They are not afraid of fighting, but they don't like to die without reason.

It can be said that Ye Kai is more ruthless than those pirates, if he can't be stunned, he will definitely kill him.

His knife was too sharp, and there were four or five heads on his feet alone.

Jack stared blankly at Ye Kai's performance here, and didn't know what expression to make, did he smile?

"Henry Turner, Will Turner's son." Jack shrugged.

"Yo, did he marry Elizabeth? Not bad! What happened in these years?" Ye Kai was stunned for a moment, then smiled.

"It's nothing, just being chased by a sea monster, and then..."

In the limited time, Jack gave Ye Kai a popularization of the plots of Pirates of the Caribbean 2 and 3.

On the contrary, the plot of Pirates of the Caribbean 4 is somewhat deviated, at least there is no black beard, and there is an extra white beard, and the sword that Ye Kai abandoned was used.

History is always surprisingly similar, or the revision of the will of the world is very powerful.

That guy was just like hanging up, and in a short period of time, he became another pirate devil.

In the end, he died at the hands of Jack and Barbossa.

By the way, Barbossa has been resurrected and is now the biggest pirate king in the sea.

It can be said that he has now become the pirate emperor.

And the Black Pearl was sealed in a small bottle and got by Whitebeard.

Wiltner became the captain of the three legendary warships flying Dutchman, and also the cursed captain.

Henry, just went out to sea to find Poseidon's trident, to see if he could liberate his father.

"So... you still didn't tell me why you were in such a miserable situation." Ye Kai shrugged.

He has watched all four generations of Pirates of the Caribbean, but he doesn't know what happened to the so-called fifth generation.

"This is not a problem buddy, as long as I can find the Trident of the Sea God, I can rule the sea again!" Jack said excitedly.

"I think that even if you become Poseidon, you still don't have the ability to rule the sea. If you lose the compass of your wish, I will accept it. Besides, you don't use it well again. You have never ruled the sea. "Ye Kai said helplessly.

Jack originally traded the compass for wine, but he didn't have the face to tell Ye Kai.

While the two were chatting, the remaining pirates had begun to gradually suppress the navy, or were about to retreat.

Jack spoke very fast, the process did not exceed three minutes, and only Ye Kai, who knew the plot, could understand.

In fact, what Jack said was basically bragging about his great achievements.

Fortunately, Ye Kai had seen it, otherwise he would have been fooled by him.

In this war-torn battlefield, the two of them were fine, making the navy and the pirates gnash their teeth.

On the hanging platform, that stupid pirate still accidentally touched the mechanism, and finally let down that Karina.

It's not just putting it down, it's activating the mechanism of the gallows...


A figure rushed over with lightning speed, and hugged Karina who fell down. It was Henry, but his hands seemed not very honest...

"Oh, look who is here, Ye Kai?" Gibbs came here at this time, and said pleasantly to Ye Kai.

Among the people present, he was the only one who knew Ye Kai was strong, except for Jack.

"Long time no see, Gibbs, your hair is much whiter than before." Ye Kai greeted with a smile.

"You are still as young as before. Why, are you here to find Jack this time?" Gibbs stood in front of Ye Kai and asked with a smile.

Anyway, the vicinity of Ye Kai is like an absolute domain, very safe.

Chapter 98 Those who cross the line, kill without mercy!

"I knew you would come back and beg me, traitor!" Jack said to Gibbs with a flat face.

Before Jack planned a bank robbery, only the safe was robbed, and all the money fell on the ground.

Now that it was done, he earned a gold coin and let him hide it himself.

The pirates felt that there was no future for him, so they all ran away, including Gibbs.

At that time, Jack wanted to drink a bottle of wine, but when he arrived at the tavern, he found that he had no money to buy wine.

In the end, he gave up his compass and his identity as a pirate in exchange for a bottle of wine.

It's a pity that people are so unlucky that drinking cold water will clog their teeth, and his wine was smashed by a gun before drinking...

And his compass, blessed and cursed, as long as someone gives up the compass, it will release the most feared thing or person in his heart.

The Spanish captain Salazar was released in this way and began to slaughter pirates at sea.

Unless Jack never goes to sea, he has to find a way to face Salazar.

For people like Jack, if they don't go to sea, they might as well die!

Freedom is his pursuit.

"It's the boy from the Turner family, offering ten silver coins to protect your head!" Gibbs looked at Jack with contempt.

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