They were refugees who were left behind during the previous migration. They were originally forced into the cave by monsters, and they were already desperate.

What he didn't expect was that he could meet Ye Kai and others.

Ye Kai sized them up, there were less than forty people in total, so few people deserve four Rogues?This is too gorgeous, right?You must know that there are not many Rogue archers in the Rogue camp.

Ye Kai took a few steps forward, and Robert followed beside him.

He always cultivated Robert's leadership intentionally or unintentionally, hoping that he could be independent in the future.

After all, to this world, I am just a passerby.

"We just cleaned up this cave, how did you get here?" Ye Kai frowned.

Some refugees came out of the monster's mouth, no matter how they thought about it, it was a bit unbelievable.

"Professional adults, we are so hungry."

"There are countless monsters chasing behind, can you please kill them all?"

"Yes, kill them all and avenge the dead companions!"

"Give me something to eat first, or I can't..."

"Stop, let Rogge speak." Ye Kai raised his hand and said in a deep voice.

"Hello, my name is Jingzi, and I am the leader of the team, Luoge. At that time, these civilians couldn't keep up with the progress of the large army, and they got separated from the large army. There were originally more than [-] people and twelve sisters, but Now there are only four of us left. Dear professionals, please help us return to the human camp." Jingzi bowed to Ye Kai and said softly.

It was also because they were lucky that they happened to meet Ye Kai and the others, otherwise they would never have survived.

You don't need to think about it, as long as you run faster than your companions along the way, you will be able to survive. Most of the remaining people are fast runners. Anyway, there are only four women in the middle, and the rest are young and strong.

Let them fight monsters desperately, let alone dare, they don't have that kind of skill, and the ones who are broken are basically the old people and women who can't run.

Ye Kai frowned slightly, and quickly realized that these people might not be easy to deal with.

At that time, I was separated from the [-]-strong brigade, and there must have been some thorns inside who incited everyone to walk together because I couldn't run, but I didn't know if they were in this team.

As for this Rogue's name?Ye Kai couldn't complain.

"We still have to clean up the dark forest, or I'll give you a map and food, and you take them back?" Ye Kai thought for a while.

It's not that he is indifferent, but that the monsters on the road have been cleaned up, and it doesn't matter if they don't take action.

"Brother Ye Kai, isn't this bad?" Robert said in embarrassment.

As a knight, he always wants to help the weak and give them the greatest care. Ye Kai's words run counter to his actions.

"We don't have much food, and professionals can eat it all. If we follow along, it will take two days even to reach the small station in the stone field, which may cause food shortage." Ye Kai frowned.

Although they also brought a lot of food, it was relative to five people.

The best way now is to find the small station in the dark forest.

In the past, there was a small station in the wilderness of stones in the Icy Plain. In the words of the game, you can see it as long as you enter the picture, and the dark forest should be the same.

Even if they don't find it, Ye Kai and others can be self-sufficient, and buy food directly in the system after getting gold coins.

He didn't like these civilians who would abandon their companions, and it was impossible for him to use his system's gold coins for them.

"Aren't you professionals?"

"Yeah, you should help us!"

"Escort us back, noble paladin-sama!"

"Yes, don't listen to that guy with the monster left hand, he must be a spy from hell."

"That's right! He is a spy from hell, how could a normal person have such a hand!"

The bandage on Ye Kai's right hand has been untied long ago, and those commoners can see it naturally.

Seeing that he didn't want to take care of them, he booed at that time.

Ye Kai was stunned, Robert was stunned, and the two looked at each other, a little speechless.Who gave them the courage to question?

Moreover, don't they know that their own lives are in the hands of Ye Kai and others?

Ye Kai, it seems that he didn't say too much, did he?

Because of food and safety, they want to force everyone's hopes into the camp of demons, human nature...

Chapter 73

"Quick, kill that monster, or humans will be in danger!"

"Professionals should protect us, not monsters!"

"Yes, protect us, give us food, listen to everyone!"

Ye Kai was a little speechless, who gave them the courage to think that it was still a democratic society?What a habit.

I saw him sneering, and walked towards the most yelling civilians with Roland's guards in his arms.

"What do you want to do? Do you want to kill civilians? Come on, kill me!"

One of the strong men trembled when he saw Ye Kai approaching, but he still yelled boldly, as if he was not afraid of death at all, and Ye Kai was a villain.

Those smart people have already distanced themselves from them at this time.

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