But what I didn't expect was that he readily agreed!

After all, the relationship between the two can be said to be as flat as water, and they are both talking about things.Although Ye Kai is also running around for the camp, but this kind of housekeeping has nothing to do with Ye Kai.

What Ye Kai thought was: Anyway, I have experience and money, so I have to do it if you don't tell me.Besides, the question now is not what I want, but what do you have?

The managers of the entire Luoge camp were not as rich as him alone, and they were also drunk.

If this game is so good, I must give all the money of that guy named Kidd. When I first entered the pit, how many times did I fall for him?

But in reality, Kidd is poor and only has a bunch of unidentified equipment that no one bought...

According to Akara, [-]% of them are things with very poor attributes, and he still regards them as his lifeblood.

"Thank you, if you do it, I will give you a Rogue archer and let her be loyal to you forever." Kaxia nodded to Ye Kai.

This is the only reward she can get, and following a professional is also a good home.

"Forget it, I don't need followers. If you really want to thank me, give it to Ada, she needs someone to protect." Ye Kai shook his head quickly.

Just kidding, the girls in the dark world can't even tell the difference in their looks.

All of them are ashen-faced and rough-skinned, and they can't take it for nothing!

But Ada, you can configure one for her.

Although it is not as easy to use as the spearmen in the second act, this dark world is no longer the dark world that Ye Kai knew. Who knows if there are sewer missions and mercenaries that can be hired in the second act?

"Okay, it's a deal." Kasha said in a deep voice.

Although those children who can't follow Ye Kai will be disappointed, but following Ada is also good, she has a brother who loves her very much.

"Well, I'll take a rest and leave tomorrow morning. If those guys ask me where I'm going, just say that I'm in a bad mood and went out to relax." Ye Kai shrugged.

This reason should be tenable, after all, Ye Kai also has small emotions.

After finishing the matter here, Ye Kai returned to the tent and fell into a deep sleep...

The current Ye Kai is already a professional who has surpassed the twelfth level. In the world of Diablo, every six levels is a grade.

Level one, level six, level twelve, level eighteen, level twenty four, level thirty.

Corresponding to the time when professionals learn skills.

Lu Gaoyin's mature professionals are mostly around level [-] to level [-], and the remaining three acts are above level [-].

Although Ye Kai was at level ten before, in this world, the difference between level ten and level six is ​​the difference in combat experience.

The twelfth level is a hurdle, which is why Akara asked Kaxia to come to Ye Kai.

Theoretically, it is difficult to upgrade the level. Kill a large number of monsters, get the scattered energy from the monsters, and accumulate to a certain level to upgrade.

The few friends who didn't look at Ye Kai, the highest is only level [-] now.

Although Ye Kai's system is cheating, it doesn't make any sense to upgrade it.

In the past, Ye Kai always compared with girls in Gensokyo, so he felt that his leveling up was too slow, but now he found that his leveling up speed is quite impressive, this thing needs to be compared.

It can be regarded as a kind of small people's thinking, right?In his previous life, Ye Kai liked to show off his living expenses in front of a few friends. He didn't think he was dying, and his family wanted him to live happily.

As for the richer than him?He didn't even think about comparing himself with the real rich man in the past, it would be better if he was richer than his little friend...

Closer to home.

This task is actually a bit difficult. Fortunately, he went by himself, otherwise he would not be sure if he brought those oil bottles with him.

He remembered a little about the blood bird.

Even if the blood bird is dead, he used to be a hero, corresponding to at least a level [-] professional.

Death doesn't diminish Bloodbird's fighting skills, if anything she just gets deadlier.

In the first scene, if Andariel is the strongest, then Blood Bird must be the second, and you can't underestimate the opponent based on the missions in the game.

The blacksmith, Griswold, is powerful but not fast, and the wicked Countess, is more of a bird in a cage.

These are tasks for the future, so I won't list them for the time being.

In reality, the most outstanding thing about Blood Bird is her commanding ability and leadership ability. It is not like in the game that only one hero can be manipulated to destroy all kinds of demons.

But since ancient times, archers have always been aggressive. Although she doesn't wear golden clothes and doesn't have Moxie in her hands, there is no denying her agility and strength.

The only good news is that even if she is a level [-] monster, she is only a Rogue archer.

If the entire Diablo was on hell difficulty, Ye Kai would definitely turn around and leave, waiting for their real hero to do this stupid task.

Fortunately, the first act is on normal difficulty, and the whole world view limits her performance.

Ye Kai, who often sparred with Rogues and played the game of dodging arrows, is really not a bloody bird, which is why he decisively took on the task.

Early the next morning, Ye Kai packed up his luggage and was ready to go on the road alone.

But as soon as he stepped out of the tent, he met an unexpected person.

"Ada? Why are you here?" Ye Kai was stunned.

Lai Wei, Dutch, Robert, anyone may look for him alone, but Ada can't, she basically follows Robert when she appears.

"Brother Ye Kai, this is for you." When Ada came, she was holding a book in her hand. At this time, she held the book with both hands and handed it to Ye Kai.

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