"Of course there is a difference. Some monsters can pass through our portal, or destroy the portal. If the portal is destroyed in the first time, the professional will be torn apart by the turbulent flow of space. The small station is much more stable. No monsters can pass through the small station yet. But some monsters are very intelligent, if we teleport from the camp to the small station, we will probably be surrounded." Lai Wei shrugged.

"So that's the case, why can't it be used now?" Ye Kai asked strangely.

It would be much more convenient if it could be transmitted directly from the small station.

After all, this is not like a game. It takes a while to run the map and it’s over. Going in the direction of the cold plain will take a long time even if you walk in a straight line.

"Since the Eastern Road was blocked, all the small stations have lost their function. To reactivate, you must use the power of professionals." Seeing that Ye Kai really didn't understand, Lai Wei explained patiently.

This is Ye Kai. If it was someone else, she would have already sent him to ask Akara.

Amazon and paladins are known to respect the strong, otherwise there would be no incident of Lai Wei's dedication.

It's a pity that Ye Kai's taste has been spoiled...

"Understood, let's go." Ye Kai stood up and put the sword in the space backpack.

Ye Kai was very vigilant even at night, and didn't let the sword leave his hand.

After all, the Rogue Camp is not absolutely safe.

"I'm just waiting for you. The rest of the people are at the gate of the camp. We have brought enough food. You don't need to bring it." Lai Wei turned and walked out.

Food is something that Ye Kai needs very much.

After all, the food in the system store is too dark, so I only eat some when entertaining friends or when I have to.

Ye Kai walked out of the tent, looked at the gray sky, and sighed with emotion.

It seems that except for yesterday, the sky has always been cloudy and rainy.

I don't know when the darkness in the sky will be dispelled.

But, it must be when he earns enough money and earns enough experience, there is no need to even think about it...

Camp gate.

Kasha looked at the backs of everyone, opened his mouth, but still didn't say anything.

She was too tired to carry the burden of a camp.

Kasha's loyalty has always been on the verge of violence, and the recent setbacks of some things have made her go down the path of being hurt.She was extremely protective of the last Rogues, and was unwilling to send them into battle unless the situation was critical.

Those children, she really hoped that Ye Kai and others could bring them back.

Chapter 70

Everyone's clothes have been changed, and the small shield was finally given to Lai Wei, who is the best at using it.

Robert is in the middle, and Dutch is still used to using a giant sword, so it should belong to Lai Wei.

Akara saw them off at the gate, and she said to Ye Kai: "I usually dream about the day when we regain our hometown. Blind eyes can see through the fog of time and foresee the glory of the future, but they can't see the glory of the future." How long will it be."

"Don't worry, it won't take long, as long as we are here! Now that the bloody wasteland has been emptied by us, as long as we clean up the cold field, your life will be guaranteed." Ye Kai said with a smile.

If he doesn't go empty-handed now, and kills all the monsters, he will be sorry for his system.

You must create local tyrants with your heart!

"I leave it to you, young people, cherish your life, you are the future of this world." Akara said softly.

She had a premonition that the lives of the three hell gods would end in the hands of Ye Kai this time.

Ye Kai and the others had already walked away at this time. He turned his back to Akara and the entire Luoge camp and waved.

A few people didn't see a single monster along the way, after all, all the monsters had been washed away.

Just like in the game, as long as you kill them once, they will not respawn without the existence of the fallen magician.

If you want to kill them again, you have to exit and re-enter.

In reality, there is obviously no option to exit and re-enter.

Without Ye Kai, those children would probably have to dawdle for two or three years, but with Ye Kai around, they would be useless at all. With the increase in skill proficiency and the decrease in cooling time, he is a meat grinder .

After more than half a day, everyone finally arrived at a narrow intersection, which is the place leading to the cold plain.

There are mountains on both sides, rather than the simple setting of stone walls that can prevent monsters from climbing over as in the game.

Something unexpected happened. There was no one here when I came yesterday, but there are today.

Six Rogue archers are at the entrance, attacking the monster with their bows and arrows.

They built a simple stone wall to resist the enemies coming in front of them.

Behind the six Rogue archers, there are two dead bodies, both of which are Rogue archers.

Under normal circumstances, monsters will not leave their own territory, unless they are tracking their prey.

Those Rogues didn't know that there would be enemies nearby, but it was too late when they found out. If they escaped to the camp, it would only bring disaster to the camp. Monsters are such things that chase after people, but It's not about giving up after a certain distance.

Unless their speed can shake off the monster.

Judging by the current posture, it is likely that he did not get rid of it.

At this time, they can only kill the enemy as much as possible, even if all of them die here, they cannot let the monster pass by.

As long as they die, those monsters will return to their own territory.

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