"This is... that team?" Lai Wei asked in surprise.

"I don't have time to manage so many, you go to help defend, I will kill!"

As soon as he finished speaking, his Roland guardian appeared on Ye Kai's hand.

"Step aside!"

Ye Kai let out a loud shout.

The Rogues in front subconsciously lowered their heads and looked back.

This is a habit developed on the battlefield. If you turn back without relying on the cover, you will definitely die.

Since they can come here, Ye Kai naturally believes in their professional military qualities.

The eyes of the Rogues lit up, they were the four professionals, but there was one more.

This extra one looks very powerful.

The monsters in front of them were different from the ones they encountered before. There was a group of white humanoid monsters, all of them were carved out of the same mold, and they all used one-handed axes and shields.

Their skin is originally black and white, and their bodies are full of horny things. They are the characteristic monsters of the cold plain: dark hunters.


Ye Kai jumped high, pierced down with a silver falling blade, and crossed the simple stone wall.

Sure enough, behind those dark hunters, old friends are everywhere.

But I didn't see any of the hard-skinned mice and zombies.


The shock wave of sword energy knocked several monsters into the air, Ye Kai got up quickly, and fell down with a collapsed mountain.


Another few monsters died in his hands.

Ghost cut!

The purple flame burned the body of the monster, and several monsters died.

These dark hunters are very strange. When they die, it is like a corpse is on fire, and something like a soul emerges from their body.

Some disappeared directly, some turned into gold coins, and some turned into weapons and shields.

There was even a piece of armor.

After they fell, the one-handed axes and shields in the hands of the corpses quickly decayed, like wood.

Sure enough, it was a weapon condensed with magic power.

Lai Wei and Ada were already in place, and small fireballs and javelins were shot from behind the stone, creating opportunities for Ye Kai.

"Get out of the way!" Dach raised his sword and rushed forward.

He was not as agile as Ye Kai, but rushed out abruptly.


The stone wall blocking him collapsed.

brush, brush...

Although it is not as easy and freehand as Ye Kai's attack, it is full of the brave style of a barbarian.

Before the Rogues could worry, Paladin Robert stood at the gap.

His fighting spirit can help those around him regain their vitality.

As long as there is a monster approaching, he will be mercilessly beheaded.

With Luo Ge behind and Ye Kai in front, this battle was completely one-sided.

Although those Rogues were very high-level, around level six, even if they were high-level, they were not as good as Ada, who was the lowest level.

This is the difference between a professional and a logger archer.

That is the difference between Ye Kai and a professional.

Ye Kai is here like a tiger joining a pack of wolves, and Roland's guards quickly killed him, very freehand.

【Kill 1000 monsters, get 100% experience points】

[The host level exceeds level ten, and the experience gained in the future will be halved, and killing low-level monsters will not count as the number of kills]

[Currently low-level monsters are: Zombie, Hard Mouse, Fallen Demon, Fallen Demon Wizard]

[Note: Elites are equal to ordinary monsters, except for rare elites]

[Note: The kills of plot characters do not count the number of host kills]

[Note: Summoned monsters and revived monsters are not counted as kills]

Ye Kai was stunned for a moment, upgraded?

Damn, it's not that killing mobs doesn't level up, but counting the number of kills and leveling up together!

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