Now, maybe I can buy her some more time...


Andariel pulled out the sharp thorn that pierced her heart, and smiled coldly.

Immediately afterwards, Andariel turned around and grabbed Dutch.

Dach struggled hard, but even though he was a barbarian, he couldn't compete with a demon of Andariel's level.

The remaining Rogge was protecting Robert and Lai Wei, and there was no one to rescue him.


Dutch was stabbed in the right chest.

He dropped the sword in his hand, grabbed Andariel's sharp thorn, and shouted: "Attack quickly!"

But he underestimated Andariel too much.

Andariel randomly pulled out the thorn, drawing two huge gaps in his palm.

Dach's eyes gradually became dull, and in the end, he still couldn't do anything.


Chapter 92 Almighty Ghost Swordsman

As soon as Ye Kai came back, he saw a scene that made him tear up.

Lai Wei was lying on the ground dying, Dach was pierced by Andariel, swinging weakly in the air.

Robert held his shield in one hand, the other not far away.

Even if his hand is broken, he holds the sword tightly.

Of the twelve Rogues, there are still eight left, barely maintaining the formation, four protecting Robert and four protecting Lai Wei.

Flavius, Ada's follower, has lost his breath.

Ye Kai's blood was boiling, and he stretched his hand forward, as if his body was on fire.

"Damn you!"

Blood Rage!Violent blood!Vigorous!The blood is awakened!Burning blood!

His ghost hand became thicker than before, and thick blood was wrapped around it.

The devilish sharp claws were also a little bigger.

Ye Kai raised his sword and slashed forward.

Braving the blue, yellow and white sword light, he rushed towards Andariel.

Evil light cut!

Andariel quickly threw Dach away, and blocked himself with double thorns.

Damn it, I just forgot that Ye Kai was too close just now.

What's going on with this guy, it's stronger than intelligence.

【warn!warn! 】

[Andariel was not killed, forcibly using professional skills, the system was chaotic]

【Enable Punishment Mode】

[There are [-] minutes left until the host leaves the real plane]

[The host needs to enter two punishment worlds before returning]

[The punishment world is random and uncontrollable]

[If you don't kill Andariel, you will be forced to go back to the first level]

【Insufficient system energy, can only absorb host energy】

"Fucking punishment mode, thirty minutes, enough!"

Ye Kai's eyes changed, they were no longer black, but blood red!

When he uses Evil Light Slash, his eyes will turn black.

It's just that it's godless black!

At that time, the whole world will become black and white, but it will make people feel more clearly.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh...

After three cuts, Ye Kai had already rushed to Andariel.

Looking at his blood-red pupils and the monstrous killing intent emerging from his body.

Andariel doesn't know now, she and Ye Kai, who is the real devil?

"Brother Ye Kai, I'll leave it to you!" Robert shouted, covering his broken hand.

"Brother Ye Kai, kill this guy..." Dach said weakly on the ground.

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