"Oh, God of the Sea." Jack held his head in a dazed expression.

"Henry, give Captain Salazar your sword, and I will send him off for the last time." Ye Kai looked at Salazar.

And Salazar, as expected of a generation of heroes, after receiving the sword, he was not confused, but looked at Ye Kai seriously, and put on a stance.

Ye Kai shook the crack, and said calmly: "Sorry, you can only be a person for a while. If you come out to play around, you always have to pay it back."

"Since the day I went to sea, I have thought of this ending. Don't carelessly die in my hands, adventurer." Salazar looked at Ye Kai seriously and said.

He now only admits that Ye Kai is an adventurer, not a pirate. He has been fighting against pirates all his life, and has always killed pirates. He should not die at the hands of pirates.

Ye Kai knew that even if he didn't do anything, Jack and the others wouldn't let him go.

Just give him a dignified death.


Ye Kai stabbed with a sword, and Salazar easily blocked it.


Pick up.

Salazar's sword flew into the air.

He didn't continue to move, and Ye Kai's wound also pierced into his heart.

The legendary captain, Salazar the Butcher of the Seas, has fallen.

When he died, he died laughing, with a smile of relief.

[Mission completed: Kill Salazar in human form. 】

[Reward: Puppeteer]

[Bonuses: lv3 Puppet Master, Ordinary Adventurer's Soul*100, Elementary Protein Oil*100, Explosive Rigghaven Design Drawing*1, Blizzard Finch Doll*3, Ye Kai Doll*1]

Ye Kai only felt that his body became lighter for a while, as if some strange knowledge had entered his mind.

Is this the sub-profession of a puppeteer?As long as you practice hard, you can make the best Soderos doll.

The way to use the puppet is very simple, drop a drop of blood on it, and then throw it on the ground, you can call the puppet to fight.

Although the doll's combat awareness is not very reliable, but it's not bad if you use it well!

As for the system's strong buying and selling, this time it is already very conscientious.

"Jack, I'm leaving, I'm afraid I may not see you again in the future. Drive your black pearl and go to pursue your freedom." Ye Kai smiled at Jack.

"The trident is gone, do I have any other options?" Jack asked with a broken face, but he didn't take Ye Kai's words seriously.

"Barbosa, whether you continue to go to sea or let your daughter take care of you in the future is up to you to choose." Speaking of this, Ye Kai looked at Karina and smiled: "Whether you believe it or not, he It is your father, Miss Barbossa."

"What?" Karina froze for a moment.

Ye Kai said silently: Teleportation.

He has never left a name for his good deeds, and what happens to the world in the future has nothing to do with him.

As for Barbosa and Karina, let them tangle themselves!Please call me Lei Feng...

Farewell, great, Caribbean.

Great, Black Pearl.

Great, Captain Jack Sparrow.

In the bewildered eyes of several people, Ye Kaihua turned into a little golden light and disappeared, as if he had never been here.

Chapter 114 Punishment Mission

[Punishment World: Final Fantasy 7 World]

[Punishment Mission: Defeat Sephiroth]

[Reward: You can come to the world of Final Fantasy 7 once again in the future, and get the artifact "Meteor Knife" task, and you can return at any time after completing it]

[Activation function: Krypton gold reduces difficulty]

[Target time period: Nibelheim Incident]

[Note: The duration of this punishment task is three years]

[Optional Mission 1: Zack]

[Mission description: Keep Zack's life after the Nibelheim incident]

[Task Reward: Destiny Coin*10]

[Optional Task 2: Avalanche]

[Mission description: Establish the embryonic form of the avalanche organization (minimum three people)]

[Mission Reward: Vatican Windbreaker]

[Note: This mission cannot bring out the aborigines]

The world of Final Fantasy VII takes place on a highly civilized and technological planet.

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