The blood bird's expression never changed, she saw that Ye Kai didn't answer, she shot the arrow even harder.

And the order of those little monsters has been messed up.

Now they are just instinctively approaching Ye Kai, wanting to hurt him, or even kill him.

Blood Bird finally gave up controlling the mobs, and confronted Ye Kai with all his strength.

Both Ye Kai and Xueniao knew that this was a tough battle.

The high-ranking demon is good. After being repeatedly attacked by Ye Kai, her blood should have dropped a lot, but now it is as if she was not injured, and her skills have not been hindered at all.

The distance was getting closer and closer, but Ye Kai couldn't block all the arrows. A total of six arrows were stuck in his arms, lower abdomen, legs, and shoulders.

Blood slowly flowed down these wounds, staining Ye Kai's skirt red.

Part of the blood bird shot was a rocket, and the wound on the leg was already stopped by the flames when it was shot.

Ye Kai's face was a little pale, and the corners of his mouth were twitching, but he didn't stop, if he did, he would have lost this time.

Ye Kai didn't even drink the blood bottle, he doesn't have that much time now.

It will be tricky if the blood bird is allowed to open the distance again.

Finally, the cooldown period of the triple cut is over!

Brush, brush, brush...

After the three sword strikes, Ye Kai came to the blood bird again, and he took two more arrows.

But he was smiling now, a triumphant smile.

Upward pick, moonlight slash, cross slash, ground crack wave sword, ghost slash!


With a shrill scream, the blood bird fell to the ground.

Chapter 80 Heroes


A blue light rose from her body.

Stab it!

A harsh voice sounded, as if heralding the end of an era.

Slowly, a naked blue soul floated up from the blood bird under the reflection of the blue light.


Her expression was very distorted, and she was shaking violently, as if she was suffering a lot.

stab, stab...

A chain of lightning bolts rushed out of that soul.

Ye Kai was taken aback, and just wanted to dodge, but found that the lightning was so fast that he couldn't dodge at all!

However, something even more surprising happened. Those lightning bolts seemed to have thoughts, and when they passed through Ye Kai's body, they didn't cause any harm to him.

Instead, the approaching zombies and skeletons turned into corpses the moment they hit the chain lightning.


clack clack...

The skeletons were piled on the ground and turned into skeletons.

And the zombies were also lying powerlessly on the ground, without even the strength to struggle.

The sky has darkened, not the kind of darkness with dark clouds during the day, but night has arrived.

The light of chain lightning illuminated the entire night sky, reflecting the moonlight.Ye Kai's body was flickering, looking extremely mysterious.

Ye Kai broke off the body of the arrows on his body one by one, and then pulled out the arrows with force.


Even if I do this kind of thing often, it still feels very painful. This kind of experience is really terrible.

And the medical technology here... let alone, every time he pulls out an arrow, he can bring out a small piece of flesh and blood.

Ye Kai was sweating from the pain, pulled out one and rested for a while, and spent nearly ten minutes before disposing of those arrows.

Immediately, I bought two more bottles of medicine in the system, drank it, and it was still 250 for a bottle...

The cuts on the wounds and clothes healed up visibly, as if nothing had happened.

Except for the tearing of the wound, it generally does not cause a strange bleeding state.

In the past, Ye Kai was afraid of getting tetanus, but after thinking about it, he found that no ghost swordsman died of tetanus, so he was relieved.

Now it is not an exaggeration to say that he is an undead species, except that the recovery speed is slower than that of Penglai people like Meihong, he can feel that he, like Meihong, can be resurrected even if he dies.

But he didn't want to experience the feeling of death.


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