"Oh, don't worry, I can go alone, at worst, I will avenge you in three days. Or, you want me to give up helping you find the trident, it doesn't matter, I'm afraid the trident can't solve my curse." Ye Kai sat up.

"Uncle Ye Kai, help me! My father is being cursed now, and only you can block the dead. Jack is completely unreliable." Henry looked back at Jack, who was sleeping soundly, with contempt on his face.

He is drunk now, even if he didn't bring food, he still remembered to bring wine.

"Your old man and I are not life and death friends... But, you have to trust Jack, this is related to his own life and the rule of the sea, he will not be careless. In a sense, he is a legendary Captain." Ye Kai shrugged.

And Karina didn't interrupt, she learned a lot this time.

If she questioned the dead again, cursed or something, she believed that Ye Kai would insult her IQ again.

"You can keep this diary, I'm going to sleep, if you want to talk about love, go to the side." Said, Ye Kai closed his eyes.

Karina and Henry blushed a little and looked at each other.

The diary was returned to Karina by Ye Kai, it's useless for him to ask for it anyway.

After speaking, Ye Kai walked to a secluded place, but before he fell asleep, Jack came over.

"Tell me, buddy, where have you been all these years?" Jack took a sip of rum and smiled.

"I didn't go anywhere, but I just went back to the East, where I have been fighting." Ye Kai snatched a bottle of rum from his waist, and drank half of it in one go.

"It's a magical place, I will definitely visit it when I have the chance." Jack sighed with emotion.

"It's you, you haven't said how you provoked Salazar before." Ye Kai smiled.

Although they haven't seen each other for a long time, the tacit understanding between the two is very good. Ye Kai made it clear that he didn't want to talk about his past.

When Jack saw Ye Kai's eyes flashed a glimmer of haze, he wisely didn't ask any more questions.

"Salazar was known as the "Sea Butcher", the feared captain of the "Silent Mary". Once, this guy killed more than a thousand pirates. We gathered the last force to fight him to the death, but failed , That is really a good ship!" Jack sighed with emotion, and then took a sip of wine to suppress his shock.

It seems that he is not as relaxed as he looks on the surface.

"Speaking of good boats, I always think of Brother Cheng..." Although Ye Kai rarely watched anime in his previous life, he still dabbled in it when he was a big fan.

This character, in particular, is familiar.

If it weren't for the fact that his class has never had an oriental chef, it is estimated that he will have to spend sixteen years trembling in Gensokyo...

After all, Gensokyo says that the public is also the public, and that the minority is also the minority. Without going deep into the two-dimensional world, it is actually quite difficult to understand this world where the game is not very popular, but the fans are very popular.

Besides, even if they are Oriental Chefs, they are usually called pet names, such as Megatron, such as Moyou, such as Hanging B Witch, such as Hua Ma, such as Zi...

Forget it, let's continue Jack's story.

"At this moment, the old captain gave me his compass and told me that there is a chart in my heart. The chart at that time was the legendary Devil's Triangle." When Jack said this, a flash of light flashed in his eyes. Fortunately, it seems that he is also very clear that winning back then was too fluke.

Ye Kai frowned slightly, Devil's Triangle, Bermuda?It was indeed a devilish place.

When you have achieved great success, go on an adventure.

"I provoked him, and then led him to chase me. When I was in a desperate situation, I successfully turned the Evil Goddess, and made a sharp turn at the entrance of the Devil's Triangle. But he didn't turn around." The corner of Jack's mouth hung. A smile.

Anyway, he won that match.

"Later, my crew paid me tribute, that is, my clothes, hat, gun, sword, and jewelry." Jack smiled and pointed to a pile of tatters on his body.

"No wonder I feel that you are so shabby that you are older than me." Ye Kai shook his head helplessly.

"No way, under Salazar's coercion, the pirates have no other income." Jack laughed.

He didn't care, after all, it was the first time he accepted the tribute from the crew, and the commemorative significance was extraordinary.

And by this time, it was already dawn.

In the rising sun, Ye Kai smelled a curse.

Chapter 105 Timing...

"It means that she has a chart, but only she can understand it."

While Ye Kai was sleeping, a loud voice came over.

Gibbs stared at Karina, who looked puzzled.

A pirate said with a simple and honest face: "Are you going to kill her?"

Standing beside Karina, Henry said in a deep voice, "Don't touch her, she can lead us to find the trident."

"That's what you said a few hours ago." Gibbs didn't give a damn.

They always felt that Henry and Karina were hiding something, but it only broke out now.

After all, Ye Kai looked like he was asleep, if Ye Kai was awake, they wouldn't dare to borrow their courage.

As for tying Ye Kai up first?He is holding the wound now, who knows when he will wake up.

Salazar, the dead, and the pursuit of the Spanish captain, only Ye Kai, Henry, and Jack know about these things, and the rest of them don't know at all.

All they want is the trident, but Karina is obviously not giving them the answer they want.

"I can't see the stars in broad daylight, and she forgot to bring her donkey." A pirate pointed to Karina.

Karina shook her head unsurprisingly. Talking to this group of illiterates is really exhausting.

Wait, did Ye Kai feel the same way when he talked to himself before?

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