Ada has no opinion of her own, and Robert has been shocked by Ye Kai.

The current situation is quite normal.

"Take out all our food, half of these four." Ye Kai said indifferently.

"Give us food?" A teenager froze for a moment.

"Really? Can you give us food?" A middle-aged man next to him was also a little stunned.

After all, Ye Kai acted like a demon, but he didn't expect that he was really willing to take out the food.

Dach, brother and sister Robert decisively took out all their food, and with their stunned expressions, they divided it up little by little.

Even the four Rogues and the few who were wailing on the ground got some.

Lai Wei grinned and almost scared them to death. After all, Lai Wei's attack just now was not slow at all compared to Ye Kai's, and was more ruthless!

Is this... is Amazon?

Ye Kai shook his head slightly, walked to a place not far away, and sat down by himself, ready to wait for them to finish eating before going on the road.

"Brother Ye Kai, is what you said before true?" Just as Ye Kai was resting in front, Robert ran over.

He still felt a little sorry, and didn't know how to face those civilians.

And what Ye Kai did had a thorn in his heart.

Ye Kai looked back and frowned slightly.

"To be honest, I don't want to save these people at all. To survive in that situation, how much humanity do you think they have to abandon?" Ye Kai said calmly, wiping his sword.

The biggest change for him this month is that he has become more and more indifferent.

"But, they are our kind after all." Sitting opposite Ye Kai, Robert said weakly.

"I only admit that those Rogues have been kidnapped by morality all the time, so they have to protect the big army all the time, but the big army has slowly changed from more than [-] people to more than [-] people, isn't it ironic? "Ye Kai turned his head and looked at those people in disgust.

"Hmph, it's just a bunch of trash, if you can run so well, why did you fall behind?" Lai Wei walked over with a javelin on her back, and sat down next to Ye Kai.

Ye Kai refused this kind of intimacy at first, and was not used to it, but now he has been beaten by this girl.

"But, I'm a knight, and I want to protect the weak." Robert sat up straight and said in a deep voice.

"Oh, well, let me ask you this: If a thousand people were killed, they were all chased by demons, and they were separated. One team had [-] people, and the other team had [-] people. You can only save one side. After all, you don't know how to clone, who do you save?" Ye Kai sneered.

How should I put it, Ye Kai doesn't mean to look down on knights, but Robert is too young to know the sinister heart.

If they don't say anything, it's okay to just ask for help, but he hates this kind of people who like to kidnap people with morality. Since they like to die, he doesn't mind giving them a ride.

"I saved a team of six hundred people." Robert said without thinking.

"Oh, if these [-] people die again, it becomes a team of [-] people, and a team of [-] people, which side do you save? Don't doubt, they must have experienced it." Ye Kai said deeply.

Chapter 75

"Of course it's a team to save [-] people." Robert was a little puzzled, not knowing what Ye Kai meant by that.

"In the end, it must be divided little by little. You will always save the majority of people. Maybe when you return to the camp, there will be no five people left." Ye Kai shook his head and said.

Robert's choice was not unexpected, and it reminded Ye Kai of the story of a bulldozer's son and his father's justice envoy.

Sometimes, the absolute good and the absolute evil lead to the same goal, and it is difficult for them to understand whether they are saving the world or destroying the world.

"But..." Robert was speechless for a moment.

If this continues, is he destroying or saving?

"What about you? How do you do it?" Lai Wei stared at Ye Kai with great interest.

I have known Ye Kai for so long, he has always been laughing and joking, it is rare to feel heavy, listen to this person who can understand what kind of person he is.

Such a strong person is worth following, but Lai Wei also knows that she can't keep up with Ye Kai's pace at all, and walking together will only become a burden.

No matter how hard she tried to kill the enemy, she could only watch Ye Kai's back getting further and further away.

Now, she has recognized it, and regards Ye Kai as a permanent goal, and keeps fighting.

To Ye Kai, she is not in love, but possessive. She likes Ye Kai, not because of his character or appearance, but because of his strength.

Although it is very realistic, this is such a world.

The world is shrouded in darkness, and everyone is at risk. If you still pursue romance, you are pure fools...

"I will choose not to give up on either side. The integrated team will fight against the devil." Ye Kai said with a smile.

Or, after one person dies, lest someone steal experience from me.

"Brother Ye Kai, you are too cunning to say that, I can also choose to do so!" Robert patted his head and said.

Ye Kaike only gave him two choices, nothing else at all.

"But they didn't choose that way, but a small group of people came back. There is still a sentence left, if they don't listen to me, I will give up everyone decisively, will you?" Ye Kai looked deeply Robert glanced.

"Brother Ye Kai?" Robert looked at Ye Kai in disbelief.

No matter how you look at it, Ye Kai is not the kind of person who will give up his partner. After all, Ye Kai helped him the first time he met Ye Kai.And when he was in the evil cave, Ye Kai also fought to the death.

Otherwise, with Ye Kai's ability, if he wanted to leave, how could those monsters stop him?

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