The weight of this map, Ye Kai feels very heavy.

"Don't worry, we will definitely clean up the cold plain." Ye Kai held the map tightly and said solemnly.

"Thank you." Flavius ​​breathed a sigh of relief. Their value in this era is not even comparable to the map in Ye Kai's hand.

Originally wanted to hand it over to Lai Wei, but Lai Wei refused to accept it, saying that Ye Kai was their captain.

These words made Flavi full of emotion. In this era, human life is very worthless. When escorting those civilians to the bloody wasteland, many people could fight and even kill people because of a piece of black bread.

However, those people have been suppressed and executed by Kaxia.

The reason why these professionals are not with those civilians is probably because the leaders want to protect their pure hearts?

If you are with those dark guys, I'm afraid it won't take long for these professionals to become dark, and they may even fight each other because of one or two pieces of equipment.

The blood wasteland was named the blood wasteland because it was stained with the blood of too many Rogues, civilians, and monsters.

Some for fighting, some for... food.

Flavius ​​shook her head, the above things are not something she can guess, these professionals, I hope that what you bring us is hope, not despair.

"You are also tired, go back first, we will continue to move forward, clean up the monsters near the small station, and then go back." Ye Kai thought for a while.

The cold plain is bigger than he imagined, it can even cover three bloody wastelands.

And most of the monsters here appear in groups, even if there is his existence, I am afraid that it will take every step to clear this cold plain.

"Okay." Flavius ​​turned around, made a simple cart with the remaining five sisters, put the two corpses on it, and then walked towards the Rogue camp.

At least these two corpses could be buried in a mass grave near Rogge's camp, but the remaining Rogge who died in the cold plain could only lie on the cold ground.They were cremated only when they were discovered by Ye Kai and others.

If no one finds them for a long time, they will slowly decay in the wasteland.

Lai Wei and Ada confiscated all the trophies. Since Ye Kai couldn't use equipment, he gave him all the gold coins this time, nearly [-] pieces, and Ye Kai was not polite.

It's just that these equipment and money no longer feel easy in the hands, but rather heavy.

If they had come earlier, maybe those two Rogues would not have died.

It's a pity that life doesn't have what if...

"The location of Xiaozhan is not far from here, let's kill them in one go!" Ye Kai shook his head, looked at the few people who were a little bit embarrassed, and said in a deep voice.

Chapter 72 One Month

It took a whole month, the cold plain, the stone field, and the underground passage leading to the dark forest were all cleared by Ye Kai and others.

It can be said that even a single fallen demon could not be found in the icy plain and the stone wilderness.

However, the Dark Forest and the others did not go, because there was still a very difficult matter that had not been resolved.

Now Ye Kai's level is 50% experience at level [-], there is a rare elite in the stone wilderness who provides [-]%, and the remaining countless mobs provide [-]%...

In other words, during this month, he killed at least [-] monsters.

In addition, he had reached 50% of the eleventh level before, and now he will reach the fifteenth level with only half a level up.

Level [-], it seems that this level is very common in the game, if you use double medicine and take capsules, Ye Kai is confident that he can rise to level [-] within a day.

But now it's not a game after all, so this level is relatively rare.

Level [-] is the minimum requirement for changing jobs.

As long as Andariel is killed, he can leave.

He is also confident that he can single out Andariel, of course, the premise is that she doesn't play crowd tactics.

At that time, let's go alone, otherwise, if there are too many people, I'm afraid it will be very unsafe.

Sigh... If the game is so good, a level [-] professional can pass the level with confidence without cheating.

One month, I usually don't feel anything, but now it feels really... so long.

Except killing is killing. Although all the people are killing monsters, when will this kind of day be the end?

It has to be said that Ye Kai is a little tired.

Although life in Gensokyo is very unscrupulous and unmotivated, the only major event is the vampire invasion.

But when Ye Kai experienced so many killings, he prefers that kind of peaceful life.

Fortunately, the system will not keep sending him World of War missions, otherwise, if he gradually loses his mind, he won't even be able to survive the second sleep of a berserker, and he will die properly.

The only good thing is that Ye Kai's account turned into nine thousand gold coins, allowing him to experience the feeling of a nouveau riche again.

And until the [-]th level, or even the [-]th level, I don't have to worry about weapons anymore. The weapon of Lie Chuang, whether it is Sword Soul, Berserker, Asura, or Devil May Cry, can be used.

Taidao is really a panacea!

Although there is no such fast output skill as Phantom Sword Dance, the crack can definitely be used for a long time, and it will not become obsolete even in the future.

As for what's the tricky thing...

The stone field leads to the cave in the dark forest.


A group of shabby-dressed refugees, and four Rogues, all looked at Ye Kai and the others in surprise.

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