Chapter 102 The latest usage of split wound

If you say this in later generations, you will undoubtedly be regarded as a pioneer in the second class.

But it's different here, Ye Kai can do whatever he wants.

He has long wanted to try to talk about this kind of shameful words, just like when he was a child, he once held a wooden sword and shouted to the sky as a dragon fighter...

"Oh, are you going to heaven?" Jack asked in surprise.

And Ye Kai just laughed it off, Xia Chong was speechless, the difference in knowledge between the two sides was too great.

But this is indeed a very good world, at least his mood is not heavy now, and he is also very happy to see Jack's unscrupulous appearance.

This guy is like a weird pistachio, always bringing different joys to others.

Although the previous children were almost buried in Andariel's hands because of their disobedience, they were still alive.

Ye Kai can't keep worrying about the past, he needs to look forward.

The liberation of the Dark Continent was not said, but done.

He has already kept the hatred in his heart, and when it explodes, it will be the time when the three demon kings of hell will bear all his power.

"Let me tell you, back then, Ye Kai and I crossed the sea with a maid (Elizabeth) and defeated Barbossa, the most powerful pirate king on the sea at that time..." As for Gibbs and Blackbeard The person who snatched it?who are they……

"Then why are you messing around so badly now?"

"At the beginning, the battle between me and the captain of the Flying Dutchman, Davy Jones, was really earth-shattering. I broke his tentacles with a single shot, got the key to lock his heart treasure chest, and escaped under the gaze of the sea god. In the end, relying on my timing, I defeated the East India Company." As for the contribution of another legendary pirate ship, he resolutely ignored it.

"Then why are you messing around so badly now?"

"Even Whitebeard, the new generation of sea demon king, was killed by me with one knife, and I even used calculations to force him to die on that island. The facts tell me that the Fountain of Youth is crooked, and I, Jack, don't bother to use it." It was Barbossa who did it, nothing to him...

"Then why are you messing around so badly now?"

"Dude, can you put it another way?" Jack looked at Ye Kai helplessly.

"Hehe, I'm the only one left, with a ship that has sunk, trespassing on Port Royal. If I hadn't saved you, you would have been hanged."


"Being hunted down by sea monsters, even eaten, and schizophrenic at the end of the world."


"At the Pirate King meeting, I was almost sold by Elizabeth. Facing countless navies, I resolutely did not resist and chose to negotiate."


"The black pearl was driven away by Barbosa again because of picking up girls. The last ship that symbolizes freedom has lived in the bottle for so many years."

"Let's talk about why I messed up so badly..."

This is the interaction between Ye Kai and Jack.

"Sister, I haven't eaten for a long time, and you don't bring anything to eat, so you should look at me." Ye Kai shook his arms and prepared to go to the sea to catch some fish.

As much as he hates eating fish, he has no choice now.

Even if Henry paid for him to buy food, he could afford one or two.

This kind of team does not worry about shortage but unevenness when going overseas.

Others are easy to talk about, but Ye Kai can't do the thing of eating alone.

Although Ye Kai is not familiar with them, nor does he plan to get to know them well, but he is a person with integrity and a lower limit.He wants to rely on his own strength to improve the average integrity of the entire Gensokyo.

Under the complicated eyes of Karina and Henry, and amidst the cheers of the pirates, Ye Kai just jumped down.

Jack wasn't worried at all that Ye Kai wouldn't be able to get on the boat, because his water skills were simply against the sky!


The cool sea water is very refreshing.

Ye Kai can not only breathe underwater, but also talk underwater. He himself doesn't know the principle of this.

In dnf, a professional is a kind of amazing creature. Underwater combat is commonplace. Even on the bottom of the sea, they can easily act like fish, even much faster than fish.

Anyway, Ye Kai had never seen anyone faster than him when he was playing games in the water.

Although he only has a mere third-level strength, isn't it easy to catch some fish?

He doesn't have deep-sea phobia, but he doesn't want to go to the deep sea either.

Otherwise, [-]% will fall behind.

The fish in the water are not afraid of the curse of ghosts and gods carried by him, and many of them are very close to him.


He decisively pulled out a large net and caught a lot.

These fish should be edible, right?Even if they can't eat, those pirates should be able to tell the difference.

Thinking of this, Ye Kai went upstream.

There are so many fish in the sea!

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