"Hey, is this arrogant in your words? You spared no effort to save us before." Lai Wei put her arm on Ye Kai's shoulder and licked her lips.

"Tch, after all, they are not my relatives and friends, and I don't owe them anything. I won't risk my life for them. I save you because you still have some salvation. If Robert or Ida, any of them abandons themselves I don't care if my relatives run away." Ye Kai shrugged.

He told the truth, and that was his way of life.

As a strong person, is there anyone who stipulates that he must help the weak?The rich must help the poor?If it had to be like this, there would be no rich and powerful people in the world.

As poor as he was before, he never thought of getting help from Meihong. Although Meihong is his adoptive mother, she doesn't owe him anything after all.

Anyway, if it was changed to the previous life, he would never dare to help the old lady who fell on the ground.

One of his friends, if he didn't have a driving recorder, I'm afraid he would be useless, and he dared to charge his friend [-] yuan for medical expenses...

For the rest, basically do as one pleases. Since these four guys recognize him as the eldest brother, they are his friends. If he doesn't help, who will help?

"But, why do you have a third option?" Robert asked with some confusion.He came to his senses, Ye Kai directly diverted the question that he could choose three.

"If you think you have the ability to fight against all the demons and lead them to victory, or if you succeed in killing one person, forget about it." Ye Kai said teasingly.

"Oh, so that's the case, tell Robert Jr. to do what he can?" Lai Wei said with a smile.

"I understand Brother Ye Kai, because you have three choices, but I only have two. But I will still help them, because I am a knight!" Robert clenched his fist and said in a deep voice.

"I didn't tell you to ignore it, but just to keep you from getting too deep, and don't be taken away by them. You must know that you are a leader, not an executor like a Rogue archer." Ye Kai felt a little funny , this guy, is still too young.

Since he has his insistence, that's great, and he doesn't want anyone to be like a puppet.

His own way of life may not be suitable for everyone.

On the other side, in the ranks of civilians, Ada and Dach were appeasing.

"Thank you, but can you bring out some more food? The people here haven't eaten for a long time." Jingzi looked at Ada pleadingly.

Ada frowned slightly and shook her head. She didn't bring any more food.

"Okay, I also know it's too presumptuous..." Kyoko sighed.

Rogge is generally very kind, otherwise he wouldn't be Rogge.

It is because of their innocence that they are easily seduced by demons. Many people are shocked by the worldview and become demons.

If it weren't for these Rogues' perseverance, it is estimated that these people would be killed by monsters if they could not enter the cave.

At the beginning, those civilians thought that there would be a large camp and they would not give up on them. Who knew that Kasha would leave as soon as he said it, and ignored them at all. These Rogues were still begged by them to stay.

They don't know how to panic until the moment of life and death.

"My lord, have pity on me. I really haven't eaten for four days. I haven't been given any food before. Look at me so thin." A scrawny boy knelt in front of Ada , Ada was a little at a loss.

"All my food has been given to you..." Ada said with some embarrassment.

She wanted to help them too, but there was nothing she could do.

Before Ye Kai attacked civilians, she didn't even dare to stop her.

There is really not much food for everyone, at least not enough for these people to eat.

"Sister Ada will never lie." Da Qi patted his chest and said in a low voice.

"Hey... I also know that Master Mage is very kind, so can I beg you to ask the manager to give me more food when I return to the camp?" the boy said pitifully.

"This, I will tell Aunt Kasha." Ada felt that the other party was not lying, and the food was really nothing.

This is the difference between professionals and ordinary people. They naturally want to get the best treatment and resources, so they don't know how hard it is to get food.

But what they pay is often life.

Chapter 76 Kasha's request (recommended)

"Thank you, thank you Master Mage, you are really an angel."

"And you, noble barbarian, you are the bravest warrior I have ever seen!"

Ye Kai looked back, it seemed that everyone was ready, so let's go!

Since they insisted, let's escort them for a while, and it's not like they didn't have boring days.

The rest of the journey was very simple and boring. When they arrived at the Stone Field Station, Ye Kai and the others hadn't eaten all day.

With those civilians watching, Ye Kai couldn't use the system to buy food.

He still didn't let those people go back by themselves. After all, he needed to explain many things, and he also needed to remind Kasha and Akara.

Ye Kai and Lai Wei led the way, the Robert brothers and sisters were in the crowd, while Dach and the four Rogues walked at the end.

With Robert's halo, the injuries of those injured civilians were suppressed.

Even if Ye Kai became a villain, he could not stop Robert from doing good, that was his belief.

However, even if they recover in the end, they will not be able to do heavy work if they want to. It is estimated that those few people never thought about doing heavy work in the first place.

Ye Kai and others went back to the camp when they were at the small station, and brought a lot of food again, and it took another three days to return to the Luoge camp.

Ye Kai had already explained the situation of those thorns to Kaxia and Akara, and Kaxia understood.

It is estimated that after returning to the camp, they will "die of illness" inexplicably.

Just like what Ye Kai thought, in troubled times with heavy codes, it is impossible for Kaxia to leave such unstable factors in the camp.

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