and stop her from leaving. Their battle was not over yet, and he was not dead yet. This was the first time he had encountered an opponent who could fight him so happily. How could he be willing to end it like this?


Tanashi stopped and paused for a moment before saying without looking back:"Unless you can use Bankai, this is the end of it."

In fact, even if Saraki used Bankai, it would be useless, but this is what Tanashi said in his heart.


Zaraki's eyes glowed. Since he could already use Shikai Zanpakutō, he should be able to use Bankai as well, right?

"I said."

Looking down at the sword in his hand, Geng Mu murmured,"Since you are awake, why don't you continue to fight with me? It can't be just this level, right? You are my sword."


It was as if a breeze blew in my face, and my eyes blurred. Yachiru suddenly appeared in front of Zaraki.


Saraki Ikki

"Hey, Xiaojian, were you scared by Nana-chan?"

Yachiru laughed and teased Zaraki,"In fact, I've known for a long time that Xiaojian is no match for Nana-chan, because I also feel trembling when I'm with her.

And since even I can't stand it, Xiaojian won't be much better than me, right?"

Facing Yachiru's teasing, Zaraki said nothing, but there was an obsession in his eyes that refused to dissipate.

"The small sword is indeed a small sword."

Yachiryu understood Zaraki's thoughts and couldn't help but sighed:"Since you insist on doing so, then I will give you the power of Bankai, but you have to be careful."

As he spoke, Yachiryu slowly raised his hand and held Zaraki's hand.

Maybe because of hesitation, he hesitated, and then a stronger force passed through Zaraki's body along the blade

"If you can make full use of me, Xiaojian, there will be no one you cannot defeat, even Nana-chan will be no problem."

Because Zaraki's opponent at this time is Nanami, Yachiryu used 'cannot be defeated' instead of 'cannot be killed'.

And as it slowly dissipated, Yachiryu muttered in a worried voice:"Probably..."...

In fact, Yachiryu appeared in Zaraki's spiritual world, because she was Zaraki's Zanpakuto. With Nozomi's awakening, she has returned to Zaraki's spiritual world.

Unless encountering special circumstances, Yachiryu will no longer materialize.

Some people may wonder how Yachiryu was formed and why it suddenly materialized?

According to Nimaiya Wangyue, Zanpakuto is not generated casually out of thin air. Generally speaking, the god of death will first run in with the most basic Zanpakuto, that is, Asauchi.

And after a period of time, the Zanpakuto will gradually awaken.

Zaraki is no exception. Although he first used the Asauchi he picked up, it was enough for him to slowly awaken his Zanpakuto.

It's just because Nozomi is too strong, and he intuitively feels that even if Zaraki awakens, he can't master the power of Zanpakuto, and even the initial release will be a great burden on him.

So Yachiryu appeared, in order to prevent Zaraki from awakening his Zanpakutō too early. This is also the reason why Zaraki could never get a response from Nosai. He would never have thought that his sword would come out by itself, just like when Ichigo was practicing Bankai.

(PS: There is no bug here. Although Zaraki said that his Zanpakutō responded when he was fighting Unohana Retsu, he didn't have Shikai either. And when he finally got Shikai, Yachiryu disappeared. There was a memory before she disappeared, plus she appeared again during Bankai, so it is not wrong to say that Yachiryu is Zaraki's Zanpakutō.)

But as time went by, Yachiryu had long forgotten who he was, and really thought that he was a child picked up by Zaraki, named Kusaka Yachiryu.

But this time when Zaraki and Yami were fighting, as the strength of both sides continued to increase, when Yami's spiritual pressure was stronger than Zaraki, in order to defeat the enemy, Zaraki finally awakened Nosai.

It was also at that moment that Yachiryu finally remembered who he was.

However, Yachiryu only let Zaraki obtain Shikai, but did not dare to give him Bankai. Even the inner world communication was the first time, because he was afraid that Zaraki would not only fail to use Bankai to defeat the enemy, but his body would collapse at the first moment of Bankai.

It is just like the previous Nanami Kagami, because his body contains the power that even gods fear (the real gods, not the death gods of this world. Even the death gods of this world have sighed,"Oh God,’)

It is not known whether Nanami was cursed by God or because her body could not withstand the power that was so huge that even she herself did not know how strong it was. The final result was only one, that is, her body began to gradually collapse.

Even a powerful person like Nanami could not escape death. Later, when she came to Soul Society, because she was already dead and in the state of a soul, she was able to"survive" intact, and finally successfully mastered the power that even God feared.

Why is Nanami so strong? Even Kenpachi Zaraki, who is known as the strongest god of death, is so weak in front of her. Even the two Espadas and even Ichigo the Gyuto Hollow are"fragile" in front of her.

It is precisely because her power has long surpassed the upper limit of this world. It is not just that they are not in the same realm, but her realm is much higher.

And this is exactly the capital of her confidence. No one knows how terrible she is better than Nanami herself....


It probably took less than a second, Saraki Bankai!"


Nanami stopped and glanced behind him. He found that Zaraki had indeed used his Bankai. He didn't know whether to be happy or sad.

"Yachiryu, is this what you mean?"

Nanami murmured, thinking of the little girl who always bothered him and loved to be around him.

"In that case, I will grant your wish."

With a sigh, Nanami turned around and slowly pulled out the short sword from her sleeve again, but this time she did not use her Zanpakutō or transform it into an Arrancar weapon, she just struck lightly.

"This is my Zanpakutō. My Zanpakutō is only a shallow strike, but it is precisely because it is only a shallow strike that it can transform into any Zanpakutō and Arrancar weapon."

Kanami knew that Zaraki had lost his mind at this time, so she spoke freely about her secrets, and it was also a formal declaration of war against Zaraki, which was very much like the style of a swordsman. After all, she is the sister of the seventh generation head of the Hollow Sword School, and was also the seventh generation head of the previous Hollow Sword School. It was just because her talent was too extraordinary that she was suppressed by her father.

"That bastard dad, otherwise I would have a very scary title of the head of the family."

While complaining quietly, Nanami rushed towards Zaraki again.

Zaraki was not ambiguous either, and instinctively he just wanted to defeat the enemy in front of him, so he did not retreat but advanced and killed Nanami.


Suddenly, a big fight broke out between the two again.

(PS: The previous long paragraph was prepared from the beginning to explain to everyone why Nanami is so strong and the problem of her Zanpakutō, so that there is no need for an original ZanpakutōI've always had a headache with the Zanpakuto issue.

It's not good if it's too strong, but it's not good if it's not strong either.

It's so annoying.

As for the question of Yachiryu, there is no need to argue, right? At least I think she is definitely Zaraki's Zanpakutō.

)_Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - Collection

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