Several people watched the scene of Ye Kai disappearing in dumbfounded.

But it's not unacceptable. After all, the small station, the scroll to return to the city, and the teleportation skills that mages can learn in the future are all related to space.

However, they did not feel the fluctuation of space at all.

"Ada, are you okay?"

Robert looked at Ida and found that she had been silent.

"Brother, I don't want followers anymore." Two lines of tears rolled down Ada's face, and everyone sighed slightly.

"Will Brother Ye Kai come back?" Robert asked Lai Wei.

"Of course, he is Ye Kai." Lai Wei smiled.

Everyone knew that Robert just wanted Lai Wei to strengthen his confidence.

When that person comes back, that's when they set off.

Looking at the severed hand in his hand, Robert showed a smile.

Using one hand in exchange for my sister's safety, it's worth it...

Chapter 94 Returning to the Caribbean

The smell of the sea spread to Ye Kai again.

This is a world he is very familiar with, Pirates of the Caribbean...


There are only four generations of Pirates of the Caribbean, right?He's seen it all, what the hell is Pirates of the Caribbean 5?

He is now in a small alley, the same as when he crossed last time, and there is no one around him, but this time his mentality is completely different from last time.

At least, he not only learned to think, but also gained more knowledge, and more importantly, he became stronger.

The sound outside is too loud, don't care, let's take a look at the plot mission first.

[Name: Ye Kai, Race: Ghost God (self-proclaimed), Occupation: Almighty Ghost Swordsman, Level: 25. 】

[Status: Cursed]

The mission channel is...

[Task: Kill Salazar in human form. 】

[Reward: Puppeteer Master Change]

[Optional task: cut off the Trident of Poseidon]

[Reward: Lift the curse]

He didn't even mention the plot time, so that guy Jack is very close to him?

Otherwise, the system shouldn't give him unsolvable tasks... maybe?

He doesn't know what other worlds are like, but as long as it is this world, it must be around that bastard Jack Sparrow.

If you want to find a way to complete the mission, and know what the hell the mission is, you must find Jack.

Ye Kai's heavy heart also relaxed a lot following Jack's previous funny appearance.

"Hang her, hang the witch!"

"Shut up forever, wicked witch!"

"Hang that pirate!"

"Yes, hang him!"

"I think the guillotine is better, go to the guillotine!"

"Oh, so many witches, hang them!"

Ye Kai was stunned for a moment, he didn't know about witches, and he didn't know what was going on.

But when it comes to hanging pirates, why would he think of Jack Sparrow?

It seems that in this world, the story of the trilogy, was almost hanged, he was the only one...

Go out and have a look first, if it is him, then save his life.

Although the current self is not much better than ordinary people, but the robbery field is still the field of this world, it is completely relaxed and happy!

I don't know how many years have passed since the last time I came here?

Ye Kai took out the bandage from the spatial backpack, wrapped it tightly around his left hand, and then changed into tighter clothes.

The purple mist and red blood on his body also gradually faded a lot, at least ordinary people couldn't see it.

But the color of the eyes can't be changed.

Ye Kai walked out of the alley, and found a sea of ​​people, shouting civilians everywhere.

It looks very backward here, or the common people are very backward, there are one-story houses everywhere, and they don't look very strong.

My current location should be near the execution ground, otherwise where else?Anyway, he saw the guillotine and the hanging platform...

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