Regarding the legend of Tristram, we have to start from the first generation of Diablo.

In the last century of the first millennium, the Diablo God Diablo was imprisoned within the Soul Stone by a group of Horadrim monks, thus ending the Sin Wars.

The monks buried the soul stone in a cave near the Telshande River in Kanduras, and built a Horadrim monastery on this site, with bloody tombs spreading beneath it. network.

In the years after the monastery was founded, the town of Tristram sprang up around it, and its inhabitants had put demons behind them.

Unfortunately, due to the lack of mission delegation, the number of Horadrim slowly decreased. After 200 years, the Horadrim has become a legend and gradually forgotten by people, and the monastery was abandoned.

The lord of the east, Leoric, came to Tristram and became king here, and converted the dilapidated Horadrim monastery into a Zakarum church.

Later, Leoric was betrayed by his advisor, the Archbishop, who secretly freed Diablo from his captivity in the monastery's tomb.

The freed Diablo attempted to possess the mighty Leoric, but Diablo failed and Leoric was driven mad.

The mad king began to slaughter his subjects and declare war on Khanduras's former allies.Afterwards, Leoric was killed by his commander, and his son was taken by Diablo and became Diablo's new host.

In the quest for treasure and glory, many adventurers have been buried in the tombs of Tristram.The archbishop led a group of villagers deep into the cathedral, and finally the archbishop abandoned the villagers and transformed them into a group of bloodthirsty demon butchers.

With this as a start, the inhabitants of Tristram began to flee.

If they had been loyal to the mad Leoric and had not betrayed their king, they would have no reason to be here.

Only a few villagers remained, and they ushered in a hero who finally defeated the Demon Slayer.

He got acquainted with Deckard Kane, and under Kane's guidance, he went deep into the maze of the tomb, finally defeated the Skeleton King, and ended the life of the evil archbishop.

The lone hero went through all kinds of tribulations and finally reached hell and defeated Diablo who was entrenched here.

Unfortunately, the hero foolishly thought he could trap Diablo inside himself, and embedded the demon's Soul Stone in his own flesh.

The otherwise steadfast soul of the "foolish" hero soon succumbed to Diablo's taint, and he eventually became the Dark Wanderer.

The dark wanderer left Tristram shortly before a demonic force invaded it.

Later, a demonic force bloodbaths the town, killing its inhabitants, resurrecting them as skeletons, or possessing them and turning them into demons, including the unfortunate Griswold.

Deckard Kane was not killed, but imprisoned here.

"I'll go in first, and you can go in five minutes later." Ye Kai looked back at his friends and smiled.

"Okay, Brother Ye Kai." Robert nodded.

This is not the time to be brave, only Ye Kai can guarantee that nothing will happen to him, and the rest can't.


Ye Kai walked in casually.

He just felt dizzy for a while, and the next moment, he had already appeared in a small town.

This place is huge, at least much bigger than in the game.

The smell of burning fire, the smell of river water, the smell of demons, the smell of skeletons, the smell of zombies.

The connection of these weird smells made Ye Kai frown.

The portal is very hidden, and no monsters have discovered it yet.

Ye Kai turned around the portal, looked at the ruined town, and shook his head helplessly.

It is the fate of all cities to become ruins, right?

No matter how splendid it is, after thousands of years, what is left may be endless scorched earth, or become an unknown town.

Not long after, the rest of the people teleported in one after another.

"It's such a rotten place. I don't know if those monsters will be very wild." Lai Wei licked her tongue excitedly. She has not had fun fighting for a long time. Recently, she has been looking for things and dealing with civilian problems. .

"Unexpectedly, a once glorious city has become like this." Robert said with emotion.

"What a scary place..." Ada shrank behind Robert.

"Don't worry, Ada, I will protect you with my bow and arrow." Flavian raised the bow and arrow in his hand.

"Shall we kill them directly?" Dach also felt his blood boil.

"Naturally, let's go!" Ye Kai smiled slightly.

The monsters in the dark forest are one level stronger than here in the game, Ye Kai only felt that there was one that was very strong, similar to Tree Wood Fist, it should be the little boss here, Griswold.

Everyone walked towards the ruined town. Sure enough, the strength of the monsters was not high, not too much like the dark forest, but a little weaker.

Zombies, skeletons, and the mutant blade demon of the Fallen Demon, some deer-like Night Clan.

Under Ye Kai's sword, they were easily bloodbathed like chickens and dogs.

"Help, help!"

A weak voice came into Ye Kai's ears.

It was Deckard Cain who was locked in the cage in the center of the town who made the sound. He was already desperate, but he didn't expect to feel the power of the portal.

The Griswold who had turned into a monster didn't kill him, but gave him food and water, making him feel like he was being kept in captivity as an animal.

Now, that life is finally coming to an end.

With the last of his strength, he shouted for help.

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