The villain Shinra is a large-scale company on the planet with its own army.

A few years ago, the Shinra Corporation discovered a certain biological remains buried deep underground, Jenova, and a kind of energy called Mako, and used them for research.

They immersed the organism into the magic ko to produce electricity, and thus developed into the world's largest monopoly company. The magic ko can increase the ability of the human body, but excessive use will turn people into monsters.

There are magic stoves that collect magic energy all over the world. They use human bodies as experiments, and the places that fail are erased.The demon is the life energy of the non-renewable planet, excessive collection will make the planet apoptosis.

The protagonists come from the anti-Shinra organization Avalanche. During the confrontation with Shinra, they gradually understand the essence of Mako and Jenova, and start fighting to save the planet.

And the current plot happened before Avalanche appeared, and it was also five years before the main plot started.

The protagonist of this world is Cloud, and the heroine is Tifa. Well, although Iris is the real heroine, Ye Kai likes Tifa more.

As for the big villain, it is Sephiroth in the mission.

Confused, Ye Kai heard the mission prompt.

The only thing he knows about Final Fantasy 7 is the coming of the Son, and every movement of Goddess Tifa is impeccably beautiful.

In the end, Sephiroth faced off against Claude, which was also a very legendary battle.

But... To be honest, he doesn't like Claude very much. One is that this guy has a problem with his personality, and the other is that he dared to tease his goddess.

This version of the game is weird, or weird.

Needless to say, Tifa's roles and portrayals are as good as any female character in the 7th generation.

And Claude, as the leading actor, feels that his popularity is really not as good as that of Sephiroth.

About Sephiroth, he knows very detailed.

He is hugely popular in the video game community and is ranked at the top of lists of video game villains and many Final Fantasy characters.

Calm, brave, with a strong will and a sense of responsibility, he feels that he is better than others in all abilities, does not hate difficult tasks, and will take the lead in annihilating the enemy.

On the other hand, when encountering an enemy weaker than oneself, he will hand over to his companions to deal with, and he will not complete the task alone, so he is a very humane person.But after the Nibelheim incident, he became a villain, aggressive and purely enjoying the fun of fighting.

Because of his status as a "hero", he was welcomed by the public and became the object of some teenagers' longing.When they were teenagers, Claude and Zacks joined Shinra as a member of the "Shinra Special Forces" with the goal of him.

As for his experience.

Sephiroth was on a mission to investigate the Mako Furnace in Nibelheim, and began to have doubts about his own life experience after seeing the humans soaked in Mako.

Afterwards, he consulted a large amount of literature, and finally realized that he was not a descendant of human beings, but a product of the Jenova project.

Due to errors in the literature, he mistook Jenova and the ancient Settra for the same creature.

He began to hate human beings, and vowed to take back the planet that belonged to the ancient species from human hands, while Claude and other game protagonists tried to stop him.

As for Zacks, he really doesn't have a deep impression. When this guy died, there is no exact instruction in the Advent of the Son. If you want to know, you still have to play the game once.

Besides, how to save his life?You can't be a babysitter for him.

While Ye Kai was meditating, his arrival was also completed.

In front of him is a huge building, this building is the legendary magic furnace, and its location should be on a mountain.

If he has played, he should understand that this Nibelheim incident appeared in the form of a memoir. At that time, Claude's memory was already confused, and he regarded his good friend Zacks as himself.

At this time, Claude is just an ordinary soldier, or the kind of soldier wearing a Shinra uniform and a helmet.

Mount Niebuhr, where Ye Kai is located, was the turning point of this incident, and it was also when Sephiroth was mentally confused and weakest.

If there is no krypton gold, or the curse is not lifted in advance, I am afraid that he will completely participate in the plot of Final Fantasy 7, that is, when the main story begins, he will have to face Sephiroth in his heyday.

A place in the distance was ablaze, and there should be a big fire.Near the entrance of the building in front, there are a few drops of bright red blood.

Comprehensive judgment, the system should have directly teleported him to the vicinity of Sephiroth!

"Who are you?" A girl's voice sounded behind Ye Kai.

Ye Kai looked back, and saw a beautiful girl had come behind him.

The girl in front of me is about fifteen or sixteen years old, about the same age as Ye Kai, with a standard oval face, high nose bridge, willow leaf eyebrows, apricot eyes, small cherry mouth, and long black hair very soft, she is a rare girl. little beauty.

Although it hasn't bloomed yet, it will definitely be a beautiful beauty in the future.

This is the only girl that Ye Kai met in the world outside Gensokyo, who can match the appearance of a girl from Gensokyo.

Moreover, Ye Kai looked familiar to the girl.

"My name is Ye Kai. I'm a traveler. I saw a fire in the village just now. A white-haired young man was killing people, so I chased him here." Ye Kai said softly.

His judgment should be correct, and there should be no problem with this reason.

He remembered that Sephiroth killed a lot of people when he rebelled, even if he was wrong, he would say that he was blind and didn't see right, so it was decided, anyway, he was just a little girl.

The girl felt that the person in front of her was very suspicious. With those inhuman scarlet eyes, the ominous aura on his body, the scarlet left arm, and the claw-like left hand, he should not be an ordinary person.

Forget it, I don't have time to worry about this now...

and many more.

"Sephiroth, it must be Sephiroth!" The girl's eyes were full of horror, and she shouted: "My father is still inside, he will definitely be killed by Sephiroth!"

Chapter 115 The Uninvited Guest

"Then what are you waiting for, let's go." Ye Kai frowned.

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