The governor said anxiously: "No, don't shoot!"

Ye Kai drew out his samurai sword, pointed at Jack and said coldly: "Hey, buddy, you'd better let my lady go, otherwise you will be miserable."

With a fierce expression on his face, Jack strangled Elizabeth and said viciously: "I'm miserable enough, boy, since you know my name, you should protect your young lady well."

Ye Kai frowned slightly, this guy turned out to be a plan to alienate casually.

While choking Elizabeth, Jack laughed and said, "You recognized me from the very beginning, and those two marines can also prove it, but why didn't you directly subdue me?"

At this time, Norrington and the governor did not pay attention to Jack's words, but Jack's words would definitely plant a seed of distrust in Ye Kai in their hearts.

After all, Ye Kai is an oriental person, so his background is somewhat unknown.

Maybe it's a spy?

After Ye Kai figured out the key point, he couldn't laugh or cry. He didn't have to stay in this world for a long time, so he didn't struggle too much, and he was calculated in an instant.

Sure enough, you can't underestimate the aborigines. Even if you know the general plot, who knows that there are many times when there is a butterfly effect, will those guys play their cards according to the routine?

The navy is okay, but the pirates are a bunch of bottomless guys.

Elizabeth's complexion was normal, but she was having difficulty breathing. She accepted this fact the moment she was kidnapped.

Jack said fiercely in her ear: "I know you will help me."

Speaking of this, he looked at Norrington, and said sonorously: "Commander Norrington, my things."

As if remembering something, he raised an index finger and smiled, "And my hat."

Everyone didn't intend to move.

Seeing that they didn't follow suit, Jack made a vigorous movement with his hands and shouted: "Commander!"

Norrington had no choice but to take the pile of junk from Jack.

Jack put his head close to Elizabeth and said softly, "Is that Elizabeth?"

Elizabeth took a hard breath, gritted her teeth and argued, "It's Miss Swann!"

Jack smiled slightly and said softly: "Miss Swan, if you cooperate, we won't stay for long."

Norrington handed a pile of rags to Elizabeth. Jack's reaction was also extremely fast, turning Elizabeth into a state of facing him. He also picked up his gun and pointed it at Elizabeth's temple.

Even if there is only one bullet, it is still a gun.

Jack smiled and said, "As long as you behave well."

Elizabeth had no choice but to help Jack put on the equipment.

When he was equipping Jack's boat, he couldn't help but have some physical contact. Norrington gritted his teeth and had to turn his head away.

And what about Ye Kai?He had been waiting for an opportunity, but he was not allowed to make a move anyway, so why was he in a hurry.

After Elizabeth finished everything, Jack smiled at her and said, "I saved you, you saved me, and we're even."

After speaking, he turned Elizabeth over again, backed up a little bit and said, "Gentlemen, you will always remember today, you almost caught the great Captain Jack Sparrow!"

He has now retreated to a crane position and could escape at any time.

Sure enough, he pushed Elizabeth out, stepped on the mechanism of the crane, grabbed the rope in his hand, and followed the rope to fly up into the sky.

Ye Kai is no stranger to this kind of mechanism, he often encountered it when he was playing Assassin's Creed in his previous life.

After flying up, he didn't stop, but changed the rope.

The rope moved slowly according to his strength, opening another mechanism.

The top was originally a movable wooden pillar, and at this time he has been spinning in circles.

The governor looked at Jack flying in the sky, and shouted: "Can you shoot him?"


Before Norrington could answer, everyone saw a figure flying up, stepping on the wall below the mechanism and rushing up.

If you can learn Yuexiang now, which round will you get this guy's arrogance?

Everyone stared blankly at Ye Kai who was chasing after him, but Jack didn't stop, and jumped onto the pillar in front when he was about to throw.

The chain in his hand is now a helper, and he swung the chain onto the rope connected to the pillar, and slid forward, which was definitely faster than running.

However, someone is faster than him.

Ye Kai did not rely on mechanical power to complete the jump, but stepped on the wooden board and jumped over there directly.

What is the strength of the third-level ghost swordsman?It is estimated that few people will pay attention, because the level is too low.

Ye Kai is different from others, he is now equivalent to a third-level ghost swordsman, so he naturally knows where his limit is.

He calculated the distance, and when he was in the air, he slashed to the place where Jack had just landed, and turned over with his strength.

Jack looked back and saw Ye Kai smiling at him, suddenly had a premonition, and murmured: "Ahh..."

Ye Kai slashed with a knife, and the rope that Jack was relying on broke.

Jack glanced at the sky helplessly, and said to himself helplessly, "What a monster."


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