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"Is it going to end or not?"

Takashi Nanami was really getting impatient.

Just like she said, couldn't he evolve to the same level as her at once? That way she would know whether the Hogyoku was worth her snatching.

In fact, until now, Takashi Nanami had always been showing mercy to Aizen.

Of course, it was not because of other messy reasons. As mentioned before, she was experimenting on the Hogyoku to see if it could be used for her own benefit and to see if it could help her.

But now it seems that the fifth stage fusion that Aizen is currently carrying out is just that.

Before Aizen could complete this evolution, Takashi Nanami already knew his final form in advance.


After a while, Aizen's evolution was finally completed.

As the spiritual pressure light column dissipated, he reappeared with a black face, and the previous facial skin was torn from the middle and located on both sides of the black face. Three holes appeared in the upper body, and collapsed into the top hole. The original six huge butterfly wings, each of which had a"skull" on the wing ridge, had no characteristics of a death god at all, and looked very much like a virtual god.

"Nanami Tanaka."

Aizen raised his head and roared,"Now, I can finally be looked at by you, right?" What

Aizen has been pursuing is probably just to be at the same level as Nanami Tanaka, right?

In the past, he might have wanted to become a Spirit King.

But now, when he knows how powerful Nanami Tanaka is, the goal he wants to pursue has changed silently.

He used to be too lonely, as if no one in the world could stand by him.

But now he finds that he is too arrogant. There is someone in front of him whom he has to chase constantly, but he seems to never be able to get close to her.

And she is standing too high. It turns out that he is also the 'ant' that he used to disdain.

"Can you still evolve?"

Nanami tilted his head, spinning the Great Red Lotus Hyorinmaru and Zanka no Tachi in his hands, asking Aizen if he could evolve again.

"This should be my final form, right?"

Aizen looked down at his body. He could feel that there might be a lot of power left in the Hogyoku, but his body could only reach this level.

In other words, it was not that the Hogyoku was not powerful, but that his vision was still a little too small.

Not only Aizen, but there was no one in this world who could withstand the continuous evolution of the Hogyoku, not even Yhwach.

"It's too weak."

Nanami shook her head in disappointment. It seemed that the Collapse Jade was useless to her.


Aizen pretended to frown, but because he no longer had eyebrows, and even his 'face' was torn in two and placed on both sides of the black face, it was impossible to tell his expression changed.


Suddenly, Qishi made a move and tore the front of her white dress.

"Look here."

Pointing to the area near the collarbone, Nanami asked him to look. There was a white poppy, which was the team flower of the 9th squad and represented the meaning of forgetfulness.


Aizen was puzzled at first, not knowing what Nanami was doing, and wanted to remind her that he had no idea about her in terms of sex.

But the next second, he suddenly widened his eyes and shouted,"Impossible, how is this possible?"

The captains on the ground all looked at the sky in confusion, not knowing what happened to the two.

Dong Shilang also frowned tightly, wondering what the meaning of Nanami suddenly tearing open her front?

Then he subconsciously touched the same place with his hand, and finally guessed something, and murmured,"No way? Nanami has never unsealed it?"

It turned out that when the captain and vice-captain went to the real world, in order not to affect the real world, everyone would limit their spiritual pressure, and 80% of their spiritual pressure would be sealed.

When fighting with the Arrancar before, everyone else was unsealed (Rukia was forcibly promoted to vice-captain, so she was not sealed), only Nanami was not unsealed.

That's because she can defeat the opponent without unsealing.

Later, because Nanami Kaku directly broke into the Hueco Mundo from the human world, there was no chance to unlock it. Until now, 80% of the spiritual pressure is still sealed.


Aizen pointed at Nanami Kagami, wanting to say something, but in the end he didn't know what to say.

It turned out that Nanami Kagami had always defeated him with only one-fifth of her strength.

Moreover, until now, he couldn't sense how strong one-fifth of Nanami Kagami was.

"This world shouldn't have people like you."

In the end, Aizen could only say this.


Nanashi nodded in approval, thinking that the 'real Nanashi' was not from this world.


Suddenly, while Nanami was distracted, Aizen disappeared.


Nanami was startled. He had never thought that Aizen, who was so proud, would choose to run away without saying a word. He was stunned for a moment.

"Go after him quickly."

Below, the captain reacted the fastest and immediately issued an order to Nanami, telling him to catch up with Aizen in time and not let him get away. Otherwise, whether he took the opportunity to make the King Key and threaten the Soul King Palace, or escaped to hide somewhere else, it would be a big trouble.

"Got it."

Nanami saluted in a funny way, turned around and rushed out.

Then the next moment, she flew back in a sullen manner, lowered her head and asked the puzzled captain:"Um, Captain, I forgot about Aizen's spiritual pressure...."

Although Nanami Kagami is a person with poor sense of direction, she doesn't have to worry about getting lost because she is in the air. She can find the direction easily by locking onto the spiritual pressure.

After all, she used to rely on locking onto the spiritual pressure to travel in a straight line. The difference is that on the road, she had to crash into the buildings blocking the way, but it wouldn't be so troublesome in the sky.

Just now, she found it by following Toushirou's spiritual pressure.

However, Aizen's spiritual pressure has changed as he has been constantly evolving.

Nanami Kagami was careless before and didn't think that Aizen could escape from her hands, so she didn't keep locking onto him.

Now, she can't find Aizen all of a sudden.


At this moment, Rangiku, who was lying not far away, reminded:"Nana, Ichimaru Gin is missing too. He must have been taken away by Aizen. You can follow his spiritual pressure to find him."

"I see."

Nanami nodded, and then he realized that Ichimaru Gin had disappeared without a trace, so he quickly started the Binding Technique:"Binding Technique No. 58: Slap the Toes and Chase the Birds""


Instantly, not only the real world or Soul Society, but the entire world was swept by Nanami's spiritual pressure, and then she found

"Huh? Why did Ichigo and Captain Isshin go to find Aizen? And that guy Urahara Kisuke..."

"No, Captain Isshin has passed out, and Ichigo is the only one dealing with Aizen. I'll go take a look." As he spoke, Nanami casually opened the gate in the air in front of him, took a step forward and walked into the Dangai, and in an instant he returned to the Soul Society.

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