Ye Kai's professional ability, or swordsmanship, completely refreshed her three views.

The skills of barbarians and paladins are just like children in front of Ye Kai.

What kind of person is this, who can use the sword to such an extent?It's like... art.

The only thing that is certain is that in the impression of Blood Bird and even Andariel, there is no such swordsmanship on this continent at all.

And his scarlet arm didn't look like a human being, but more like a demon.

Unlike the devil, his eyes are very clear, very fanatical, not the contempt and madness of the devil.

Her feet had sunk into the muddy ground, and she was struggling hard, but she still couldn't get rid of this stiff state.


click, click...

Zombies and skeletons are slowly approaching Ye Kai and Blood Bird. Their limitation is that they are too slow and have no long-range attack ability. Ye Kai is not afraid of such opponents at all.

He said before that the way to die as a hero for Blood Bird was to single out, because he knew that these little monsters couldn't stop him, but it would take more energy for Blood Bird to control these things.

She has long forgotten the persistence of the so-called strong.

Although this is a battlefield, although Ye Kai is a human and she is a demon, it does not hinder one-on-one at all.

Since she was afraid from the beginning, she was also doomed to fail.

Ye Kai didn't think too deeply, and didn't get too entangled in these things. He swung his sword again and sent the blood bird flying.

The gorgeous moonlight appears again!

Moonlight Slash!

One sword slashes downwards, one sword slashes upwards, and if Devil May Cry can be added with a sword similar to a full moon skill.

It's a pity that the current Ye Kai hasn't changed his job yet, so he can't use the true essence of these skills.

Just like the dark warrior, although he can use all the skills of the ghost swordsman, the price he paid is too little, and the essence cannot be released at all.

The blood bird floated helplessly in the air, she tightly held the bow in her hand, she didn't even look at Ye Kai, she just bent the bow and set an arrow, and shot an arrow at Ye Kai.

If the opponent can't attack at this time in the game, but it can in reality.

Ye Kai didn't want to interrupt his combo, and saw him casually cut horizontally and vertically, and the blood-red cross-shaped sword light flew towards the blood bird.


The blue light appeared on the blood bird again, and it was stronger than before.

And her falling body also slowed down a bit.


The sound of long arrows piercing flesh...

Ye Kai didn't dodge the arrow, he had to give up some indifferent defenses in order to attack.

I saw him slipping forward casually.


A flame appeared out of nowhere and burned towards the blood bird.


The blood bird completely ate the Earth Fissure Wave Sword!

bang, bang...

Two zombies pounded Ye Kai's back with iron-like fists.

Ye Kai only felt a pain in his back, but he didn't feel dizzy or have the urge to spurt blood after being hit by two punches like before.

It turned out that I had become stronger unconsciously.

A bloodthirsty smile appeared on the corner of Ye Kai's mouth, he swung his long sword and slashed backwards, and the heads of two zombies soared into the sky.


At this time, the blood bird had just landed.

Click, click, click...

Ye Kai quickly turned up the Roland Guardian in his hand. The skeletons and zombies who had just approached were not his enemies at all.

The blood bird had already stood up at this time, quickly retreated, and fired rockets as he retreated, as if to make the kite fly away.


The blood bird spit out the devil's language again, and even asked who Ye Kai was?

Ye Kai smiled slightly, all the magic power on his body was used where it should be used, although there was no problem with speaking, but he didn't want to talk to the blood bird.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh...

Ye Kai moved sideways and quickly approached the blood bird.

Although the sword was brand new and there was no trace of blood, the blood bird still felt the evil spirit on it.

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