It's just that it's a little uncomfortable to be wet underneath, so go back and change into a pair of wrapped trousers before going to the banquet.

"Brother Ye Kai, you're here!" Not long after Ye Kai left, he saw the excited Robert.

"Yo, have you been waiting for a long time?" Ye Kai said with a smile.

"Not long ago, in order to give us a good time this time, Aunt Kasha took out a lot of her wine, and even killed a cow! Now everyone is grilling meat." Robert's saliva was about to flow out, and it could be seen that he was How excited.

Alas... this foodie.

I have to go all out tomorrow, why are you so excited?

Can we get something delicious for this last battle?

He walked towards the central bonfire and found that many people were already waiting there.

Dach and a savage girl were drinking heavily, and the two laughed happily together.

The barbarian girl was always holding a hammer in her hand, it was her treasure.

The first time she spoke to Ye Kai, she said, "Hi, I'm Charsi, the blacksmith in the camp. It's great to meet strong adventurers.

When Diablo first attacked our town of Tristram, many of my sisters stood up to him.

They come back as veterans and carry some powerful items.However, it seems that their victory did not last long, and now most of them are under the control of Andariel...

You know, I've been with nuns for as long as I can remember.But Akara told me that my real parents were savages from the northern tribes and that they were killed when I was very young.

Sometimes I also wonder if life would have been the same if I had been raised by savages.I love being a blacksmith...but sometimes I just want to get out and explore the world, you know? "

It can be seen that she is a very hearty person. A while ago, she was the one who asked Ye Kai to kill the blacksmith and retrieve her hammer.

It was a magic item and proof of her blacksmithing.

Before, she could only make ordinary equipment because she lacked a hammer.

Now that the hammer has been found by Ye Kai, she is willing to help Ye Kai transform an ordinary item into a magic item for free, using all her own savings.

He gave up this opportunity to Daqi, but Daqi spent his own money to modify his great sword. The relationship between the two is very good now, and I don't know if Daqi will be separated from the ranks of virgins the night before the battle.

He smiled helplessly, and looked to the other side. It was a group of Yingyingyanyan Luoge archers, there were twelve in total, and Ye Kai had to think of Jinling Twelve Beauties...

Chapter 88 Reward

They are Luo Ge who will go out with Ye Kai and others tomorrow, each has its own personality, and they all sign up voluntarily.

Although it seems safe for Ye Kai to lead the team to the dungeon, but the opponent is Andariel, no one can guarantee it is really safe.

They were all people who accompanied Kaxia to worship the blood bird, and they were also impressed by that kind of heroism in their hearts, so they participated in the crusade against Andariel without hesitation.

Ada was sitting with Flavius, talking in a whisper.

The relationship between the two is getting better and better, so good that Ada has almost forgotten her brother.

Kasha was sitting on the side chatting with a businessman. The businessman was called Warriv, who was going to do business with Lu Gaoyin. He didn't expect that the business route was cut off now. If he went back, he would lose everything.

He came a few days ago, and he was already desperate, but Kaxia told him that after a few days, the trade route would open again, which made him heave a sigh of relief.

Part of Ye Kai's money is his investment.

Ye Kai himself didn't expect that someone could give him money, especially this guy who has no other role in the game except running back and forth.

The lads in his caravan were obviously not qualified to participate in the banquet, so they could only eat the dry food they brought with them.

Kane and Akara sat on the side, as if they were studying magic, and the two gestured repeatedly.

When Ye Kai saw this, he felt a little weird. Akara's gesticulation was nothing, after all, she was blind, but could she see Kane's gesticulation?

Ye Kai and Robert approached the bonfire, Dach quickly gave Ye Kai a large bucket of malt wine.

Ye Kai smiled, took the malt wine, poured himself a glass casually, and drank it in one gulp.

Immediately, he picked up a large piece of meat from the broken plate on the ground, and ate it boldly.

"Well done, brother Ye Kai, I really think you should be a barbarian too." Dach scratched his bald head and smiled foolishly.

"I still think he should be Amazon." Lai Wei had already changed her clothes at this time, and walked over with her chest in her arms.

Warriv looked at Lai Wei, then at Ye Kai, showing a weird smile.

Lai Wei went to call Ye Kai for so long, and now that the clothes have been changed, he wouldn't believe it if there was no story.

However, although it was a bit longer, it was only ten minutes, right?When thinking of this, he looked at Ye Kai with some sympathy.

Ye Kai has been a virgin for two lifetimes, so who knows what this guy is thinking?Shrugged and ignored him.

"Brother Ye Kai, after winning tomorrow, will you go to Lugaoin with us?" Robert is more civilized when he eats. He just cut a small plate of barbecue, poured a small glass of wine, and ate slowly. .

"No, you have your practice, I have my own practice, when you need me, I will appear again." Ye Kai drank the wine in the glass with a smile.

"This is your reward, please take it."

At this time, Akara came over with a bundle and handed it to Ye Kai.

Ye Kai was stunned for a moment, took the burden, opened it, and saw that there were many books, all of which were magic books.

Moreover, there are some gems and potions.

The perfect diamond, the perfect amethyst, the perfect emerald, the perfect ruby, the perfect sapphire, the perfect topaz.

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