"Can you tell me about your identity now?" Tifa crossed her arms and asked curiously.

She was also very anxious when something happened in the village, but it was too late to go back now, and she was more curious about Ye Kai's identity.

It was too a coincidence that he appeared here before.

There was the enemy Sephiroth just now, and all the people had no time to get to the bottom of it.

But now that Sephiroth has been beaten down, this issue becomes very important.

"I'm a ghost swordsman, a traveler, and I'm here to challenge Sephiroth." Ye Kai didn't lie, but his words were very vague.

Tifa wanted to speak again, but Zacks suddenly stretched out his hand and said in a deep voice, "There are people coming, and there are quite a few of them, let's go out!"

The geographical location here is not good for everyone, as long as a few machine guns, they can stay here.

Ye Kai is probably the only one who can escape at that time.

After all, Zacks is also seriously injured now.

Ye Kai's pupils shrank slightly, it really wasn't that simple.

Although he could return now, he didn't do that. He didn't take the ten fate coins seriously, but the fan windbreaker was an artifact of the past, and he wanted to collect it very much.

And Tifa was here again, he didn't want to leave a mess for Tifa.

In Ye Kai's understanding of this world, this paragraph is very vague, only knowing that Tifa was rescued by her master.

But now, he doesn't know whether it will change because of Ye Kai's appearance.

"Okay." Ye Kai said in a deep voice.

Cloud supported Zack, and Tifa followed his father.

And Ye Kai, naturally wants to lead the way.

In the current state of everyone, I am afraid that he is the only one who still has the strength to fight.

Tifa's father frowned slightly, he felt that things were not that simple, could it be that Shinra wanted to...

Thinking of this, cold sweat broke out on his head, what if it was really what he thought?

Chapter 119 Surrounding

After a while, everyone walked out.

The scene outside surprised everyone.

A middle-aged man in a white coat led a team of special forces, and more than thirty Shinra soldiers, surrounded the place.

Those Shinra special forces wore similar clothes to Zacks, and they all carried standard long swords, which Zacks had used before.

The Shinra soldiers, on the other hand, were dressed in the same standard clothes as Claude, except that some used swords and some used guns.

The middle-aged man wears glasses, combs his hair back, wears a white shirt and tie inside, his eyes are shining brightly, and looks like a scientific lunatic.

His name is Baojo, and he is mentioned in Final Fantasy VII and Crisis Core.

He is a scientist who is too obsessed with experimentation, and his son Sephiroth is his most outstanding work.He is the core character of the game, and almost all the events and clues mentioned in the game are based on him.

It's not a good sign that he's here now.

Shinra special forces can be said to be the strongest sequence of Shinra, even Sephiroth is a first-level special soldier.

They are powerful in combat, and it is no problem to ride a thousand horses. In front of them, there are six Shenluo second-level special forces.

In this Nibelheim incident, Shinra did not expect that Sephiroth would rebel. This time Hojo came to clean up the mess, and more to cover up the truth of this incident.

"Baojo?" Zacks frowned slightly, and he could tell that the other party was not kind.

Claude remained silent, but clenched his fists tightly.

"Catch the two of them, and kill the rest." Baotiao said calmly.

This seemingly inhumane order was taken for granted, both in his eyes and in the eyes of the soldiers.

The orders to the soldiers were that these men caused the fire at Nibelheim, and the massacre.

Sephiroth is their leader.

It would be unbelievable to only say that they rebelled, but adding Sephiroth would make sense.

After all, Sephiroth's prestige among special forces and civilians is unmatched by any special forces.

Ask yourself, if Sephiroth wants to pull these soldiers or special forces to defect, they may all be persuaded by Sephiroth.

"What?" Tifa looked at Baojo incredulously, he wanted to kill everyone here indiscriminately?She thought these people were reinforcements!

"Wait, keep that one too." Hojo had been paying attention to Zacks, and the rest were just trash.

However, one person fell into his sight, and that was Ye Kai.

That bloody ghost hand contained powerful power, and it felt stronger than Xenovia!

There was excitement in Baotiao's eyes. This person's genes may be a breakthrough across the ages!

Must, must keep him, and then use it for experiments to see what is going on.

Claude's eyes widened, staring at Baojo.

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