Earth and rocks flying!

The ground is broken!

Countless monsters rushed out from inside.

Dark magic, dark magic wizard, green floating skeleton mage exile, these small monsters are all hidden here.

Even in the direction of the catacombs, countless monsters rushed out.

These guys actually dug a tunnel!

Everyone never thought about this matter at all. They never knew that these monsters would dig tunnels.

It can be seen that they have been preparing for a long time.

The monsters have always been hiding in the gap between the catacombs and the cathedral. No wonder Ye Kai felt that the smell was too strong, but everyone didn't take it seriously.

A large number of monsters were buried in the mud, even Ye Kai couldn't cover everything.

"No, it's a trap!" Robert shouted, his complexion changed drastically.

The Rogues consciously formed a circle, bent their bows and released arrows!

The most terrifying thing is that the way back to the small station has been blocked!

"It's okay, they're all little guys. Although there are a lot of them, we didn't have that much trouble cleaning them up. I just don't know if they can bring us some fun." Lai Wei licked her lips and said excitedly.

After all, she is also a level ten professional, these little things might as well be in her eyes.

But right away, she couldn't get excited.


There was an explosion from the position inside the cathedral.

A huge figure walked slowly towards them.

Everyone is ashamed...


Chapter 90 Tune the tiger away from the mountain (please recommend)

Ye Kai continued to go deeper.

He found that he could meet a small group of dark demons after a while, as if they were trying to lure him, which made him a little impatient.

Finally, [-] minutes after entering this place, he smelled the large army of monsters.

All the worries and doubts before disappeared, but I was overjoyed.

So, the trap is set up, are you waiting for me here?

Ye Kaiyi was so bold that he walked towards the trap.

He felt that there were monsters in the left and right rooms, and there were quite a few of them, but they couldn't compare with the ones in front.

There was a sneer on the corner of his mouth.

Surrounded?Just relying on you guys, it's too far away.

I walked forward for nearly [-] meters, as expected.

The two doors behind opened, and a large number of monsters poured out.

Among them, the largest number is the dark magician, the dark magician.


"Eight chickens!"

The dark demons seemed to be cheering, cheering that the prey had reached their encirclement.

Ye Kai looked around, except for the Dark Demon, the Dark Demon Wizard, and the zombie mutant ghoul.

There is also the huge red spider Orac, which looks like an ordinary red spider, but it is half the height of a person and very thick.

After that, there are Mistresses with horns and green bodies. Although their bodies look very strong, the round shape is a bit funny.

Its mouth is very large, and it can spray out white energy clusters. It is a monster with long-range attacks.

In addition to these movable monsters, there are also monsters made of stone statues.

It is a cylinder as the base, and there are four statues of winged demons on it, which is a trap for winged demons.Its attack method is to spray fire bombs. As long as people are facing in any direction, one of the demon statues will spray fire bombs.

Although the above four demon statues are evenly distributed, as long as they go to the dead corner in the middle of the two, their attacks will have no effect.

However, Ye Kai still felt a little strange, he remembered that there should not be so few types of monsters.

Although there are many elites in it, this lineup is still too weak.

That's right, even though Ye Kai is surrounded now, he still feels that these monsters are too weak, even worse than when he met the blacksmith in the military camp.

I feel that the number of dark magicians and dark magic wizards is too small. You must know that these are the most basic cannon fodder.

And what about that monster with a skull face, wearing a black robe, floating in mid-air, and playing with fireballs?Why didn't I see it.

Seeing the monsters surrounding him, Ye Kai couldn't help suppressing the doubts in his heart, and tightened the wound in his hand.

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