
Thick black appeared in the air, but it dissipated quickly.

The dark moon is coming!

Andariel's strength, intelligence, physical strength, spirit, and resistance to dark attributes have all dropped!


Another red light flashed.

Kazan of Soul Blade, because of Devil May Cry, sank into Ye Kai's body instead of a huge halo.

Active skills have become passive.


A huge green circle of light appeared, with a green demon in the middle, like Kazan of Soul Blade, without legs.

Primo of Corrosion!



"Eight chickens!"

All the monsters present will continue to be injured as long as they stand in the circle of light.

Not only that, their magic defense and abnormal state resistance have dropped to an incredible level.

Although Ye Kai did a lot of things and released a lot of skills after rushing over, it took less than a second.

He has just changed his job, there is no limit to the casting speed, as long as he uses it, he will release it!


A black light flashed, and a black mist wrapped around Ye Kai's body.

Keja of Afterimages!


The sword light flashed!

Roland's Guardian and Lie Chuang appeared in Ye Kai's hand at the same time!

Berserker, two swordsmanship!

Supplemented by the ghost swordsmanship, the damage breaks through the sky.


Ye Kai slashed across with his sword, and a lot of black air came out of Andariel's body!

In the state of Keja after the afterimage, the attack can be transformed into a dark attribute!

The knife and the sword were emitting a strange red and black light, and they wounded Andariel with just one sword.

"This sword is for Robert!"

The red mist on Ye Kai's body and the weird black mist made him look like he came from hell.


"I understand Brother Ye Kai, because you have three choices, but I only have two. But I will still help them, because I am a knight!" Robert clenched his fist and said in a deep voice.


Andariel finally felt an emotion that didn't belong to her, that was fear!

buzz, buzz, buzz...

Ye Kai slashed three swords, and the three black and red sword qi disintegrated all of Andariel's energy!

This is the true demeanor of a ghost swordsman.

"This sword is for Daqi!" Ye Kai roared angrily!


"Don't worry, with me Daqi here, I will never let these monsters hurt my friends!" Daqi patted his chest with a bang.


Andariel wanted to escape, but found that he had no way to escape.

Ye Kai had already forced her to the gate of the cathedral.

Closing the door became her dead end.

And the rest of the monsters have all been killed by Ye Kai's Corroding Pulimeng!

"Quick, save Lai Wei and Dach!" Robert endured the pain and gave orders to the remaining eight Rogues.

He believed in Ye Kai and believed that he would not let everyone down.

The long sword was raised quickly and slashed forward.

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