He can completely understand this, just like in dungeons, some game dungeons do not count experience for killing monsters, and they are counted together after clearing the level.

If there is no customs clearance, the experience will not be counted.

But... that's not how dnf calculates. Killing mobs also gives experience, right?

Forget it, if you don't get serious with the system, it should force yourself to buy experience capsules and double experience potions.

Seeing that there was a level increase, Ye Kai suddenly became aroused.

As for the plot characters... how many can they kill?Those four soy sauce parties, even one piece is not as much as one-tenth of what Ye Kai killed.

Ye Kai has already decided not to rush to do the task, but to completely wipe out the entire first act, and return the world to a bright future!

Chapter 71 Light in the Darkness

And after Ye Kai shot, the people in that team were obviously stunned.

At first, they were ready to die here.

The arrival of professionals gave them a glimmer of hope.

But this... directly killed the monsters?What is rhythm?How confident is this!

Professionals from the Luoge Camp generally have low levels. Of the four children, the highest level is level six, followed by level five, level four, level three, and the last three are the levels brought up by Ye Kai.

As long as professionals are steady and steady, they will definitely grow up. Compared with Logger archers, their potential is greater.

But now, it's courting death!

There are many monsters on the other side, very many, so many that these Rogues are already desperate.

To kill so many monsters by one person, at least a level [-] professional is required!And it's the kind that's really battle-hardened.

But Ye Kai's relaxed and freehand movements made them dumbfounded, what a wonderful person!

He uses a sword, and those skills are definitely not the skills of paladins and barbarians. Who the hell is this?

"Being dazed on the battlefield is not the quality that an excellent Rogue possesses." Lai Wei said with a smile.

There was no smile in her eyes. Are those dark hunters the fallen Rogue?

"Yes!" said one of the leading women in Rogge.

Her name was Flavius, she was the leader of the team this time, and it didn't take long for her to recover from the shock.

My own people, no matter how strong they are, as long as they can save this place.

After about half an hour, when Ye Kai felt a little tired, it was finally over.

"Phew, the strength of Icy Plain is much higher. It really can't be like the game. Just press and hold the right button and select normal attack, and you can always maintain your physical strength." Ye Kai breathed a sigh of relief.

This is his deepest feeling. The characters in the game, even if their physical strength is gone, they just change from running to walking. Basically, there is no such thing as tired.

But in reality, people will definitely be tired. Facing the army of monsters like a tide, it will be strange if they are not tired.

Even his arms were a little numb.

"Daqi, are you okay?" Ye Kai walked to Daqi's side, looked at Daqi who was sitting on the ground and was already paralyzed, and smiled.

"Very good!"

bang, bang, bang...

Dach tapped his chest to signal that he was fine.


But the wounds on his body have already betrayed him, there are at least seven or eight scars cut by the dark hunter.

Professionals don't have blood bars, but have strong vitality, but if they lose their hands or legs, they can't recover.

There will be no broken hands and legs in the game, but it is very likely to happen in reality.

Dach's right arm was cut with a deep wound.

He just finished drinking the life restoration potion, and now he is slowly recovering, of course not as fast as in the game.

Unless the legendary vitality potion can burst out, that potion is the real medicine for giving people new life.

Even Akara couldn't make that kind of potion.

"Hello, powerful professional, my name is Flavi, and I'm the captain of this Rogue team. Thank you for your generosity." Flavi walked towards Ye Kai and saluted.

She looks similar to most Luoge, Ye Kairen doesn't know the common face of Westerners, and they have similar hairstyles, so it's hard to tell the difference.

"It's okay, this is what we should do." Ye Kai said with a smile.

There was a lot of sweat on his head, but it didn't affect his mood.

Knowing how to upgrade, he is already full of expectations for this world.

"If it weren't for your generosity, I'm afraid our team would be wiped out. Thank you again, this is the map of the cold plain we explored." Flavius ​​saluted again, and then took out a parchment.

Ye Kai took the parchment and found that some of it was drawn with carbon, and some was drawn with blood.

Although the map is not very detailed, the location of the small station and the location leading to the other two places are clearly drawn on the map.

Also, they will encounter monster illustrations in the cold plain, among which there is a mid-range combat monster called the Dark Spearman, which they did not encounter this time.

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