He has no lower body, has very thick arms, is wearing armor, has a long horn on his head, and has a huge grimace on his chest, with his mouth reaching the length of his abdomen.

A radius of [-] meters is shrouded in a red circle.

The first ghost, Kazan of the Soul of the Blade.


Those zombies and skeletons were no longer polite, and slowly moved towards Ye Kai.

They surrounded and did not fight before, and they were waiting for this moment.

And the blood bird is even less polite, bending the bow, nodding the arrow, and releasing the arrow, all in one go!


Arrows with flames shot towards Ye Kai.

Ye Kai didn't hesitate at all, there was a touch of magic under his feet, like a small whirlwind, slowly winding around his legs.


Ye Kai flew up and stabbed at the blood bird!

Silver light falls!

As expected, the blood bird was very agile, as if it had an engine on its legs, it quickly dodged Ye Kai's attack, and fired a bow to attack Ye Kai who was stabbing down in the air.

The silver light falling blade of the giant sword is in the overlord state, even if the blood bird breaks the defense, it can't do much damage to Ye Kai.

Sure enough, it is different from the game, the speed of this guy's arrow shooting is not as slow as in the game.

But it was not difficult for Ye Kai at all.


Click click.

The leaves fell to the ground.

The airflow brought out by the falling blade of silver light blows the zombies and skeletons that want to surround him totteringly.

There were also three skeletons that were directly killed by Ye Kai.

But it was of no use to the blood bird, she just waved her hand, and those skeletons were resurrected again.

This is no different from the game, Ye Kai is waiting for this moment.

Although the blood bird is fast, Ye Kai is not slow!

Fighting with an agile opponent, dare to stop?If Ye Kai were her, she would never stop to summon her!

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh...

Ye Kai seemed to be ignoring the laws of physics, his feet didn't move, but his whole body moved forward several meters. Roland's guardian followed Ye Kai's movement and slashed forward to the left, but it missed.

He didn't stop, he saw that he cut once and then cut forward to the right.


A zombie was split in two, and his figure moved forward a few meters again.

Ye Kai put on a smile, and finally moved forward a few meters, much faster than running!

This time, it is still cutting to the front left!


This sword slashed on the shoulder of the blood bird.

A blue mist floated out of her body!

Three cuts!

Chapter 79

Three-stage slash, a starting move of a ghost swordsman skill.

The strongest ghost swordsman in the early stage, or the strongest in the 60s version, is not a brilliant skill, not a powerful ultimate move, but... a combo.

Ye Kai naturally understood this truth, he stared at the bloodless eyes of the blood bird, and moved his right hand again.

The long sword was raised quickly, and slashed forward again.

When the three-stage cut was used before, three sword lights appeared, and this time is still no exception.

The beautiful sword light, like moonlight, shone in this lifeless cemetery.

Blue mist appeared on the blood bird again...

This is the characteristic of their high-level demons, just like the blood tank in the game. Before killing them, they must "kill" all their energy.

When the sword cuts her body, it's like cutting steel, but if you only use the light of the sword instead of the sword itself, you won't feel that stagnant feeling.

Blood Bird really wanted to move now, wanted to get out of this person's range, but she couldn't do it at all, she was stiff.

As a demon, Blood Bird naturally has her own wisdom, but as a high-level demon, she will only do her best to kill the enemy and turn the enemy into her companion, and will not run away.

She wanted to leave Ye Kai's sword encirclement, but she just wanted better output, after all, she was an archer, not a warrior.

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