But that's right, it's strange that killing monsters doesn't give experience points.

Then what is the reason for this experience?Will and Marin, who faced off before, are much better than Jack's swordsmanship.

Although I haven't seen Jack's swordsmanship, he really can't beat Will in the movie.

Now Ye Kai can only make a simple analysis, one: because he is the protagonist, two: because he is the pirate king, three: he has the ability.

It seems that we will experiment more in the future, first try those with status and ability, and then try various protagonists and villains.

Thinking that Ye Kai was a little tired, he went to the kitchen and asked the chef to fry him two steaks, ate a piece of bread, and drank a glass of milk, which made him feel better.

Ye Kai returned to the Governor's Mansion this time to enjoy the treatment of a hero. As long as the heat is not over, he can enjoy a little privilege.

Ye Kai glanced at the weapons and found that if you want to use them well, you need at least level ten, so don't worry now.

Everything is still based on leveling up. He just felt that his strength and everything are stronger than before. Although it is not obvious, it will definitely become very powerful after a long period of time.

Besides, job transfers after level [-] are the big ones.

Plus one sleep, two sleep, this is a proper road against the sky!

Ye Kai looked at the store boredly, thinking wildly.

This is... an experience capsule?These things are sold.

The price is determined according to the level, 10% of the experience capsules below the tenth level cost 100 gold coins.

Ye Kai bought ten of them at that time and upgraded himself to level five.

Money is money when it is spent, and it is paper if it is not spent.

Anyway, there are 300 gold coins left, enough to buy a little novice potion and food.

[Congratulations to the host, the level has increased, the current level: 5. 】

There is another advantage of upgrading the level, that is, the continuous slash in the air can be used. Ye Kai can also slash a few more swords in the air without this skill, but with this skill, the damage will be increased, which is important.

"Mr. Ye Kai, are you there?"

Just as Ye Kai was meditating, a woman's voice sounded.

Ye Kai went to the door and opened it, only to see Elizabeth standing at the door, he couldn't help but froze for a moment.

Could it be that the hero rescued the beauty today, and then fought the pirates bravely, so that this girl came to sacrifice her life?

No, no, my first time is for the big beauties of the second dimension, not foreign girls!

Thinking of this, Ye Kai hugged his chest, and said vigilantly: "Miss, let me tell you in advance that I will come to the governor's mansion to perform art and not to sell myself. If you insist on using force, I will run away."

Elizabeth: "..."

Elizabeth's eyes widened, she looked at Ye Kai, as if she couldn't figure out that this guy who was so reliable during the day would have such an unreliable side, who did he take himself for.

However, this young boy is quite interesting.You can't tell if you wear standard clothes during the day, but it's interesting to wear samurai clothes now.

Elizabeth snorted, and said inexplicably, "I'm just here to ask you some questions, don't be nervous."

Only then did Ye Kai breathe a sigh of relief, and he didn't know where his confidence came from.

Ye Kai glanced back at his bedroom, and said awkwardly: "It's not appropriate to chat with me, is it?"

Elizabeth also looked at it, frowning slightly, it was messy enough.

Elizabeth shook her head and said, "Forget it, it's getting late anyway, I'll look for you after breakfast tomorrow."


At this moment, there was a cannon sound outside!

Chapter 11

Ye Kai narrowed his eyes, sniffed lightly, and said in a deep voice, "I smell pirates."

It wasn't that Ye Kai was blowing casually, but he really smelled it: the smell of curse.

He was already burdened with curses, and he was very sensitive to curses.

"Pirates? There are troops stationed here." Elizabeth obviously couldn't believe it.

"A real legendary pirate is not afraid of the so-called army. Miss, you go back to your room now, and I will protect you at the door." Ye Kai said solemnly.

Boom, boom, boom...

There was a lot of smoke outside, and a legendary pirate ship had landed near this not too prosperous Port Royal.

Black Pearl, the fastest ship in the Caribbean Sea, one of the three legendary pirate ships.

Seeing Ye Kai's solemn expression, Elizabeth didn't know how to react. Could it be that this pirate group can still capture Port Royal?

Ye Kai said in a deep voice: "Make a decision quickly, Miss, I don't know if I can stop them, this place is no longer safe."

"Okay, listen to you."

Elizabeth chose to believe in Ye Kai, and the two went upstairs, swindling into her room.

Ye Kai started to block the door of the room with things like wardrobes, trying to buy some time.

Elizabeth ran to the balcony and looked outside.

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