【Please return the original】

Ye Kai suddenly heard such a prompt.

Sure enough, Sephiroth was not dead.

Ye Kai shook his head, and pulled out Zhengzong from his right chest without changing his face.

Claude, Tifa, and Tifa's father all looked at Ye Kai in shock, what a tough guy!

Ye Kai thought it was nothing. In the dark world, he was used to such injuries later on.

Although the pain is very painful, I would grin my teeth for a while in normal times.

But now it's different, the one looking at him is the goddess in his heart!Under such circumstances, how could he show that unbearable expression.

His teeth were almost crushed by himself, and cold sweat was streaming down his head.

Finally, Zhengzong was drawn out by him, and with his blood, he threw it down.

Claude and Zacks were stunned for a moment again, that was Sephiroth's authentic, just lost it like this?

Seeing that Ye Kai is also a swordsman, it shouldn't be!

In other words, he thought that Sephiroth was dead, and out of respect for this opponent, he returned the weapon to him.

Ye Kai conveniently bought another bottle of novice HP potion, drank it, and felt much better, with fifty gold coins left in his bag, his teeth were itchy.

Although slow recovery is fine, who knows if Zack and Claude will shoot him?You know, his left arm is not hidden at all.

Unfortunately, those corals cannot be sold for money, and neither are the gems in the dark.

"Are you OK?"

A handkerchief was handed over.

Hearing the melodious voice of a bird, Ye Kai felt that the pain in his body disappeared immediately. He took the handkerchief and said with a smile, "It's okay, thank you."

Then he wiped the sweat off his brow, then froze.

Should I return this handkerchief or keep it for myself?

If I go back, I have already used it, and the white handkerchief has turned gray when I tossed and tumbled just now.

But if you don't pay it back, will you be regarded as an idiot?


Originally, the atmosphere was very dignified, and Tifa handed Ye Kai a handkerchief out of politeness.

But Ye Kai's embarrassing expression made her feel very interesting. This person looked like an indifferent top swordsman when he fought against Sephiroth, and he looked like a tough guy when he drew his sword just now.

But now, his true colors are revealed. After all, he is about the same age as himself, and his strength cannot make up for his emotional intelligence.

Claude helped Zack up and walked in front of Ye Kai.

Zacks put his right hand on Ye Kai's shoulder, and said with a hearty smile: "Not bad, I didn't expect a passerby to be so powerful, defeating even Sephiroth."

"However, the villagers are still dead..." Claude whispered beside him.

Suddenly, the atmosphere became heavy again.

Zack sighed, not knowing what to say.

This time, he made a mistake.

Who would have thought that Sephiroth would become distorted because of the question of "who am I?"

Even Claude's mother was buried under the knife of Sephiroth.

Survivors in the entire village, do not know how many more.

"Sorry, I'm late." Ye Kai whispered.

In fact, there is nothing wrong with him, but he still said something.

"I'm too weak..." Claude lowered his head again.

"Hmph." Tifa snorted coldly, and ignored Cloud, who was even more depressed.

"I didn't stop him..." Zack said sadly.

"Thank you, young man, if it weren't for you, I would have to explain here." Tifa's father also came over at this time.

When Tifa walked towards Ye Kai just now, he was very nervous. After all, Ye Kai acted too aggressively just now, he looked like a mercenary licking blood with a knife.

But later Ye Kai's true colors made him see something different.

He had a feeling that this kid either fell in love with his daughter, or he had some conspiracy.

Who is Ye Kai?How did he get here?

Now this issue is more important than the village!

First figure out who Ye Kai is and what he does here, and then think about the village.

An unknown person who appears here is a ticking time bomb!

Ye Kai shook his head and said with a smile: "It's okay, it will be of great help to me to discuss with him."

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