Norrington waved, and the soldiers put away the guns and swords pointed at Jack.

Jack also heaved a sigh of relief, he wanted to continue jumping into the sea just now.

Norrington stretched out his right hand and said calmly, "I think we should thank you."

It's still the same, impeccable in etiquette.

Jack had no choice but to stretch out his hand, intending to shake him gently.

Norrington grabbed Jack's hand, pulled him over, and gently tore his sleeve with the other hand, and a mark appeared on Jack's wrist.

Norrington stared at the tattoo on Jack's wrist, and said as a matter of course: "We met in the East India Company, didn't we? Pirates."

Jack's mouth twitched.

"Tie him up." The governor ordered that Jack was a pirate just now.

"Aim the gun at him, Gillette, and bring some iron chains." Norrington didn't hesitate, and pushed Jack's sleeve up again, and a tattoo appeared again.

"Wow, Jack Sparrow, huh?"

Norrington let go, as if disdainful of holding him.

Jack withdrew his hand and retorted, "Please call me Captain Jack Sparrow, sir."

He swayed while talking, and his fingers shook irregularly, looking very relaxed.

Norrington looked around the sea, and said with surprise: "Why didn't I see your boat, captain?"

Speaking of this, he couldn't help but want to laugh, this pirate is really arrogant and cunning.

Jack wasn't embarrassed at all, and said matter-of-factly, "I used to have a boat."

After speaking, he narrowed his eyes and smiled.

"He said he was going to grab one."

Er Shou spoke at this time, showing his presence.

Jack looked at Ershou with disgust on his face. He was on the same front with him just now, maybe?

"I said he was telling the truth and it was all his."

Er Fat squatted down and picked up a pile of junk that belonged to Jack.

Jack said he was going to snatch a boat when he got on the boat before, but Er Shou insisted that he was joking, and now Er Fatty can be regarded as proud.

Norrington picked up Jack's pistol, checked it, put it back, and said calmly, "There is no spare ammunition."

Jack stretched out his hand to say something, but was blocked by a sentence. Even if he said that his bullet was reserved for his first officer, how many people would believe it?

But he had a hunch that Ye Kai would believe his words.

He picked up the compass again, opened the cover, and said with a look of disgust: "A compass that doesn't know how to guide."

It's a pity that this compass should only be used in this world. After all, it is the blessing of the Sea God. If it goes to a world without the Sea God, it will be of no use.

Whatever you think in your heart, it will point there, divine weapon!It's a pity that Norrington doesn't know the goods, and Ye Kai doesn't need to remind him.

At this time, you should talk less. Silence is golden. Knowing too much is sometimes not good.

Norrington smiled at Jack, which was definitely mocking.

He pulled out Jack's sword again, made a sorry expression to Jack, and smiled, "I thought it was made of wood."

Jack showed a small face and then shrank back, which seemed to cater to the joke.

Norrington said to Jack with a look of disgust: "You are without a doubt the worst pirate I have ever seen."

Jack put his hands on his chest, stretched out two index fingers, made a gesture, and smiled: "But you must have heard of me."


Norrington grabbed Jack's hand and walked the way he came, looking like he was going to arrest him.

Elizabeth hurriedly followed, and said as she walked, "Commander, I want to protest!"

Norrington had handed Jack over to his men, and put him in chains.

Elizabeth stood in front of Jack and said to Norrington, "Whether he is a pirate or not, he wants to save my life!"

Chapter 09: Remember This Day Forever

Ye Kai and the governor also walked over. The governor wanted to persuade Elizabeth not to be confused by a pirate.

Jack turned his head to look at Norrington. While being chained, he said viciously: "Doing good deeds but people are punished."

Norrington said word by word: "No, that's right!"

At this moment, the chains were tied.


Jack spit out two words, but the whole person pounced on Elizabeth in front like a cheetah, and strangled her neck with a chain.

Ye Kai was also taken aback, can this guy have a lower limit?No, it was Norrington who had no lower limit first.

The marines, Norrington, and the Governor have similar expressions to Ye Kai's. There was a gap of at most two seconds just now, and he was able to kidnap Elizabeth so quickly. What kind of reaction speed is this?

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