Ye Kai thought it was strange that these were growing on a tree that had not been destroyed by monsters.

"Let's go back." Ye Kai held the scroll and said softly.

After passing through the small station in the dark forest, everyone quickly returned to the Rogue camp.

The monsters near the small station have not been cleaned up. I'm afraid I won't be able to save trouble and teleport them next time, otherwise I will be surrounded by countless monsters.

Countless monsters attacking together, even Ye Kai would be overwhelmed.

After returning to the camp, everyone went directly to Akara.

Now everyone's eyes are red and covered with bloodshot eyes. They have taken turns to rest these few days, and no one has slept soundly.

If you don't know what happened to Deckard Cain, it's okay, now that you know it, you will start to race against time.

It was very leisurely to clean up the cold plain and the stone field before, but now it is not possible.

Akara deciphered the scroll very quickly, before Ye Kai and others could react, she had already deciphered it.

It can be seen that she is the most anxious one now.

"I have translated these symbols and written them on this scroll. You go to the stone cairn and touch the stones in the order I wrote them down. The future of Camp Rogue, as well as the life of Deckard Cain, is I leave it to you." Akara solemnly handed the scroll to Ye Kai.

Ye Kai nodded, then looked back at the listless crowd, and said softly, "If it doesn't work, I'll go alone this time."

"I can hold on." Lai Wei gritted her teeth.

"Daqi is fine." Daqi was also shaking a little while carrying the giant sword.

"I can, but I'm afraid I can't..." Robert said hesitantly.

Among these people, he is the one with the best spirit.

After all, he can only provide fighting spirit, and he doesn't need to output when killing monsters.

Ada was different, throwing fire bombs all the time took too much energy.

Although the magic power has been replenished, it does not mean that she is not tired.

"I can do it..." Ada insisted.

"Since you insist, let's go together." Ye Kai sighed.

Looking at their tired and determined eyes, he couldn't bear to refuse any more.

What happened with the blood bird before gave them too much impact and inspiration. If they let them give up halfway, it would be disrespectful to them.

"let's go."

Ye Kai and the others went to the small station again and teleported to the stone field.

Since there were no monsters in the stone field, several people arrived near the stone formation smoothly.

Ye Kai stood in the center, looked at several stone pillars, and began to light up the stone pillars according to the order on the scroll.

After the scrolls in his hand are interpreted, they will always glow blue in sequence.

Whichever lights up first, which lights up second, which lights up third, and so on.

Ye Kai follows the order of the scrolls, and every time he touches a stone pillar, the symbols on the stone pillar will glow blue.

Chapter 83 My Deckard Cain

If you are careful, you will find that the symbols on the stone pillar and the symbols on the scroll are exactly the same.

In addition, there are only a few stone pillars with symbols, so Ye Kai is not afraid of making a mistake and clicking stone pillars without symbols.

Om, oom, oom, oom, oom...

Five stone pillars lit up one after another.

The sky darkened in an instant.

stab, stab, stab...

Under the surprised eyes of everyone, lightning rained from the sky, and these lightnings were so fast that everyone couldn't dodge them at all.

But the strange thing is that lightning can't hurt everyone.

But Ye Kai experienced it once, so it's no surprise.

Magic is really mysterious.

Gradually, the lightning stopped falling from the sky, and the lightning seemed to be completely absorbed by the stone pillar.

There is a faint connection between each stone pillar.


Something even weirder happened. The lightning between the stone pillars seemed to resonate, and they were connected together to form a five-pointed star made of lightning.

The sky is getting darker and darker, as if only the area around the stone pillars is still bright.


A scarlet portal suddenly appeared near Ye Kai, at the center of the stone pillar.

This is the way to Tristram.

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