The originally silent night has been stained with heavy fog, and there is no hope of living in the place where the sea and the sky connect.

There was gunfire everywhere, pirates everywhere, soldiers everywhere.

It was the first time Elizabeth had seen such a tragic war.

The countless broken walls and the cries of countless civilians are all telling the horror of pirates.


The iron gate of the governor's mansion can't stop the crazy pirates at all, they have already rushed into the governor's mansion.

Elizabeth ran to Ye Kai's side and shouted to Ye Kai: "There are still many maids and servants, those pirates will kill them."

Ye Kai looked at Elizabeth strangely and said, "The other party has a lot of people, if I go out, I can protect myself, but who will protect you?"

Elizabeth took down a decorative sword from the wall and said seriously, "It's here to protect me."

What a strong girl.

Ye Kai shrugged helplessly and said, "Okay, I just want to try the level of these pirates."

After speaking, Ye Kai kicked open the wardrobe and table, and opened the door.

"your good friend."

Two pirates stood quietly at the door, one was a little bald, the other was very thin with a false eye.

They all have one thing in common, that is, they are dirty and look like they haven't showered in months.

The bald pirate was just about to point his gun at Ye Kai, but Ye Kai drew out his sword like lightning.


The two pirates only felt that there was wind, and then their heads flew into the sky.

But they didn't fall down, but ran towards the head.

A headless corpse, running towards a human head, looks weird no matter how you look at it.

Especially when Ye Kai chopped off their heads, he didn't even shed a drop of blood.

Ye Kai showed a hint of interest, and murmured: "Undead pirates? I just don't know if Ghost Slash can burn their souls with the flames."

Elizabeth is also confused at this time, there are still people who are not dead, how to fight?

Ye Kai turned around resolutely, hugged Elizabeth with his left hand, and jumped off the balcony in Elizabeth's room.


Elizabeth screamed in the air, Ye Kai only felt that she slipped and touched a place that shouldn't be touched...

The hand feel is average, and her bust is less than B.

Now is not the time to think about this. After the two landed, Ye Kai said to Elizabeth: "Can you run? Let's go to the fortress now."

Elizabeth looked at the sword in her hand, it seemed that this could keep her safe.

He nodded, signaling that she could still run.



A bullet hit this way.

Ye Kai slashed back with a sword, and the bullet flew away.

The speed of bullets in this era is really too slow, so slow that Ye Kai can barely catch it with the naked eye.

"Ah oh."

The pirate who shot looked at Ye Kai in disbelief, but he was not shocked for too long, because they were immortal, so what if the other party's sword skills were so good?

Before he could be happy for a long time, Ye Kai killed him with a sword.

It looked like a simple slash with a sword, and purple flames attached to Ye Kai's sword.


Mingyan disappeared in a flash, and Ye Kai felt a sharp pain in his left arm.

Click click.

The muscles became well-defined, and mysterious golden runes appeared on the outside of the arm.

Red, weird red, spread from the nails of the left hand all the way to the shoulder.

It turned out that he already had ghost hands, and the slight redness before was because he didn't use the power that really belonged to ghosts and gods.

This ghost slash completely activated the ghost hand.

Ye Kai took a deep breath, smiled and said, "Is this the feeling of a ghost swordsman? Not bad."

The pain has disappeared, and he has now become a veritable ghost swordsman.

He is not a sword soul, and he does not need to fight against the power of ghosts and gods.

There is no all-round ghost swordsman in the Arad Continent, even GSD can't do it, he still mainly focuses on Asura.

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