Although the remaining civilians have more or less their own minds, it will definitely be a disaster to keep such people who do not obey discipline and like to incite people.

Ye Kai was able to forgive Rumia for almost eating him, one is because she is too young to understand anything; the other is that he has clear grievances and grudges.

He is not absolutely good, nor is he absolutely evil, he is just an ordinary person.

You can't have a bitter hatred just because a bear child has no education, although the hatred is indeed a little deeper.

But if there is no Rumia, he would not have the wonderful life he is now, and maybe he will continue to do nothing. It can be said that the merits and demerits are offset, and he still can tell the difference.

Besides, Gensokyo is after all the home of the goblins and also his hometown. No matter how long he drifts outside, he will go back, unless he doesn't want to cross again in the future and finds a random place to settle down.

Otherwise, it's best not to mess with those transformed monsters. Who knows which one has hidden strength, or the backstage, this is the most important thing.

Anyway, he's still alive and well.

Luoge camp, in Ye Kai's tent.

"Huh, it can be considered that the arrangement is over."

Ye Kai was lying in his tent in a large shape, with a helpless expression on his face.

The four Rogues, Kaxia has never given a good face, if they are not self-willed, the other eight people will not die at all, and those civilians will definitely be begging for nothing to follow.

It was because of their momentary soft-heartedness that so many people died.

And this kind of mentality lives in the present world, in Kaxia's view, it is better to die.

But these Kaxias didn't tell those Rogues that they were innocent and could only be taught later.

"Lord Ye Kai, are you there?" Not long after Ye Kai lay down, Akara's voice sounded at the door.

"I'm here, what's the matter?" Ye Kai got up and pulled the curtain of the tent.

He froze for a moment, and found that not only Akara was here, but also Kasha.

Wasn't there nothing wrong with him when he was looking for the two of them before? Could it be that something went wrong?

Wait, or is there a mission?

In the wilderness of stones, he found the stone formation, which was full of wonderful runes, but he asked a few friends and they couldn't answer, and they didn't know what it was for.

And Ye Kai also told Akara once, but she didn't quite understand.

It seems that the mission in the Stone Field is not triggered there, it should be in the dark forest or the black wasteland, but he can't remember the details.

It's like he knew there was a rare elite-level demon in Stonehenge, but he didn't know what it was called.

Ye Kai didn't know what it was called from the system report until it died...

This time when Akara came over, Ye Kai thought it was about those stone pillars.

"Excuse me, did you come across a graveyard-like place in the Icy Plain?" Akara asked softly.

In fact, Ye Kai said this before, but Kaxia has been investigating and just confirmed what happened.

Ye Kai suddenly realized that it was not the stones, but this mission.

"That's right, we passed by there, but there wasn't a single monster in it, it looked like a deserted cemetery, so we didn't go in." Ye Kai nodded.

This is also different from the game setting. In theory, even if he doesn't go in, he should be able to see the monster.

But he glanced at it from a distance, and there was nothing inside.

He felt that there should be trigger conditions, or traps, so he didn't go there rashly, and went to explore the way when he was preparing to be alone.

This clue, Ye Kai had already said it before clearing the stone wilderness and the cave passage into the dark forest. Why did they come to him so late?

"This...that place is called the Bone Burial Ground, and it's actually our business." Kasha said with some confusion.

"My Rogg scouts have just reported that something hateful has happened in the Boneyard! Clearly, Andariel isn't just trying to control all of us who are still alive. Bloodbird, a former Trim fought against Diablo, and the buried elite was now the first person Andariel wanted to use.

You'll find her in the monastery's cemetery, trying to make all the dead appear as zombies again!We cannot tolerate this filthy thing! You, can you kill her for me? "Ka Xia tidied up her words and said to Ye Kai.

"By the way, shall we just stand here and talk? This matter shouldn't be too simple." Ye Kai thought it was a little funny, but he didn't expect that Kaxia, who has always been rigorous, would have such a side.

When she spoke, she seemed very embarrassed and very tangled...

He didn't dislike Kaxia, she was working for the Rogue camp, for her sisters, and for those civilians.

She is always for the big picture, rarely for herself.This kind of person may not like her, but he cannot but respect her.

"This is love." Kaxia nodded and walked towards her tent.

"Please be sure to help me with this, adventurer, Kasha... She has endured too much, I hope you can understand. The blood bird once fought against Diablo in the cemetery under Tristram, and after that She is no longer the same as before. Now it is obvious that she has been affected by evil after she came back." Akara said softly.

"Don't worry, I'm not a person who doesn't know the general situation." Ye Kai waved his hand casually, and followed Kaxia.

Akara looked at Ye Kai's back and said softly: "If you can't kill the blood bird, I'm afraid our nuns will no longer exist."

Chapter 77 Take the mission

Kaxia's tent is very simple, similar to Ye Kai's. In addition to tables, chairs and beds, there is only a bow and some arrows inside.

Seeing Ye Kai following in, Kaxia said straight to the point: "Blood Bird used to be Rogue's leader, a hero who fought against Diablo in Tristram. But she is not now, she is Andariel's Minion. You just have to slow down, and another immortal nun will join the bloodbird army."

"No problem, I'll take care of it, but this time I want to go by myself, don't tell them a few." Ye Kai said indifferently.

Kaxia froze for a moment, she thought of Ye Kai meeting to raise conditions, thinking of Ye Kai meeting asking for support, thinking of Ye Kai meeting sneering, and even thinking of him mocking her about his suspicion that he just came here.

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