But a strange thing happened, these bullets could only pierce Ye Kai's flesh less than one centimeter, his body was as hard as a rock!

Unless they are strong at the level of Sephiroth or special forces, the damage of these soldiers is simply not enough.

Ye Kai frowned slightly, he didn't really care about this level of scars.

If the opponent can't break through his defense, he can really get out.

"Uncle, Tifa, hide by my side!" Ye Kai shouted.

He may not be able to protect two people, but he will try his best.


A long sword slashed at Ye Kai, who was the special soldier who was forced back by him just now.


The long sword collided with the crack, and a gap was cut out immediately.

Cracking is not comparable to this standard long sword.

The special soldier was full of surprise, the standard long sword was also made of the best steel, and this man's weapon was too perverted, it couldn't be more authentic than Sephiroth's!

His arm was a little numb from the shock, Ye Kai's combat power was not something he could resist alone.

Seeing Ye Kai's easy-going, unchanging expression, at least one more.

The most frightening thing is that Ye Kai now obviously suffered a penetrating wound on his abdomen, his right chest was also pierced, and his left hand was also covered in blood.

Injured like this, still so fierce?

Ye Kai gritted his teeth and said bitterly: "Sister, there is a kind of heads-up!"

The doll's cooldown time is coming soon, but with this posture, how can he have the time to release the doll for him?

The special soldier on the opposite side smiled and said, "War is not about fighting alone."

Ye Kai twitched at the corner of his mouth. How could this trick have the face to fight back?If it wasn't for protecting Tifa, Yuto couldn't be chosen...

Not the time to think about these things.

bang, bang, bang...

Seven or eight bullets hit Ye Kai's back again.

Although it couldn't penetrate Ye Kai's skin, the vibration of this thing still made people feel very painful.

Seeing that Ye Kai was distracted, the special forces swept his sword towards Ye Kai.

With a flash of light from the corner of Ye Kai's eye, he dodged the sword and stood in front of Tifa again.

Bang, bang.

Two swords fell on Ye Kai's body.

It's a pity that the strength of these ordinary soldiers couldn't break Ye Kai's defense at all, they could only make him hurt a little.

"Thank you." Tifa said softly.

She had been fighting two soldiers just now, and at this time her disadvantage of not using weapons became apparent. She was not the master of fighting skills in the later stage, and she was always a bit restrained when dealing with weapons.

She can barely entangle with two of them, but there are two other two attacking her.

Tifa could only smile wryly, these soldiers were in battle, regardless of gender.

Fortunately, she has been pestering the two of them, and she has been relying on body skills to deal with them, otherwise, the soldiers behind will shoot her.

If you shoot her, Ye Kai will definitely block the bullet for her, and her father will be more dangerous.

Even if no one shoots now, it still causes trouble for Ye Kai.

He obviously could walk by himself, why didn't he walk by himself?Spending time with them here?Tifa was puzzled.

Ye Kai didn't look at Tifa, because the special soldier came again, he just replied: "It's okay, it should be."

Tifa was taken aback, why should it be?I didn't know him before.

What Ye Kai said was naturally that he had liked Tifa on the screen for ten years, and he should protect her...

Chapter 121 Fighting Grandmaster

the other side.

Zacks is having a hard time right now, and he is about to lose. Two Shinra special forces are attacking from left to right, and he is no match at all.

Now his combat strength is less than [-]%, not to mention breaking through, it may not be possible to delay it for a few minutes.

Bang, bang.

The two long swords all fell on his destruction sword.

Blood flowed from his abdomen again due to excessive force.

Zacks stared at the two special forces, and shouted, "Why don't you listen to my explanation?"

One of the special forces said indifferently: "This is a mission, Zacks, surrender. When you return to the company, someone will give you an explanation."

The other said in a deep voice: "Yeah, Zacks, they won't wrong you, surrender."

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