"Of course, I'm a pirate. How can I be considered a pirate if I have to bring everything myself?" Jack said with a matter-of-fact expression.

Ye Kai looked at the dilapidated ship, a cannon that was still in service for a few years, and a group of crooked melons, and he was speechless.

The most valuable equipment on board is probably Jack's musket that has been used for decades, right?That's an antique...

Not to mention encountering the army, even if encountering a merchant ship, it is estimated that they will not get a penny, and they will be sunk.



When Ye Kai was in a daze, Henry was just pushed down.

Ye Kai shrugged his shoulders, poor child, your father must have never told you, don't provoke Jack, he has never reached the end of this person's lower limit.

"He's lucky if he drowns, so he won't be scraped to death by barnacles." Gibbs said with a smile on his face, holding his hands on the railing.

A pirate asked suspiciously: "Barnacles?"

Jack raised his head and said proudly, "It's like a thousand knives scraping your back, and of course the blood will attract sharks."

"Shark..." Karina looked confused.

"There's a shark at the bow!" Gibbs suddenly yelled, and many people jumped up and looked down quickly.

Karina was startled, and was about to leave, but was interrupted by Jack's voice.

"If you ask me, even knowing how to swim can't save his life now." Jack said with a smile on his face.

"The chart is in the sky, and the diary can help me find the chart hidden in the starry sky! Pull him up, and I can find the chart tonight!" Karina said anxiously.

"Really? Let me take a look." Ye Kai didn't look carefully just now, but this time he looked again, and found that there was indeed a strange pattern, which was a star map like a trident.

"Oh, I understand, as long as I follow the guidance of this star, now I can also enjoy the feeling of the captain?" Ye Kai said with a smile.

"Since you found it, Henry and her are useless." Jack spread his hands and shrugged.

"I think so." Ye Kai closed the diary with a smile.

"You can't do this, you have to follow the rules!" Karina panicked again.

She finally found out that she made a stupid move just now, that is, she handed over all her cards in front of a person who also knew astronomy.

"But I don't like sailing, so I'd better leave the rudder to you." Ye Kai turned the diary in the way of turning a book, with a smile on his face.

"It's late, it's too late, you can go and see for yourself." Jack looked regretful, as if he was regretting Henry's life.

Karina found that the two pirates behind her were no longer dragging her, and rushed towards the direction where Henry fell into the water.

When Karina ran over, Jack laughed and said, "I'm just saying, I'm blushing!"

And Karina finally knew that she had been fooled. She looked down and saw that although Henry had been struggling in the boat, he had no problems at all.

Karina rolled her eyes and said helplessly, "Damn pirates."

"Oh, you haven't seen anything more damning."

At this moment, Ye Kai walked up to her and jumped off.

"Oh, he just jumped off like that?"

"This boat isn't that short, is it?"

"What a daring fellow."

"Hey, look at the difference between you pigs and real masters." Gibbs said with a smile on his face.

If he could go out to sea with this person all the time, I'm afraid Jack would have been the real pirate emperor by now, right?

In a team, there must be a few reliable ones, and Ye Kai is obviously that kind of very reliable one.

It's nothing to jump off, after all, there are seawater shock absorbers on and off the boat.

But Ye Kai mentioned Henry lightly, jumped on the spot, and jumped onto the boat straight away.


Although the boat is not high, it is still six or seven meters. Ye Kai just jumped on it?

Jack is not surprised, Ye Kai is very capable.

But Karina felt a little ruined.

Can a person jump so high?Or did he have springs in his shoes or something?

Pirates live a life of licking blood, so it doesn't matter if they have better physical fitness.But, it's not a matter of better physical fitness, is it?Such a guy, who knows astronomy, actually went to fool around with pirates?What a waste of talent!

"Good job!" shouted one of the pirates.

"As expected of Ye Kai!" Gibbs raised his eyebrows with envy.

It would be great if I had such ability.

"Dude, with your skill, how could the trident not belong to us." Jack laughed.

"It's yours. It has nothing to do with me. I just want to see it. The sea is not my destination." Ye Kai ignored Karina who would untie Henry.

I saw him open his hands, and said a shameful sentence to the sky: "My journey is the sea of ​​stars!"

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