It includes all gems except for the special existence of jewel rune skulls, and they are all of the highest grade!It's amazing.

These magics are not only the magic of the mage, but also the magic of the Horadrim, which is the book provided by Kane.

Ye Kai didn't know how valuable these books were, but he knew that it would not be easy to gather so many books for him at this juncture.

The potions are three bottles of stamina potions, three bottles of antidote potions, three bottles of dissolving potions, five bottles of healing potions, five bottles of mana potions, two bottles of explosive potions, and two bottles of poison potions.

Some are recently debugged by Akara, and some are her collection, such as explosive potions and poison potions.

Although this reward is generous, it is nothing compared to Andariel.

But Ye Kai didn't include gems in his proposal at the beginning, so they still gave them to him. It can be seen that his worth is much stronger than when he first came here.

Level [-] professionals are indeed capable of competing with Andariel.

In addition, the weapon Ye Kai is using now is no less than the dark gold level weapon in this world.

I just don't know who is stronger and who is weaker than those perverted weapons and suits in the language of runes.

However, after all, the level of Liechuang is still low. If there is a magic sword in the future, Ye Kai has the confidence to sweep all the weapons on this plane.

"Thank you, I am very satisfied with this reward." Ye Kai put everything into his bag with a smile.

None of the people said that they would fail, as if victory was a matter of course.

This is a way to boost morale. After all, no one is absolutely sure when facing Andariel.

"As long as you like it, these gems are in Kidd's private collection, and they were snatched by Kasha. He was so sad that he didn't even attend the dinner." Akara said with a smile.

Rarely, Akara can also joke.

"Andariel must pay the price for her crimes. This is a real war. Unfortunately, I can only provide these kinds of help." Kasha said sadly.

The camp needs to be defended and managed. Most of the people who can be drawn out have been saved by Ye Kai.

"She must be killed before the monastery becomes a permanent outpost of hell, otherwise the road to the east will be interrupted forever." Warriv said helplessly.

"Don't worry, I will, and she will be able to be so arrogant for another night." Ye Kai said with a smile.

But one thing, he still couldn't figure it out, the monsters affected by Andariel should report to her before they are cleaned up, right?Why is there no response at all until now.

This is a very profound question, Ye Kai can only slowly find the answer.

Perhaps, tomorrow will know the answer.

The banquet lasted for two hours before everyone returned to their tents.

This night passed very peacefully.

Even Lai Wei, who had nothing to do to harass Ye Kai, rarely came over.

This battle is too important, and everyone must face the enemy with all their strength.

Even if Ye Kai was the only one who went, even if they were just on guard and responding, they couldn't relax.

Early the next morning, Ye Kai washed up casually, greeted everyone, and then gathered near the small station.

Ye Kai found that, except for him and Da Qilaiwei who were sleeping soundly, everyone else had dark circles under their eyes.

Judging by Dach's energetic appearance, he should have left his virginity last night.

Ye Kai smiled helplessly, and sure enough, those who really relax are those with a big heart, or those who are as confident as themselves.

"Let's go, teleport to the inner corridor!"

Ye Kai took the lead and walked into the teleportation station.

Chapter 89 The Trap (Please recommend)

This is the core of the entire first act of Diablo 2: the monastery.

It is divided into the gate of the monastery, the outer corridor, the prison, the inner corridor, several unimportant parts of the cathedral, and the most important part of the catacombs.

It stands to reason that Andariel is at the bottom of the Catacombs, the fourth floor of the Catacombs.

But now no one can guarantee whether she is really there.

After all, monsters don't play cards according to the routine.

After coming out of the small station in the inner corridor, Ye Kai frowned slightly.

"What's the matter, brother Ye Kai." Robert has now learned to read words and expressions, and is a little puzzled by Ye Kai's expression.

"It's too bad, the smell of monsters is too strong." Ye Kai frowned.

Although they had cleaned up the monsters before, the monsters would still have some breath left, but it shouldn't be so heavy, it made people feel a little strange.

Slowly, all the people who were going to fight this time were teleported over.

Ye Kai's intention at the beginning was that he would teleport first, even if he was surrounded by monster army, he would be sure to evacuate.

But what is going on with this quiet and heavy feeling now?

"Don't think too much about Brother Ye Kai, maybe all the monsters have shrunk down and are preparing for a decisive battle, so the smell here is also very strong." Robert said excitedly.

Fighting with Ye Kai not only makes people feel relaxed, but also very safe.

None of them were too worried about such a scene.

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