As for Ye Kai, swordsmanship emerges endlessly, cross cut, wave split, ghost cut, upward pick, ghost inside, flat cut, what's the use.

He also discovered that Sephiroth's fighting instinct is too strong, and he can always find Ye Kai's flaws.

The only way is to make him unadapted, unadapted to his own swordsmanship, unadapted to his own fighting style.

Right now, Ye Kaigui Swordsman's skills are still too few, and there are no moves that can determine the world, or lethal moves, so he must give it a go!

The opportunity is coming!

Ye Kai successfully provoked Sephiroth with a split wave, and the energy of magic raged in his body.

It's a pity that the damage of this move is not satisfactory, and it can't give Sephiroth more damage.

And Queser is also very powerful, seeing the opportunity to hit Sephiroth's head with a totem.


Sephiroth's head was severely injured, but he was still fine.

This guy is simply not human!

Ye Kai once watched the Son of Final Fantasy come. Claude was shot in the head and just scratched the skin. Several people threw up a hundred-story high-rise building with force, and even cut it with a sword. A dragon-like creature died.

In addition, Zacks, Sephiroth, and the sword glow that will shoot when you chop.

The power system in this world is definitely not as simple as normal swordsmanship.

stab, stab...

Sephiroth got up and stabbed twice, taking advantage of Ye Kai's time to withdraw his moves, one knife stabbed Ye Kai's left thigh, and the other stabbed Ye Kai's abdomen.

A sneer suddenly hung on the corner of Ye Kai's mouth, his red pupils turned black, and he grabbed Sephiroth's blade, preventing him from pulling it out.

Sephiroth's face changed, he didn't know what Ye Kai wanted to do.


A powerful force erupted from him!

Volatility broke out!

This is what he was waiting for.

Sephiroth's knife is too long, which is equivalent to a mid-range attack, and he has no way to control the enemy with one move.

But there are many ways to defeat him, and you don't need to choose the dumbest one.

Sephiroth was stunned.

This kind of fighting method of killing each other and exploding is simply unheard of!

The moment Ye Kai got close to him, he knocked him off the tube with a wave burst.

Of course, it's not over yet.

After all, the opponent is Sephiroth, even if he falls, he can find his balance and then jump up again.

Taking advantage of Sephiroth being shaken down, Cheser hugged him, her arms firmly stuck on Sephiroth's body like iron clamps.

Something unexpected happened, and Sephiroth sneered from below.

He held Zhengzong tightly in the air, and suddenly let go, and Zhengzong just fell into the air.

I saw him turn sideways in the air, adjust the angle, and suddenly changed from a horizontal position to a head-down position.

He saw the timing and kicked out.


Zhengzong flew back at twice the speed before, so fast that Ye Kai didn't even realize it!


Ye Kai's right chest was immediately pierced by Zhengzong...

Chapter 118 The Traveler

"Win?" Claude said in disbelief.

"It looks like it is." Zack smiled wryly.

Although Ye Kai's move was perfect, it could only force Sephiroth back. He didn't believe that Sephiroth would just fall to his death, even if the big man died with him.

According to the task, Ye Kai really won, because the task shows the completion status.

But Ye Kai knew that although he defeated Sephiroth in this battle, he still lost.

On the flat ground, he would not be Sephiroth's opponent even if he added Chase and Zack, this time it was pure luck.

Sephiroth is not in good condition and has consumed a lot of energy.

Even so, Zacks was seriously injured, Ye Kai was seriously injured, and it took another puppet and a bottle of potion to barely win him.

Ye Kai also believed that Sephiroth would not just fall to his death, but his puppet was doomed.

[Defeat Sephiroth, gain experience by 50% (kill is 200%, puppet assists, plot characters join the battle, experience drops by 50%)]

【The task is completed, you can return at any time】

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