Today's scientists are unable to analyze the concept of ghosts and curses, so they think it is superstition.

If someone really uses magnetic field and gravity to perfectly explain the curse of ghosts and gods in the future, then people like you will have a name in the history books, of course they will be infamy, because you hinder the development of science.

The Dutch have already begun to use steam engines on ships. Since steam engines can build ships, they can also build horse-free vehicles and even aviation equipment that fly in the sky.Even the stars that you can see with the naked eye now, and you don’t know how far away they are from us, it may not be unreachable to go there.

These inferences I made are different from yours. I made this inference because of the appearance of the steam engine.But what have you done but deny?So, you can only be a smart pig, not a qualified scientist. "Ye Kai made a rare long speech.

He is also idle and bored, after all, it is very painful to stay in a place where there is no entertainment.

"This..." Karina was lost in thought.

Yes, if I haven't seen it with my own eyes, and I haven't demonstrated it, must it not exist?

Although he didn't understand what he said about the magnetic field, it is not impossible for it to exist.

Galileo once dared to Aristotle.

Then why, I can't believe in ghosts and gods?

Otherwise, how to explain that he can jump so high and emit unscientific sword light?

"Then can you explain the so-called ghost phenomenon in your body?" Karina used a more scientific way of saying it.

Ye Kaile came out, the phenomenon of ghosts and gods... Thanks to her words.

"If I tell you about genes, you probably don't understand, so let's talk about blood. The appearance, body shape, and bones of Eastern people are different from your Westerners. You should understand that." Ye Kai squinted his eyes and said.

"Understood." Karina nodded.

"So when Chinese and Western are combined, the concept of mixed blood will appear. This is just an ordinary genetic method, and the characteristics of both sides will appear. But what if it is a transformation? Injecting humans into elephants, orangutans, tigers and leopards, etc., if it succeeds , do you think it is difficult to jump six meters?" Ye Kai said indifferently.

The concept of genetically modified people should not exist here.

"Are you a reformer?" Karina's eyes widened, if this technology really exists, if it is really put into use.

In this world, who can stop the invasion from the east?

"You can put it this way, but I don't know who transformed me. Maybe it's a saint? Maybe it's the world? Maybe it's Kazan? Maybe it's a ghost? Anyway, it's just inexplicable." Ye Kai smiled, looking Very happy.

While Ye Kai was training Karina, Henry was observing the distance.

He found that the dead man's ship might overtake theirs tomorrow!

Although Ye Kai's unrivaled swordsmanship is the foundation, he still doesn't count.

But, since this is Jack's hole card, let's just believe it.

Since Jack trusted him so much, he should have some advantages, maybe better than those dead people.

He didn't even know that Ye Kai and Jack were walking together by chance.

And every time he asked Jack, Jack would give him a mysterious smile...

Chapter 104 The Butcher at Sea (Please recommend)

Ye Kai himself has no interest in fooling men, since Jack likes it, then he can just talk nonsense!Anyway, Ye Kai told Jack that it is okay to go to war, he will be able to protect himself well, even if he cannot fight, he is confident that he can escape.

As for Jack's life and death?Ha ha……

Fortunately, Jack is not that sweet, it is enough to hear Ye Kai say that he can protect himself.

His knowledge of Ye Kai was still more than ten years ago, when he fought Barbossa.

Even then, Ye Kai couldn't kill the cursed people continuously, so he had to take his time.

As for the beheading tactic, Jack doesn't guarantee that Ye Kai is willing to implement it, and he doesn't have anything against Ye Kai.

After all, to kill the opponent's boss, one must be able to withstand the opponent's backlash.

Back then he dared to kill Barbossa because Jack was the old captain of those people. Even if Barbossa died, they would not do anything to them as long as they surrendered to Jack.

But Salazar's people are different. If Ye Kai really showed the ability to kill the dead, but not continuously, they will definitely kill Ye Kai together with thunder.

Through his previous understanding of Ye Kai, Jack doesn't think Ye Kai is a fool.

This time, he was willing to go out to sea with him, and then search for the Trident together, which is already very rare.

On this ship, anyone can be an abandoned child, except Ye Kai and Karina. One of them is the guarantee of force, and the other is a living map. No one can do without anyone.

As for Henry...

If he died, Salazar would probably meet Will's wrath.

Although Seagod has returned, he can't do too much, but against Salazar, the outcome is still unknown.

But Jack is soft-hearted and will not kill Henry.

"The dead are after us, do you have any plans?"

While Ye Kai was enjoying the night sky, Henry walked over.

Jack had fallen asleep now, so he didn't bother him. All he knew about Jack was hearsay, but Ye Kai was a strong man that his own mother had admitted.

"Plan? Who can have a plan to deal with this kind of thing? If I can survive three days, I am confident that I will destroy them alone. But the birth of this blood moon has limited my strength to a very low level. I It can kill three dead people at most at one seems a bit strange to say that." Ye Kai pondered.

Even if he didn't wait for three days, he was actually a little sure, but it would cost him money and drugs...

"But they will catch up tomorrow!" Henry said in a deep voice.

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