He wanted to persuade a fight, but he didn't know which side to persuade first.

As for Ada, she just stood weakly behind Robert, her hands and feet were cold, obviously frightened.

In her life, she has never killed anyone, only monsters.

Robert's situation was similar to hers.

On the other hand, Dach Yekai Laiwei had human blood on her hands.

Ye Kai moved his head closer to the guy who spoke first, and said calmly, "Guess, do I dare to kill you?"

"Help... help! You can't kill me!" Looking at Ye Kai's indifferent eyes, that guy was already incontinent from the murderous aura on Ye Kai's body...

"Play democracy with me? Do you think I'm your father or your father? I have to spoil you?" Ye Kai sneered.

"Brother Ye Kai, don't, they are all human!" Robert said anxiously.

Those clamoring civilians instantly understood that the famous professional leader knight on the mainland is simply a child who hasn't grown up.

And the devil in front of him is the real leader, and he is not the kind of kid who is easy to bully!


Ye Kai's sword hit his shoulder forcefully, and the sound of bones shattering rang out.


There was a heart-piercing cry, and the civilians who heard it were a little terrified.

Chapter 74 Punishment

Those civilians looked at Ye Kai in fear, afraid that Ye Kai would be cruel to them, but Ye Kai had no interest in those who could be saved, and he was not a violent maniac.

"Remember to be sensible in the future, professional, you are not such a rubbish existence that can be speculated. Do you think it is still a play house in a peaceful age? Let me tell you, even if the camp abandons all of you, you will not abandon us, because we have been Help them for free, but you only know how to hold back." Ye Kai said coldly.

That person was already stunned by Ye Kai, he couldn't care about the pain at this moment, he could only nod his head desperately to signal that he understood.

"Lai Wei, those who said I was a demon all broke one arm." Ye Kai said indifferently.

In troubled times, heavy codes are used. At this time, whoever is soft-hearted will lose first.

"Okay, I like it." Lai Wei sneered.

"Wait, brother Ye Kai, stop!" Robert ran up to Ye Kai, tugging at his arm.

Ye Kai let go of his feet, and the man fell to the ground like a limp noodle.

"Stop? Impossible, unless you can give me a reason to stop." Ye Kai said indifferently.

"We are all the same kind, we should protect them." Robert said anxiously, he could see that Ye Kai was serious.

"When they said I was a devil, did they think about this?" Ye Kai smiled, and cast a glance at the collapsed man on the ground, a little dismissive.

"They are careless!"

Before Robert could speak, Kyoko said with a look of fear.

She can also see that Ye Kai is definitely ruthless, because a few words can make people disabled...

When Robert saw someone supporting him, he naturally nodded desperately.

"Unintentional? Okay, then tell me, if I just don't refute and take them back, and then they spread the word in the camp, is it possible for the people in the camp to believe them?" Ye Kai turned around and asked Jingzi said coldly.

"This..." Jingzi couldn't answer, she really wanted to say that there would be no.

But let alone Ye Kai, she doesn't believe it herself, there are all kinds of people.

But...even if that's the case...

"When the time comes, the camp will mutiny, and let me walk out of the camp. Who will deal with Andariel then? To put it more seriously, if the Rogues are incited by them, just like you did just now, do you think I will be caught without a fight? Say something It's not good, if I explode with all my strength, how many people are left alive in the camp?" Ye Kai sneered.

"This, this..." Jingzi was sweating coldly, not knowing how to answer.

And Robert is the same, others don't know Ye Kai's ability, but the professionals know it all too well.

Think of Ye Kai as an enemy...

That's too scary!If Ye Kai fought guerrilla warfare, no one in the entire Luoge camp could survive.

Ye Kai was actually just debating. After all, what he said were hypotheses, but the consequences were too serious, and it was really possible. These people had to think carefully.

click, click...

In addition to the two that Ye Kai and Lai Wei abolished at the beginning, there were two others who also spoke ill of Ye Kai, and Lai Wei decisively broke the arms of the two of them.

"Ah! It hurts, stop!"

"No, no, I don't dare anymore...ah!"

The two hugged their arms, rolling all over the floor in pain.

They wanted to ask those civilian companions, but found that except for a few brothers and sisters of Roger and Robert who couldn't bear it, those people were all looking at them with indifferent expressions.

I am afraid……

Ye Kai would not have any objection if he killed them, after all, they were the ones who said the idea of ​​abandoning his companions.

Their hearts slowly sank to the bottom.

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