
Lai Wei yelled, and now her upper body was lying on the bed, her legs were kneeling on the ground, and she suddenly felt a little inexplicable.

That's right, it's not fear, it's not excitement, it's inexplicable, what the hell is Ye Kai doing?


A crisp sound.

Ye Kai waved his right hand and slapped Lai Wei's butt hard.


Levy groaned in pain.

This cry of pain also aroused Ye Kai's fierceness.

clap clap clap...

Ye Kai's hand slapped vigorously, even if he didn't use any magic power, the strength of his physical body should not be underestimated.

Now, he doesn't feel the slightest bit of beauty, but only deeply annoyed.

"Let you break into the tent at will!"

"Makes you yell!"

"Do you know, luckily it's strong ten, if it's strong eleven, who's to blame if it's broken?"

"You bastard, you don't know the heights of heaven and earth without education!"

Lai Wei cried out in pain at first, but after listening to Ye Kai's words and feeling the burning sensation on her buttocks, she suddenly felt a little excited.

"Say, do you know what's wrong?" Ye Kai let go of Lai Wei after nearly a hundred hits.

Lai Wei lay on the bed, panting violently, turned her head when she heard the words, looked at Ye Kai with a flushed face and blurred eyes, and said with a charming smile: "Go on? Or do you want to do something else..."

Lai Wei originally came to ask Ye Kai to eat, but he didn't expect Ye Kai to treat her like this.

No need to think about it, Ye Kai must be doing something important and was disturbed by himself.

But... since she wants to punish her, she can punish her. Anyway, she doesn't mind at all, but she has hoped for such an opportunity for a long time, but Ye Kai refuses to accept it, saying that she has a girlfriend.

It's ridiculous that in this world where there is no today but no tomorrow, they are still so conservative.

Ye Kai's anger subsided immediately, and he suddenly felt a little creepy.

Is this a punishment or a reward? Hey, don't look at me like that.

Lai Wei seems to have been beaten by herself, what kind of amazing attributes?

Ye Kai shook his head quickly, it wasn't his fault, it was Shi Chen's fault.

He looked back at the booster, and found that the booster had stopped during his "vigorous exercise" just now.

I saw him turn around, take out the split wound casually, and had already prepared for the worst.

At worst, it will fall into a state without any reinforcement.

Anyway, there are five thousand yuan left, no matter how bad it is, it can be strengthened to the top four, right?

After taking it out, Ye Kai was stunned.

Although I have fantasized about it, when I hold it in my hand, it still feels so unreal.

Strong ten, the blade that splits the soul!

Ye Kai's expression instantly changed from disappointment to ecstasy!

He is European!

The split wound that radiates light is really beautiful.

This golden halo represents additional attack power!

With the strong ten split wound, he conservatively estimated that he could beat the two of Roland's guardians himself!

Seeing the blue sky through the clouds and mist is what I'm talking about.

"Why, aren't you coming? Come on!"

At this moment, the seductive voice sounded again, Ye Kai looked back, and saw Lai Wei winking at him again.

He quickly shook his head and said: "Just now you interrupted a very important matter. If you fail, there may be a change in the crusade against Andariel. Now that the problem has been solved by me, don't be so reckless next time, understand?"

After speaking, Ye Kaifei also seemed to slip out.

Lai Wei was stunned, she didn't expect Ye Kai to escape like this.


She laughed, shook her head, and said in a low voice, "Guardless guy."

Immediately, his face turned red again. Didn't he really like this guy?Although he is good-looking, reliable, and powerful, he is destined not to belong to him.

Lai Wei sighed desolately, stood up, and walked outside.

Ye Kai's physical body is strong, so why isn't she?Professionals and ordinary people are destined to be different.

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