Ye Kai took the book and said casually, "What kind of book is this?"

Speaking of which, he opened the book and read it.

"I found this in the wilderness of stones. At that time, you were cleaning up monsters. I saw it on a stone bookshelf in an abandoned church. There was only one copy, so I took it back. The story on it...was terrifying. This book The book is here for you." After saying that, Ada turned around and ran away, as if Ye Kai would eat her.

What Ye Kai did to the civilians before did scare her.

Chapter 78 Blood Bird

It was really difficult for her to talk so much at once, except for chanting spells, I had never seen her so fluent.

This is a musty ancient book, with a feeling that it will fall apart at any time. The content is like a novel, or a biography.

There is a section like this:

So it had the intention to find the Countess, the woman who had tried to use the blood of a virgin to rejuvenate and was buried alive.Her castle quickly collapsed into ruins under various brutal actions.

A deserted tower stands like some sort of sinister monument over a wilderness the gods have forgotten.

It is believed that the Countess' wealth was divided among the clergy, and while some of it has not been recovered, it remains buried alongside the decaying skeletons, the only silent witnesses to the inhumanity of the castle.

The old tower is as dilapidated inside as it is outside, and I've heard of some nuns with horrific consequences when the stairwell collapsed on top of them.

The danger over there is not just a structural problem, when it becomes a miserable condition inside, many people can only succumb to the bad atmosphere.

That tower is the landmark of the dangerous place, and there is an epic poem about it... How much grief a man can bear is fully tested in this place.

Treasure legends are no different from other kinds of legends. They also have some false statements and guarantees, which make those people unconsciously want to know more.Perhaps what we can find is death, insanity, and disappointment.

After reading it, Ye Kai frowned tightly.

The Forgotten Tower, the Countess' quest.

It turned out that this mission was triggered in the stone wilderness, not the dark forest or the black wasteland, but he didn't remember the details.

His memory of that place is very deep. At first he said it was a high tower, but Ye Kai couldn’t find it no matter how hard he searched when he was playing games. Later, he found out that the place was an upside-down high tower dug towards the ground, which left him speechless. Sobbing.

This task can only be done when the wasteland is opened up there, so let’s ignore it.

Thinking of this, Ye Kai walked towards the small station and teleported directly to the cold plain.

It took another half a day to reach the burial place that Kaxia mentioned.

This is an abandoned monastery with small cemeteries everywhere.

In the middle is a big withered tree with several dead Rogues hanging from it.

Although it is daytime, it gives people a very dim feeling here, and the sky is covered with dark clouds, which makes people feel like they can't distinguish between day and night.

Especially the black air inside, which is the breath of death.

Ye Kai walked in quietly, feeling the smell of death, a playful smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.


A cold voice sounded, and the entire Bone Burial Ground instantly seemed to come alive.

On the ground, countless zombies are rising from the ground.

The skeletons that were scattered on the ground that I saw before all came to life one by one, and slowly turned into skeletons one by one.

The skeleton looks eerie with a knife and shield made of bones.

Ye Kai could fully understand the devil's language, and the translation was: Join my army of death!

"Blood bird? I don't know if you can hear my voice, or if you can understand human language now. You'd better stand up yourself, and I will give you a heroic death." Ye Kai said indifferently.

For the hero of the first generation of Diablo, he retains high respect.

Even if she has degenerated into a demon now, she shouldn't die rotten.

Ye Kai carried Roland's guardian and walked quietly to the big tree.

As expected, those zombies and skeletons were dominated, they did not attack rashly, but slowly surrounded Ye Kai.


A swift figure appeared in Ye Kai's eyes.

She has gray skin, a pair of horn-like things growing on her head, and some horny armor on her body.Wearing red tight leather pants on the lower body, it looks like it is connected with the body.

"It seems that the negotiation failed." Ye Kai shook his head lightly, and sighed: "Do you like group battles so much?"


The blood bird uttered a devil's language again.

It sounds like: My armies will destroy you!

"Obviously they have the same vocal cords as humans, but what they speak is the language of demons, but it doesn't matter, since you like this, then die here!" Ye Kai's eyes flashed scarlet.

Those zombies and skeletons have already assembled.

Ye Kai stretched out his hand calmly.


A red phantom appeared in front of him.

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