Although she was very suspicious of Ye Kai, the girl also knew the seriousness, so she hurriedly followed Ye Kai.

After running for a short distance, Ye Kai found that although the girl's physical strength was good, she was still far behind.

"It's too slow, the daylilies are all lit up, come up, I'll carry you on my back."

The girl didn't hesitate, and jumped onto Ye Kai's back.For her, her father's safety is more important than anything else.

Ye Kai blushed...

This girl is really unexpected!This is how big it is, and it has such a large scale.

However, Ye Kai also knew that now was not the time to be distracted, so he rushed towards the interior of the building with strides like flying.

Seeing that Ye Kai is so reliable, the girl couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

This boy's body is hard, it should be from long-term exercise, right?I don't know if he can stop Sephiroth.

If not, let him let go of himself, and face Sephiroth himself when the time comes!

After more than half a year of growth, Ye Kai is no longer in a state of malnutrition, and the muscles on his body have begun to sharpen. Although he is not very strong, he can find it as soon as he takes off his clothes, which is super predictable.

The building doesn't look very big from the outside, but inside it is different.

Looking down from the top, it is almost bottomless, as if the whole mountain has been hollowed out.

Ye Kai felt a powerful aura below, it should be the protagonist or the enemy, right?

In this building full of industrial atmosphere, Ye Kai tossed and jumped at will, and these seemingly roadless structures couldn't stop him at all.

Even if he has someone behind his back, it doesn't affect his actions at all.

After a while, he stepped on two long pipes and saw what was going on inside.

A middle-aged man was guarding the entrance of a passage, and a white-haired young man with a long sword was rushing towards him.

"Father!" the girl shouted anxiously.

Ye Kai frowned slightly, if he was exposed, he should be exposed, anyway, this should be his goal.


Ye Kai stepped hard, flew up, and stopped the young man the moment he rushed in front of the middle-aged man.

Holding the girl in one hand, the other quickly pulled out the wound.


Ye Kai's knife collided with the opponent's knife, and fierce sparks came out of the friction.

The youth is tall and strong, left-handed, characterized by long silver-white hair, blue eyes, and slightly pointed pupils. He wears an all-black button-down coat, silver shoulder armor, and a black cross-shaped belt on his chest.

Holding an ultra-long samurai sword that is longer than his height, it doesn't look like that. It should be a real guy, otherwise it wouldn't be comparable to his own crack.

If there is no accident, this person is Sephiroth, and the katana sword is "authentic", which can perform a wide range of Iai Slash, and can easily cut even huge buildings.

"Tifa, why are you here? Run away, run away!" the middle-aged man shouted.

He has already seen that the current Sephiroth is completely crazy, and he really wanted to kill him just now.

Ye Kai was taken aback for a moment, Tifa?

I'll go, no wonder she's so beautiful and familiar, so she's my goddess.


The knife flashed, and just as Ye Kai was in a daze, Sephiroth picked Ye Kai's left lute bone with his sword.


Ye Kai took a deep breath, his keen intuition actually caught the dazed kung fu.

It seems that the left hand can't be used for the time being, taking drugs in front of such a master is simply an act of death.

Tifa quickly jumped off Ye Kai's back, and said to the middle-aged man, "Father, are you okay?"

The middle-aged man shook his head and said, "I'm fine, you go quickly."

After speaking, he stood in front of Tifa.


The two people in front of him ignored him at all.

Ye Kai and Sephiroth only have each other in their eyes.

"Sephiroth? The hero of Shinra? No wonder he is so powerful." Ye Kai held the crack and said in a deep voice.

"You are not bad, it seems that you are also an experimental product. However, no one can stop me from going to see my mother now." Sephiroth said indifferently.

According to the experimental product, it should be Ye Kai's ghostly hand.

"Hua Xia, Ghost Swordsman, Ye Kai, please enlighten me."

Ye Kai knew that today's battle was unavoidable, not only was it his task, but behind him was his goddess.

Although the two had never met each other, even though Tifa had suspected him before.

But it doesn't matter, Ye Kai fights for her.

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