No matter what conspiracy the other party has, just kill them all with the sword!

Ye Kai played a game called Three Kingdoms mowing the grass before, and now he feels like he is mowing the grass.

It didn't feel like meeting the monsters in the team just now, but now it's so cool to kill them!

The light of the knife and the flame coexisted, and the screams of the dark magician and the dark magician made him very happy.

These monsters also have today?

I don't know if it's the particularity of this place or what, but Ye Kai didn't see any Luoge's corpse along the way.

But there were bloodstains everywhere on the wall, which made him think of some bad things.


A fireball flew towards Ye Kai, and Ye Kai smashed the fireball with a single sword, without even dodging.

Those monsters rushed towards Ye Kai like moths to a flame, but he didn't care.



Two ghouls were cut in two by his sword.

This kind of ghoul who is not a handsome guy cannot get sympathy.

It's just that those spiders are a little troublesome, mainly because Ye Kai hates spiders and thinks this thing is particularly disgusting.

Insects without long legs, spiders, and snakes are all things he hates very much.


Ye Kai's knife pierced into the spider's body, and the yellow liquid flowed on the ground, making his brows unable to relax.


Ye Kai turned his head and kicked away a suffering person who wanted to sneak attack. If you want to sneak attack, you have to learn to hide your steps, right?


When the last trap was smashed by Ye Kai, the whole hall was quiet.

Time-consuming, less than five minutes.

But Ye Kai still felt a little strange, did Andariel send these guys here to disgust him?

It has to be said that if this purpose was really the case, she succeeded.

Although he won, he won very disgustingly.

The yellow liquid, as well as the spiders he hates, are very unpleasant.

and many more!

Ye Kai noticed a strange phenomenon, that is, there was a small mound of dirt not far in front of him, and he was too excited to see it before.

The devilish energy on the monster's body slowly disappeared and flowed upwards.

If it was the past, Ye Kai wouldn't worry about anything.

But the devilish energy on the monster will flow towards the boss if it is not far from the boss.

Andariel... isn't it down there?

Ye Kai walked towards the small mound, looked up, and was surprised in vain.

He couldn't take care of his vision before, and he didn't see it, but there was a big hole in it!

It's all right, all is well.

No wonder my side is going so smoothly. Even though there are many monsters, the number of dark demons and dark wizards obviously does not meet the standard.

Add to that the disappearance of the Outcast...

They even made a hole and went up from here?

Looking at the soil, it should have been dug in the last two days.

Tune the tiger away from the mountain!

Ye Kai hurriedly rushed towards the way he came.

He can't walk the path that monsters have walked. If there are traps in it, or if it is too narrow, he can't use it at all.

If you are delayed by then, it will be a waste of time.

Ye Kai was running on the road, and there really weren't too many monsters on the road.

It took [-] minutes to walk down, but there were too many detours at that time.

Ye Kai came down and encountered a monster, and then encountered a group of monsters, the first group was sent, one of them escaped, he didn't care.

He killed all the way, and the monster ran all the way.

When Ye Kai arrived, the time should have been staggered by five to ten minutes. It had already run to the designated place of the monster army in the passage, and sent a signal to let the monsters go up and attack Ye Kai's companions!

If he didn't bring a companion, then what greeted him was a real two-sided attack.

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