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"Boom, boom, boom."

In the sky above Kakaza Town, there was a continuous rumble like thunder. It was the impact caused by Tanaka Nanami every time he caught up with Aizen and swung his long sword to chop him.

Aizen was not simple, at least he had not fallen down until now. Although he had been chased and beaten by Tanaka Nanami, he could always raise his long sword in time to block.

The captains on the ground had been silent for a long time. They had secretly estimated in their hearts that if they were replaced in Aizen's current position, they might be killed instantly.


At this time, Nanami caught up with Aizen again and swung his sword to hit Aizen's sword.


Aizen flew out like a cannonball again.

Looking at Nanami's appearance, it seemed that he was kicking Aizen around like a ball.

"Damn it, damn it."

Aizen was angry at his own embarrassment. It was rare for him to encounter such an embarrassing situation, but now there was no way to turn it around.

""Aizen, if you can't evolve any further, I'm going to kill you."

When Qishi caught up with Aizen again, he swung his sword and gave a warning.


Aizen's eyes lit up:"I can continue to evolve."

Previously, it was the Hogyoku that had been leading Aizen to evolve, and because he was unwilling to stop there, it provided him with the power to evolve.

But this time, Aizen decided to evolve again based on his own ideas.

"I'm sure I'm not just this level."

Aizen is extremely confident in his own qualifications.

"Nanami-kun, let me show you my ambition."

After being knocked out for who knows how many times, Aizen, relying on his obsession and the huge pressure brought by Nanami-kun, finally took the initiative to trigger the evolution.

In fact, after Aizen merged with the Hogyoku, it was already the first stage of evolution, and he could also use the power of the Hogyoku.

Then the first evolution that happened before, that is, the whole body was wrapped in white solid spirit matter, was actually the second stage of evolution. The appearance of taking off the mask just now was the third stage of evolution.

And now, he is finally going to the fourth stage of evolution.


A huge spiritual pressure beam of light once again enveloped Aizen, and began his evolution.

Nakashi stopped not far away, not because of politeness, nor because of the so-called self-esteem of the strong, she just wanted to see how far Aizen could reach.

"Maybe it can really evolve indefinitely?"

Yi Qishi thought to herself, if the Collapse Jade is really that powerful, she should not be jealous and snatch it away.

That's right, Yi Qishi has actually been experimenting with the Collapse Jade. If it can't meet her needs, then it is not worth snatching. Otherwise, it goes without saying. Li Yunlong said:"Snatch the mother of it."

The captains on the ground no longer showed surprised expressions, all of them had expressions of being used to it, and even Chunshui didn't take it seriously at all. He secretly ran to the masked army over there and chatted with one of the beauties with long braids.

""Hey, are you okay? I'm almost sleepy."

After waiting for a while, Qishi covered his mouth with his hand and yawned, and urged lazily.


The spiritual pressure beam outside of Aizen's body burst out with a stronger pressure, and Aizen inside was very angry. Isn't Nanami too arrogant?

"Sorry to have kept you waiting."

Finally, without waiting for Nanami to urge him, Aizen completed this evolution.

As the spiritual pressure light column slowly dissipated, Aizen, who appeared in front of people again, had completely changed.

It was a big change, not a shit....

I saw a slit similar to an eye on his forehead, his eyebrows disappeared, three pairs of huge butterfly wings grew on his back, a hole with a broken jade in the center appeared on his chest, and his right hand merged with his Zanpakutō. He was no longer a Shinigami or Hollow, but had evolved to a higher level.

Before, his realm was only higher than that of Shinigami and Hollow, and his spiritual pressure exceeded the limits of Hollow and Shinigami.

But now, he has broken through that limit.

"I think you are satisfied this time?"

Aizen regained his confidence and smiled at Nanami like a gentleman. Not to mention, he looked a little domineeringly handsome at this moment.

"I'm not Hinamori Momo."

Nanami covered her small cherry mouth again, yawned loudly, and muttered sleepily:"It's so slow, can't you evolve to the same level as me in one go?"


Aizen raised his eyelids (he no longer had eyebrows)...), laughed:"You mean to say that even if I have reached my current level, I am still far inferior to you?"

"You can tell by looking at it."

Tan Nanami spread his hands:"You still can't feel my spiritual pressure, otherwise you wouldn't be so confident."

Aizen was stunned at first, and then cold sweat appeared on his forehead. Only then did he realize that in his senses, Tan Nanami was still the same Tan Nanami, without any change.

By now, almost everyone knows that the spiritual pressure of Tan Nanami that they can sense is just the way she deliberately makes people feel, and the real her is too high for people to touch.

"This is impossible."

Aizen shook his head vigorously. He was now fused with his Zanpakutō. If it was on Ichigo Kurosaki, it would be the ultimate means to make him lose his power as a god of death.

In the end, he still couldn't get close to Nanami?

"Too weak."

Instantly, Nanami stood in front of Aizen, looking at his complex eyes expressionlessly, slowly raised her knife in front of him, and chopped it down again.

Aizen would not sit there and wait for death, but he suddenly found that he could not keep up with Nanami's speed.

She looked so calm, and even the word"slowly" could be used.

However, before Aizen could raise the Zanpakutō fused with his right hand, Nanami had already chopped him in half.

In fact, Nanami's speed was not slow, but the rhythm was too calm, which gave people a"slow" feeling. In fact, it was not an exaggeration to say that it exceeded the speed of light.


The sound of the flesh being cut open was not heard until then, and Nanami had already stepped back several steps, dodging the blood sprayed by Aizen.


Aizen was split into two, but it didn't seem to affect his unwilling roar:"I don't believe it, I don't believe you can be so powerful, I don't believe I can't catch up with you, I don't believe you can always be above me."

Aizen is Aizen, even now, he still didn't despair, but roared again, the unyielding in his heart once again turned into the power to move forward, so he evolved again.

"Is it over yet?"

_Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - Collection

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