There is no scientific fishing, but as long as you dive tens of meters, there are fish everywhere.

It is said that there are many sea monsters in the world of Pirates of the Caribbean, and Yuxiang even encountered one in Gensokyo, but she didn't encounter any, which is really sad.

Sure enough, the dying Seagull did not go far, and Ye Kai returned to the boat with a net of fish.

He went to the cabin to change clothes casually and dried himself, only to find that the pirates were staring at the pile of fish in a daze.

"What's the matter? Remove the internal organs, and then grill the fish, don't you know how to do it?" Ye Kai asked with a strange face.

"Man, even if it's grilling fish, at least it needs fire, right?" Jack spread his hands, helplessly.

"It's okay, I'm hot." Ye Kai suddenly realized, and smiled casually.

"You don't want to burn the boat, do you? Even if there is less wood on the boat, it's okay, but it can't be such a disaster. After all, this is a boat that can go to sea." Gibbs looked puzzled.

"Of course not, just follow suit, don't smudge." Ye Kai waved his hand impatiently.

Those pirates had no choice but to succumb to Ye Kai's lust and began to deal with it.

Even Karina looked curious and went up to help.

She really wanted to know what Ye Kai would do.

As expected, they often discuss life at sea, and quickly dealt with everything Ye Kai wanted.

In fact, fish can be eaten raw as long as it has wasabi and soy sauce, sashimi!

But Ye Kai didn't like Japanese food, so he was going to grill the fish.

I saw that he removed all the fish heads and tails, and put more than a dozen fish... on his wound.

Then slightly drive the magic power, and then gently shake the crack.

Under the stunned gazes of several people, the fish... unexpectedly gradually had a roasted aroma.

Fire attribute damage, explosion effect can appear when cutting people.

The reason is the same, there should be no problem with grilling fish.

Ye Kai's eyes became brighter and brighter, and he felt that he had discovered a new continent.

These weapons, and how to use them!

I just don’t know what kind of expression that blacksmith, whose heart was broken during casting, would see Ye Kai treat the artifact he made like this...

Chapter 103 The Scientific Ghost Swordsman (Please recommend)

Starry night.

Ye Kai has not enjoyed the night sky on the sea for a long time. Compared with the dark world full of blood and monsters, the Caribbean Sea is really peaceful.

He put his hands behind his head, lying on the cold deck, breathing the unique fishy air of the sea, very comfortable.

"Why can you jump so high, and why are your hands red?"

At this moment, Karina's voice sounded beside Ye Kai.

Ye Kai felt that if he launched a strategy, this Karina would probably not be able to escape. Unfortunately, he was not interested in growing up like this. After all, he didn't think Karina could be any better than Elizabeth.

"Because I'm a ghost, I can naturally do things that humans can't do at present." Ye Kai said indifferently.

"It's still the same superstitious statement. I don't believe in ghosts or curses in the world." Karina turned her head.

"Xia Chong can't talk about ice, you are too ignorant." Ye Kai smiled casually.

"What did you say? I'm an astronomer. Could it be that you, like those people, think I'm a witch?" Karina said angrily while looking at the star map.

She thought Ye Kai was a reasonable, or knowledgeable person, but she was a reckless man.

"You're not a witch, you just owe your IQ. If you can't explain it, you say it doesn't exist, and you say it's superstition. What's the difference between you and those ignorant people? The biggest difference between you and those pig-headed people is that you think you have a lot of money." A learned pig." Ye Kai mocked.

He's not Henry, so there's no need to get used to this girl's temper.

"Okay, tell me how to explain this with science? If you can't convince me, I will take what you said before as, yes..." After all, Karina has received a good upbringing, so she doesn't swear easily.

"Fart, right? What do you think I have something to do with me? Newton discovered gravitation a few years ago. If someone with your IQ was around him, he would call him superstitious before he proved it. Do you not publish a paper if you question it? Galileo’s diary in your hand, his famous battle overthrew Aristotle.” Ye Kai continued to mock.

He found that this chick was really smug.

As far as the knowledge she has mastered, although Ye Kai is not as good as him in astronomy, the breadth of knowledge and the skill of wrangling are not comparable to her.

Nine years of compulsory education, plus three years of reading YY novels in high school, and being forced to watch news broadcasts every day, Ye Kai's ability to drive trains with his mouth full blows out this chick.

"You, you..." Karina felt...a little speechless for a moment.

Science is indeed a process of argumentation full of logical thinking, she refuted it in one go...

No, that's superstition, not science.

"Just like the Holy See, those who believe in religion are believers, and those who don't believe and still question are heretics. What's the difference between you and those crazy missionaries, or crusaders?" Ye Kai closed his scarlet eyes, and didn't bother to talk to her.

"Then can... Please tell me, ghosts, curses, what do these have to do with science!" Karina said through gritted teeth.

"It's like a thousand years ago, when industrial technology was underdeveloped, they felt that machinery was impossible, that people could not fly in the sky with the help of tools, and that the sun, moon and stars revolved around the earth.

Of course, there is also the so-called round sky.But after that?The Portuguese Magellan's fleet completed the first circumnavigation in human history, and it proved to all mankind that the earth is round with irrefutable facts.

These are all proven facts.

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