Although Primon of Corrosion will not harm Zacks and others, only Tifa is regarded as a teammate by Ye Kai's heart.

The whole world has become black and white.

Ye Kai's strange red pupils also turned black.

Speaking of team battles, how could it be possible not to join the Great Shura?

Ye Kai raised the split wound in his hand, and slashed forward fiercely, a huge x-shaped sword light struck first!

Shura evil light cut.

The complexion of Shenluo's special forces changed, and two of them rushed out, one left and one right, with crossed swords, resisting Ye Kai's sword light stubbornly.

This sword light turned out to be like an entity!

The feet of the two stepped on the ground and sank at least three centimeters deep.

hum, hum...

The two of them didn't move their feet, but retreated five or six meters, scaring Hojo back again and again.

Even with just one move, the two of them were seriously injured.

There were also two ordinary soldiers who did not know how to live or die, and their heads were cut open in an instant.

This unscientific!

The two thought so, they didn't dare to let go, if they let go, who knows if they would be cut in half by the sword light.

Besides, Hojo is still behind them.

And that ghost formation made all the enemies confused, they are not Sephiroth, they are not surprised by anything, this simply broke their common sense!

In this ghost formation, they felt that they were getting weaker and weaker, as if the blood was being sucked out of their bodies little by little.

But Baojo, looking at Ye Kai with more and more excited eyes, made Ye Kai a little scared.

This guy doesn't have the surname Herrington, does he?

Baojo led the ten soldiers back again and again, and stopped when they retreated outside the range of the ghost formation.

And Tifa's father also shot immediately.

The few of them saw Ye Kai's ghost formation just now, although they really want to know what it is, but now is not the time to chat.

bang, bang, bang...

The bullet flew towards Shinra's soldiers.

It's a pity that although his marksmanship was accurate, he only injured one in his haste.


The soldier who was shot took a deep breath. The shot was shot past his neck. If he was more accurate, he would go to hell.

A trace of blood ran down his neck, but he didn't bandage it, and he didn't have time to bandage him.

Because, this is in battle.

Needless to say, Zack's grasp of the fighter plane, when he was in Ye Kaikai's state, he took turns destroying the big sword and rushed up.

"Claude, follow me!" Zack yelled.

Claude was also unambiguous, and rushed up with Zacks.

The three Shinra special forces looked at Zack with bright eyes and greeted him.

This is an excellent special soldier, and the bonus for winning him is astonishingly high.

And Ye Kai and Tifa, one left and one right, rushed forward, and Tifa's father followed behind them.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh...

Those soldiers were not chaotic, or gathered together to spawn monsters for Ye Kai, but formed two layers of encirclement circles that were not too big or too small.

The inner circle is for swords, and the outer circle is for guns.

bang, bang, bang...

Da da da……

All the bullets greeted Ye Kai and the others. Naturally, they didn't hit the vitals for the three Baotiao people, but they were not so polite to Tifa and her father.

This kind of battle with a huge disparity in numbers will definitely last for a short time.

Even Ye Kai's recovery power didn't reach the abnormal level after one turn.

The most important thing is that he has too few skills now, no big lethal skills yet, and the group combat skills have been blocked by those two special forces.

Punishment tasks, the opponent's force value is very high.


Ye Kai slashed back a Shinra special soldier with a sword, blocking behind Tifa.

bang, bang, bang...

Three bullets hit his shoulder, one hit his left chest, and one hit his leg.

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