Because the rope broke, Jack fell halfway through the glide. Fortunately, he let go of the chain in time, so he didn't land on his back.

Unfortunately, time is very important, especially when his opponent is Ye Kai.

Ye Kai didn't stop after cutting the rope, he jumped up, and a silver falling blade pierced the ground.

It couldn't hurt Jack, and it couldn't hurt anyone.

But what Ye Kai wanted was the acceleration effect.

Everyone also stared blankly at Ye Kai, Ye Kai was refreshing their views!

This... is something humans can do?


The leaves fell to the ground.

Just as Jack was about to continue running away, he saw that Ye Kai's knife was already on his neck.

Ye Kai smiled at Jack: "I will always remember this day, I almost let the great Captain Jack Sparrow escape."

Chapter 10 Experience Points

clap, clap, clap...

There was a sound of footsteps, and countless guns were pointed at Jack.

Jack had no choice but to raise his hand and muttered, "Such a good skill doesn't make me want to be a pirate."

Ye Kai couldn't laugh or cry at Jack's worldview, but he also knew that this was from Jack's heart. This guy really yearns for freedom so much, he probably wouldn't be interested in being a brigadier general.

"Hey, discuss it, let me go, I will give you the position of chief mate, I know you have the ability."

Jack winked at Ye Kai.

I don't know who was alienating and speaking harshly just now, but now he is able to draw Ye Kai into his camp without any lower limit, it's really... a miracle.

Ye Kai shook his head slightly, and said with a smile: "I think it's better to be a little guard."

"Captain Jack, you're going to be hanged tomorrow, do you have any last words? I'll get you more first mates."

Seeing that Ye Kai subdued Jack, Norrington walked over slowly.

The Governor and Elizabeth also followed.

The governor nodded slightly to Ye Kai, indicating that he did a good job.

Elizabeth also began to face up to this genuine savior.

He looks a little handsome, looks only sixteen or seventeen years old, and is about [-] meters tall. His body is unavoidably thin, and it should be a matter of long-term malnutrition.

In addition, he has been traveling outside, so he must have suffered a lot. Judging from the calluses on his hands, he should have practiced swords for a long time, no wonder he has such a level.

People are more dead than others, and goods are thrown away. Those navy have been classified as waste by Elizabeth.

Even if it is the guard of the father...


Just such a useful one.

Norrington didn't intend to treat Ye Kai badly, this kid saved his favorite Elizabeth once, and caught the pirate who almost swept him off.

Norrington nodded to Ye Kai and said, "If you are interested, I think the governor is willing to let the navy have an extra second lieutenant."

He said to his adjutant, "Gillette, take this nasty pirate away, he will definitely be very happy at the gallows tomorrow."

After finishing speaking, he took the people and left. It is impossible to continue today's banquet.

Jack looked at Ye Kai resentfully, and was taken away just like that.

Ye Kai also followed the large army back to the Governor's Mansion, and received a bonus of [-] shillings and a set of gorgeous clothes not long after he sat down.

This is life.

Ye Kai couldn't help feeling a little emotional, and sacrificed all those shillings.

Ding, ding, ding...

He looked at the bouncing gold coins in his backpack and couldn't help but smile.

Although the mall only has gold coins, it doesn't stop him from being happy.

One shilling today is equivalent to sixty-six yuan in later generations. How come two hundred shillings are more than [-] yuan?

As if hearing Ye Kai's voice, the number of gold coins just stopped at the number of thirteen hundred.

The corner of Ye Kai's mouth twitched a little, and this was for him?And still a tenth?

Forget it, anyway, this is the only one, so he had no choice but to follow.

Any dish costs ten gold coins, and I feel that the gold coins are not as valuable as RMB.

[Defeat Pirates of the Caribbean, gain experience 100%]

[Congratulations to the host, the level has increased, the current level: 4. 】

Ye Kai was stunned. There are still experience points for this fight?What is this scenario?

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