Fresh blood spurted out from the wound immediately, splashing on Ye Kai's face, making Ye Kai look hideous and terrifying.

"What are you doing!" Tifa's father yelled.

Although the voice was loud, it could be heard that he was short of breath and was on the verge of dying.

Now he can only lie quietly on the ground, watching Ye Kai "molest" his daughter.


A bullet landed in Ye Kai's hand, and Ye Kai's face turned pale because of the forceful use of mana.

He didn't answer, and he didn't speak, because now was not the time to speak, and his magic power was running out, so he couldn't just faint like this.

The energy, brainpower, and timing predictions consumed in the battle with Sephiroth are fundamental.

As for those special forces, although it is a bit difficult, they are not exhausted to the current state of exhaustion.

Ye Kai clenched his teeth, and put his hand on Tifa's father again.


"Ah..." Tifa's father also yelled, in great pain.

However, he also knew that Ye Kai was not obscene, but had business to do...

In Ye Kai's hand, there were three more bullets.

Finally, he took out the two bullets in his back.

He clenched his teeth during the whole process, and he didn't show any wavering expression at all. He could bear this level of pain.

Ye Kai then took out a bottle of life potion from the dark world from the package. This thing was useless to him, and he didn't know if it would be useful to the world other than the dark world.

Opened the bottle cap, poured some lightly according to Tifa's wound.

The hideous blood hole in Tifa's chest healed at a speed visible to the naked eye, leaving no scar at all.


Ye Kai and Tifa breathed a sigh of relief at the same time.

It is understandable that Tifa breathed a sigh of relief, but it is a bit intriguing for Ye Kai to breathe a sigh of relief.

"Quick, save my father!" Tifa grabbed Ye Kai's hand and said anxiously.

"Drink it." Ye Kai felt dizzy after saying these three words.


Ye Kai finally passed out, and the last consciousness was that Tifa's father drank half of it and poured the other half into Ye Kai's mouth after the wound healed.

Wasted, I seem to be dying from blood loss...

This is Ye Kai's last thought.

Half a month later, Nibelheim.

Now it has been fully restored, and some villagers have re-lived, most of whom are disguised by Shinra personnel.

Shinra's aftermath work can be said to be very good at it, it should be said that he is used to it.

The killings they caused are simply incalculable.

Although Shinra seven years later is a qualified company and a qualified leader, they are still ruining the lives of the entire planet now.

Hojo looked at the rebuilt Nibelheim and showed a sneer.

It is exactly the same as before, only some residents have been changed.

The test product has been brought back.

He wandered over to the Shinra Mansion, which was filled with soldiers and researchers.

In the underground library, Hojo looked at the two huge Mako experimental platforms, Zacks and Cloud, who were soaking in it.

They are the backup Sephiroth clones.

Now Claude is in a trance, his physique is very average, soaking in it is undoubtedly a death.

However, in Baotiao's eyes, it doesn't matter. Anyway, there are as many experimental products as there are, and if one dies, the next one will be added.

Claude's memory has now begun to appear chaotic, and he is accepting Zack's memory.

And Zacks is obviously a standard special soldier. It's not that he hasn't soaked in the magic furnace, that's how he got his power, and he has a high resistance to the magic furnace.

"Cisner, there is also an accident in the Moko furnace in Kelier Village, let someone fix it." Baotiao said indifferently.

His order was to slaughter the village.

A girl in a suit nodded and said, "Okay, do you have any samples to bring back?"

Baotiao shook his head, and said calmly: "I don't need it for the time being, the most important thing is the boy with the red arm. Intensify the search and arrest. I have a hunch that the power in his body and possible new discoveries may change the situation. The whole world."

"Yes, sir. However, we have been searching for half a month, and we can't find anyone at all. The blood left by him during the battle has been checked, and he doesn't look like a human being." Sisner bowed his head.

"Oh? Interesting. Then strengthen the defense here. Since they know each other, they might come here to snatch people. These two guys, I didn't expect to use bait." Baojo looked at Claude and Zacks, said coldly.

"Okay, what about the search and arrest operation?" Sisner nodded and wrote down Hojo's words with a pen.

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