Like a swing, Jack's body was turned over, with a series of wooden boards.

Fortunately, the guillotine was kicked away by Ye Kai, otherwise it might have been spinning back and forth.

That kind of thing is scary when you think about it, Ye Kai hates playgrounds very much.

Ye Kai rolled his eyes.

brush, brush...

After two stabs, Jack just fell to the ground, still connected to the wooden planks that bound him...


It was a hard fall for Jack.

Ye Kai didn't know that in the original book, Jack was also safe and sound, at least he was not injured, but after he participated, this guy was injured instead.

Chapter 97

At this time, the boy also broke free from the arms of the two soldiers, punched them one by one, and knocked them aside.


Gibbs yelled in the distance.

Except for reloading, the rest of the pirates all rushed to the execution ground, as if they were about to confront the soldiers.

"Oh, man, I thought you forgot about me." Jack was lying on the ground now, unable to turn over, and smiled at Ye who had just jumped off.

"Forget about the great Captain Jack Sparrow." Ye Kai said with a smile.


With another knife, Ye Kai split the wooden plank and leather belt binding Jack in two.

"Oh, oh, oh! Be careful, buddy!" Jack looked horrified, knowing that Ye Kai would cut his stomach open if he didn't agree, he didn't want to have his intestines taken out.

Fortunately, Ye Kai is professional enough.


Another shot.

Several soldiers who wanted to surround them not far away were blown away, and the rest were also hindered.

The shackles on Jack's body were untied, he turned over and stood up, and said to Ye Kai, "How do you know I'm here? Dude?"

"I was traveling, but I rarely go into the sea. When I got here, I heard that someone was going to execute pirates. I just wanted to see if it was you. I didn't expect it to be." Ye Kai said with a strange face.

"Cough, cough, buddy, this is a misunderstanding..." Jack coughed twice.

"Do you know that woman? The pirate who rescued her should be one of yours." Ye Kai pointed to the hanging platform.

I saw a pirate rushing towards the strong man who was being executed. He flew up and kicked the strong man vigorously with his legs in the air!


The strong man straightened his stomach, and the pirate fell on the wooden board.

Ye Kai and Jack were dumbfounded.

"Well, do you believe me when I say that I don't know him and that woman?" Jack spread his hands and looked at Ye Kai helplessly.

At this moment, Karina sighed slightly, who is this, who came to save her or to make trouble?

She put her foot against the waist of the strong man, roared, and kicked him out forcefully.


This time it was the strong man who fell to the ground...

And the pirate smiled at Karina, and said happily, "Thank you!"

Jack and Ye Kai covered their heads at the same time, and couldn't bear to watch...

At this moment, a navy rushed up and slashed at the pirate lying on the ground with a sword!

Sure enough, Ye Kai did not disappoint Jack's expectation. He just picked up a stone with his foot, hit the stone with a knife, and the stone flew towards the navy quickly.


The navy fell directly under the platform.

Ye Kai regretted for a moment, if he was in his prime, this blow would be almost like a bullet.

But Jack didn't care. With his level, it's hard to see how different Ye Kai is from before.

Anyway, for normal people, Ye Kai is in a crushing state.

"Go to hell, damned pirate!"

On the other side, a pirate was almost killed, but fortunately a little man saved him.

And the young man who flew over at the beginning quickly rushed towards the hanging platform where Karina was.

"Who is that kid? It feels very unreliable." Ye Kai played with the crack casually, and found that no navy dared to trouble him and Jack.

After all, Ye Kai's performance just now was really amazing.

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