The current him is not in peak condition at all, and his combat power is only [-]% of his usual level.


Claude yelled, and then caught Zack.

And Sephiroth didn't stop, this was to abolish Cloud and Zacks.

Fortunately, Ye Kai's doll arrived at this time.

The Blizzard Bird Doll turned into a two-meter-tall strong man, dressed in blue, holding a huge totem, and rushed towards Sephiroth without fear of death!

Ye Kai's current strength is only level 40, but this puppet is a level [-] puppet.

Therefore, he can only exert the same power as Ye Kai's level.

Tifa stared wide-eyed, watching this scene in disbelief, the puppet turned into a human?This, what kind of black technology is this?


Queser's totem fell towards Sephiroth, Sephiroth frowned slightly, deftly dodged the attack, and stabbed into Queser's heart.

But the puppet is not a human being, there is no fatal damage, it only consumes its own magic power according to the damage, and it is a weapon of war.

Chapter 117 Ye Kai vs Sephiroth (recommended)

And Ye Kai took advantage of this opportunity to rush forward, and there was a Roland guardian on his left hand.

The dual knives of Kuang Zhan, plus the ghost sword technique of Sword Soul, the two superimposed, even Sephiroth will have a hard time, right?

"Tifa, this guy is so evil." Tifa's father said solemnly, not caring at all about being almost stabbed to death by Sephiroth just now.

He was wearing ordinary red clothes, a pair of overalls, short hair, and a very rough figure. He didn't know how to give birth to such a delicate daughter as Tifa.

"However, it's very powerful." Tifa said with bright eyes.

She is also a thick-skinned person, and she rarely shows the delicateness in her heart. She is careless and doesn't care who the reinforcements are, as long as she can help her, she is a good person.

And Claude?She doesn't want to talk to him now...

Her father almost died in front of her, she didn't care about Claude, what deserves attention is the battle between Ye Kai and Sephiroth.

Fortunately, Zacks showed up early and bought time for Ye Kai to release the puppet and heal his wounds. Otherwise, after more than a dozen rounds, Sephiroth figured out the routine, and Ye Kai would definitely die.

Ye Kai thought that his swordsmanship was unparalleled in the world, but this time it was Sephiroth who taught him how to be a man.

There are countless strong men, but they rule all kinds of troubles.

In particular, Ye Kai has never met anyone who is incredibly skilled. In other words, most of his combat experience is in abusing vegetables or slaying monsters. This is the first time he has fought against someone stronger than him.

Perhaps this punishment task is to let him see the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth, right?

However, Ye Kai is not guaranteed to lose, he still has a chance.

the other side.

"Zacks, are you okay?" Claude took off his helmet and said anxiously.

Claude has blond hair and blue eyes, very handsome.

His eyes were full of melancholy, and he seemed to be a weak person in everything he did.

However, this kind of person can easily arouse a girl's motherhood, and coupled with his good looks... he is so handsome!

"'s okay, as expected of Sephiroth, if he confronts head-on, I'm afraid no one can match him." Zacks coughed up two mouthfuls of blood.

Although he was pierced through the abdomen, he had soaked in the magic furnace before, and his recovery ability was amazing, but his life was not in danger.

It's just that it's unrealistic to want to participate in such a battle.

"Can that person stop Sephiroth?" Claude raised his head and looked at Ye Kai with some melancholy.

But when his eyes accidentally touched Tifa, he lowered his head again and put the helmet on silently.

"I don't know, his martial arts are very strange, Sephiroth is difficult to adapt to, plus that big guy who doesn't know how to make it, it should be fine." Zacks said weakly.

Tifa in the distance frowned.

It's okay if you don't help at this time, what does this mean?

For Cloud, Tifa was full of disappointment.

She doesn't care whether Claude is strong, but whether he has the courage to face the strongest opponent.

Not even willing to protect himself, how could he still remember the previous agreement?

Maybe, forget it.

She has not fallen in love with Claude yet. In the original book, after getting along with Claude for a long time, she understood that Claude's years of hard work were only for the agreement with herself, and she was moved by Claude.

Ye Kai, the butterfly, made Cloud appear in front of Tifa in advance.

You know, in the original book, Tifa's father was killed by Sephiroth, and Tifa went to Sephiroth with hatred to fight desperately, and Cloud and Zack appeared after being knocked unconscious by Sephiroth...

Cloud didn't deal with Sephiroth now, mainly because he was afraid of causing trouble to Zacks and Ye Kai, but the fight is so fierce now, how can Tifa have time to think so deeply?

in the field.

Queser wheeled the huge totem, bit by bit oppressing Sephiroth's movement space.

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