The clothes of those civilians were similar to those when Ye Kai came here, but he didn't know which city he was in now.

Forget it, anyway, as long as you find Jack, you will definitely go to sea, and don't care about which city you are in.

Ye Kai saw two prison cars, one of which was full of women, and one of them was very special.

Those, should be the so-called witches, right?Most of them looked sluggish, and a few grinned at the surrounding residents, making snake movements and sounds, and they were real witches.

You know, this world can be regarded as a magical world, and some witch-like creatures are not very strange.

It was a guy in a blue-green dress. What appeared in his eyes was not fanaticism or darkness, but intelligence, which belonged to scholars.

She shouldn't be a so-called witch, she should be a scholar, and she was misunderstood as a witch, right?

You know, people in this era have a hard time distinguishing between science and witchcraft.

Slowly, a prison van stopped near Ye Kai.

This prison cart was not the same as the previous prison cart where the witches were imprisoned. It was more tightly closed and made of fine iron, leaving only two iron windows on both sides for the people inside to breathe.

It seems that the prisoner should be a very powerful criminal.

A soldier lowered the ladder behind the van and opened the door.

Ye Kai looked inside, and sure enough, Jack's familiar face appeared in his eyes.

This guy seems to be much older, not as vigorous as before.

What the hell happened?Let a dignified pirate king get mixed up for this sake?

No, everything would make sense if it were Jack.

A soldier dragged him out, and another clerk who was taking notes shouted, "How do you want to die? Pirates?"

The surrounding voices were too noisy, and he probably couldn't hear the other party if he didn't shout.

"Hanging, shooting, or the latest guillotine?" The clerk smiled at Jack.

This guy looks very happy, after all, a pirate is going to be executed.

And Ye Kai was almost not amused, could he choose to die?What a human right.

"The guillotine sounds like it's from France." Jack made a choice, then turned his head and smiled at the soldiers guarding him, "Did you know? They invented mayonnaise, and it's not too bad. It's from France, right?"

Jack still had that playful smile on his face, but he was too busy joking with the soldiers and didn't see Ye Kai not far away.

Ye Kai was a little dumbfounded, this guy was still the same, and he admired his optimism.

At least at critical times, I tend to get upset, but this guy Jack doesn't, he can turn danger into good fortune at any time.

Judging by his current appearance, he should have set up a backhand, but his backhand usually doesn't play a big role, and he is always killed by his own plan, or some strange variables appear, which makes people caught off guard.

The clerk turned him around and looked behind him.

Ye Kai also looked in that direction.

It was a huge wooden platform, a guillotine in the true sense, not the skill of some human-headed dog to grab someone's head.

The slanted big knife exuded a little bit of cold light. If it came here, the head and body would definitely be separated, so there was no need to think about it.

Jack turned his head and said with an embarrassed smile, "That's it, I've changed my mind."

The latter sentence was shouted out, but the soldier didn't buy it at all.

The soldier gave him a push and pushed him forward.

Ye Kai used ingenuity to walk forward slowly like Jack.

"Guillotine, guillotine!"

"Chop off his head!"

"Go to hell, pirate!"

"You deserve it!"

"Oh, do me a favor, I'm going to freak out!" Jack yelled helplessly when he heard the noise around him.

Suddenly, he saw a figure, different from those residents who kept screaming, moving forward at a constant speed.

That head of black shiny hair, that young face, with a sarcastic smile, just like back then.

Chapter 95 He is here

But why are his eyes red?And his body is also very heavy.

Jack froze, he didn't expect to meet this person.

It's been almost twenty years, and this person has obviously disappeared. He thought he returned to the east, or died at sea, but he didn't expect to meet him here.

Or, is that man's son?

Wait, his sword can kill the undead, that Salazar...

"The great Captain Jack Sparrow, King of Pirates of the Caribbean, I think you need some mayonnaise." Ye Kai shouted loudly, with a smile on his face that never changed.

"Oh, oh, I'm going to report an accomplice, he's around here!" Jack yelled loudly.

Ye Kai walked away so fast that it was hard to see who yelled what he just said.

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